The Becoming God

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Genesis 3:8 -- A Better Translation Indicates That God Was PISSED.

This isn't my next post. That is still forthcoming.

I invite you to watch and listen to this video: Genesis 3:8 Sound of the Lord Walking in the Garden "Most Mistranslated Series"

Adam and Eve desired independence from God and acted selfishly, disbelieving and rejecting God. God knew it, and was PISSED! He came angrily thrashing in a thunderous storm to confront Adam and Eve: "Where the heck do you think you're running off to?" He turned Adam and Eve over to Satan--ignorance and death. Illness and suffering, pain, confusion and despair (all this living hell we're in in our worlds without God) were God's retribution for man's rejection of the Great King. The Great King nevertheless came to earth as man and kept all the Law (don't say that it can't be done; Jesus says, "Oh, really?" - there is no excuse), AND DIED IN OUR STEAD TO SAVE US FROM HIS RETRIBUTION FOR REJECTING HIM.

THAT is a loving and merciful God. He did that for us, and you, having heard of it, still reject Him, the eternal, infinite, all-powerful King of Kings? You still disbelieve and reject His words? You've got more balls than you've got common sense. Go selfless, man, go selfless, before you have to face Him in an even more pissed off state.

Saturday, November 02, 2024

A Lesson From China

You might have noticed I took quite a hiatus from early September to late October this year. It was not just because my wife and I went to Taiwan for a couple of weeks and got Covid on the way back. I have really been distraught over what I have seen of T. L. (and Daisy) Osborn's version of the Gospel, which I discerned from several of his books (and from several other authors) I read before our trip to Taiwan, and the factor of our living our everyday lives without God. I am not sure just what to do about it.

For I had also been watching many videos on mainland China's rapidly deteriorating economy and its effects on the general population (whether they be true or not I do not know, though I do know that they are propaganda). A basic doctrine in Marxism (as I understand it) is that there is no God, therefore there is no judgment, no morals, and no right or wrong--belief in them is "reactionary." The only thing that matters is the State (which, if you are an elite, you read as control by the elites). The people are very distraught, and they have no knowledge of the real God to call upon.

Now, I had just been reading and listening to the Osborns' testimony, their essential and effective understanding of the Gospel, and I had been recounting my own evidentiary experiences with God for my sisters, and in Taiwan I encounter unnumbered cases of the ill effects of lives without God--almost as bad as that in the United States, and of the blessed effect of having a life WITH God. So I am wondering, how do I promulgate the saving, healing Gospel in a Godless and closed nation (people) like mainland China? How can they be saved if they cannot hear?

Maybe I had better explain/draw out Osborn's Gospel (please see the next post, forthcoming).

The Milta (Miltha) is Right, Proper, and Fitting Relationships

John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Milta." That is how the Aramaic reads. The Milta was before the beginning. The Milta is the Beginning of all things: nothing has ever come into existence without being from and of the Milta.

The Milta is the manifestation of the consciousness of the Ineffable Being we call God. The Milta is not just "like" God, He IS God manifest--not two, but one in two forms. And what do we find the Milta to be? Right relationships. Why? Because all that God is . . . is right relationships. There is no disharmony, no wrong or improper relationship within Him.

When the Milta became physically manifest in our history, He was all right relationships. All the relationships man had been wrong in, the Milta did again . . . all right. This doctrine is called recapitulation (For students of theology: Irenaeus' Recapitulation). I.e., what we have stated wrong with our lives due to ignorance and disbelief, Christ restated with His in wisdom and faith.

What are we as Christians called upon to do? Maintain all right relationships. Why? Because God manifests as people in right relationships.