The Becoming God

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Bible: Summary Analysis

As the Beginning, the Milta (Miltha) sinned THROUGH us.

As the Messiah, the Milta died FOR us.

As the End, the Milta acts TO GET us.

The Milta is God's "get it; got it; good."

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Story Is Enough

I wrote this for my sister on one of my other blogs, a personal blog for her. I think it holds true for everyone else, too.

Regarding the Bible, I have got 49 years of studying theology, and 49 years of reflecting on apparent "reality" and the Bible. Of the two, I'd say that reflecting on the Bible and reality were the more important and fruitful undertakings. Reality comes in three forms: 1) what the Bible says is going on, 2) the reality we experience, and 3) the ontic spiritual reality.

My impression is that the spiritual ontic reality is a field of consciousness that wants to be known so that it can exist in "form" via its knowers. In the reality we experience, we are agents of this form's manifestation. Trying to pick this apart would drive us mad, as it has (reportedly) some people. Does anything really exist? Are both God and ourselves imagination? You can write books endlessly on the questions that arise; philosophies--some conflicting--complete with proof texts, and not get one inch closer to what anything is really about.

The Consciousness and Its mission are not really that complex. We are to live in a consciousness of faith, of expectation of the Consciousness being what It says It is. We are to rely on Its reliability, to be in the state that It is in, to trust and obey. All of this is to be a state of mind, an attitude that no matter might come up, the Field and the Consciousness are right, because they were first, and the Ineffable was before them.

This doesn't sound very romantic, but it is. It is a love story, a romance: we're a bride. Our husband is our maker, and he has paid EVERYTHING to win us. Even to the simplifying of all the complexities of our formation and ascension via the qualities and interactions of forces in the ontic reality, into a simple, simple story about people getting through this life and accomplishing what the Consciousness wants and its mission fulfilled. Do I believe in a "fer real" historical human Jesus Christ--Eashoa Msheekha in his language? Yes, I do. But I do not think a historical HUMAN Christ is necessary. It is the Jesus Christ QUALITY the bible story is ABOUT that matters. That spiritual-reality QUALITY created us, died for us, justified us, provides the spiritual breath's enlivening of us. WE ONLY HAVE TO BELIEVE THE STORY ABOUT THE MILTA AND IT MISSION, ITS MAN. The reality is behind Him. We believe the story, and the GOD-QUALITY accounts it as believing Him, which is where we went wrong in the first place. This puts us back where we should have been when we became humans, even a little bit better: we graduate from here as the man.

It matters that we believe, for that is the scientific adjustment of our spirit to being like the Consciousness. It is our faith that His Word is true that saves us. We do not want to pass into that world without matching its quality. That Quality is with us all the time, monitoring us 24/7 from within, influencing us, guiding us to the Life It desires for us. I'd think that for you girls/women it would be easy to accept this marriage, for that is what it really is: Someone loved you enough to die for you.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Matthew 7:22 Why Is What They Do Lawlessness?

"Many will say to me on that day, 'My Lord, my Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name perform great powers?' And then I will declare to them that, 'I never knew you, go away from me, workers of abomination'" (Matthew 7:22-23 Alexander).

What is the "abomination" they work? Here is a hint from the Book of Daniel: "...So as the obligations may be concluded, and the sins may be curtailed, so that the abominations shall be abandoned, and that they may usher in the eternal righteousness, such as the vision and the prophesies* may be fulfilled, and to the Anointed One we may commit our blessings" (Daniel 9:24 Alexander).The abominations abandoned when we usher in the eternal righteousness are OUR independently directed lives. Abomination is our taking credit for what He does. We must recognize that these lives, "our" lives, are HIS life, that we are NOT independent. The workers of abomination, aka evil, iniquity, and lawlessness in other translations, make the mistake of seeing themselves as independent of Jesus, as working for and with Him, but not seeing that their works are HIS works: "Did not we . . . "

It's the same fault Nebuchadnessar committed: "King Nebuchadnasser was walking on top of his kingdom's temple, when he declared and said, "Was not this the Babylon that I built as the seat of my kingdom,* of my stronghold* and of my honor?" And while the manifestation was still in his mouth, the voice came from heaven, "I say to you, Nebuchadnasser the king, that your kingdom has been taken* from you" (Daniel 4:29-31 Alexander, emphasis mine).

Kind of short on the humility. Nebby. "WE" do not do anything of ourselves. All power, all work, all glory is God's. We are His Manifestation, manifestation of Him, not of ourselves. Being Him is a GIFT. So do great things for Him, AS Him, submitted TO Him.

We go to hell for what "WE" have done; We go to heaven for what HE has done.

God TAKES all the credit, all the blame, all the sin, all the punishment. Give it to Him, so that He can give you all His Life.

"The Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes." -- We aren't us, we're Him.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

A New Blog: Letters For A Sister, A Personal Communication

I got saved in 1975, and as Jesus literally SPOKE to me at the House of Praise, I set off to find what else He had spoken to other people. I had barely qualified to graduate from high school in 1967, and one of God's miracles was my matriculating university at Melodyland School of Theology as a junior. My elder sister didn't care anything for religion. But as I am now 75, and she is in her 80s, I am compelled to communicate to her what I have learned. So I have started a new blog, Letters For a Sister. I have stories to tell, evidence, of events in the present which have proven to me that Jesus Christ--Eashoa Msheekha--IS God AS Man.

I sent my sister Victor Alexander's translation of John and Story of Jesus From His Own Words. Knowing that even these will need explanation, I sent her a brief treatise of my theology, and, knowing that that will need explanation, started this new blog of stories: Letters For A Sister. I call them my "80 Papers," from David Crosby's observation that when you turn 80, you are going to die pretty soon: "That is how that works," he said. So, I've got to get serious, and get things done. I might have to send her a smart phone so she can read them, as she doesn't have smart phone, e-mail, or Internet. I don't know if she can get data. Maybe I can get her a data sim card. I'd seriously appreciate your prayers.