The Becoming God

Sunday, August 11, 2024

T. L.'s City - the Gospel's Completeness

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is really very simple: the Milta (manifest as Jesus) accepted all punishment for our lawlessness (being unlike God in any way) upon Itself, and died. He rose from the dead with the right to forgive and to perfect us into being Him. Saving faith is belief that the punishment is a done deal, that Jesus forgives us in real repentance, and that we proceed with the perfecting.

I heard an African pastor's testimony, that he was in heaven and saw the glow of a city on the horizon. "Oh, that is T. L. Osborn's city," replied his guide. T. L. Osborn believed that this Bible world is real, that Jesus was the Messiah, what I know as the Milta, that he really came manifest in the flesh and really died as our substitute on the cross, and that by His redemption WE ARE RETURNED TO THE STATE OF NEVER HAVING SINNED, AS JESUS NEVER SINNED. The Milta took it all, and gave us His all. THAT is HERE, and NOW. That is the state in which we approach God and pray: we are to Him . . . the Milta.

I hope to meet T. L. Osborn some day, to thank him for his books, for his perspective, and for his belief in completeness.


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