The Becoming God

Wednesday, February 05, 2025

God Confirms His Word

Essential to T. L. Osborn's technique of healing is the belief that ALL (!), i.e., ALL sickness, sin and death and corruption and disease and conflict and turmoil result from Adam's not believing what God had said. Satan had come and said in response to Eve's claims about the tree, "Nah, He didn't mean it." That is the crux of the matter for Osborn: Adam believed that God didn't really mean what He had said, thinking "It'll be okay."

Seventy years after Nebuchadnezzar had laid waste to Jerusalem and carried off the surviving Jews to Babylon, many of the Jews that remained had come believe that God really DOES mean what He says, and that HE IS PLAYING HARDBALL with what we believe. Not believing what God has said will NOT be okay.

I have long suspected it, but I didn't want to accept that the Aramaic word Milta (Miltha) is feminine gender (as is the Holy Ghost). Of course it is; just as Eve is Adam's imagination, the Milta is God's imagination--the Mother of all living. The Life-giver of God, Jesus, is the Son of the Milta, who imagined (assumed to be) and became human seed in Mary's womb. Yes, His blood was different. The Messiah performed miracles to confirm God's words, that He was there for the reward of Daniel 9:24--us in the eternal righteousness.

And Messiah tells us that He has got it. That ALL power, ALL authority is given unto Him, that ALL punishment is paid, and that ALL sin can be forgiven . . . if we will but believe. Simply. do. what. the. Bible. says. to. do:

Believe in your heart
Surrender and submit to His lordship
Confess Him as your Lord
Learn of Him
Take His yoke upon yourself

Here is a warning: by miracles God confirms HIS WORD. You hear His words, you believe them (and thus in God and His power), and He confirms His WORDS with miracles. Satan confirms his self, glorifies his self with lying signs and wonders. They may be powerful, but they probably won't be associated with God's promises. Learn those puppies.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

SEVEN STEPS TO HEALING, as taught by T.L. Osborn

Many believe that Neville Goddard taught techniques of manifestation, i.e., of using God--the wonderful human imagination, to cause what one desires. Well, the imagining was to Neville a petition for God to fulfill. I believe that T. L. Osborn also had a technique of using God's Word to cause healing. Like Neville, Osborn claimed no special power or energy--it's God, not us, and like Neville insisted that one. simply. does. what. the. Bible. says. to. do.

So on a lark I googled "T. L. Osborn technique." In the results I found Five Steps To Healing by T. L. Osborn on Scribd. Not having a subscription, I googled that title and found Seven Steps To Healing by T. L. Osborn. They are essentially the same (the Five Steps technique actually has seven).

The Five Steps site has this intro:

Jesus Christ is THE SAME yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). TL wrote: "I've witnessed him open blind eyes, unstop deaf ears, loosen mute tongues, heal cripples, reverse paralysis, and cure cancer instantly. Whatever ails you: Christ will heal you now, if you Only Believe, and DO the following: Here's a summary: STEP ONE: KNOW that physical healing is part of Jesus' ministry TODAY. The age of miracles has not passed!"

SEVEN STEPS TO HEALING (as taught by T.L. Osborn)

Know that physical healing is part of Christ’s ministry today.
The age of miracles has not passed.

Know God’s Promises to heal in the Scriptures, and be convinced they are for YOU personally.

Understand that God wants you well.
Only Satan wants you to suffer.

Understand that Divine healing is included in your salvation.

Ask God to heal you according to His Promises and believe He hears you.

Believe when you pray that you have received what you asked for.

Praise the Lord for the answer, and ACT on His Promise.

These seven steps will bring about the fulfilment of any Promise God has made. Any blessing which Christ died to provide will manifest to anyone who follows these steps. You could summarize them in three points:

1) KNOW what God has promised.
2) ASK Him to DO what He has promised.
3) ACT like He has done what He has promised.

When you have a clear knowledge of God’s Promise to you, and have asked Him to fulfil it, then He expects you to begin to do, by faith, what you could not do before.
Your actions and praise prove the reality of your faith, and God confirms His Word to you.
Rise above your doubts and fears. Prove your faith by your actions.
Claim your liberty from Satan’s prison of sickness.
Now you can go free. Call on the Lord. Confess His Promise. Ask Him to fulfill it.
Believe He hears you. Claim your healing, and do what you couldn’t do before.
Your pains will vanish. Your weakness will turn to strength.
Light will come to blind eyes. Paralysed limbs will begin to move and feel.
God will assuredly confirm His promise.

Maybe you have been ill for a long time.
Prayed many times. Perhaps doctors have told you that your case is incurable.
If you’ve tried time and again to receive healing and failed, the Word of God still declares…
By his wounds you have been healed. 1 Pe. 2:24
Take new courage. Say, “Nevertheless, because you say it, I believe it…I am healed!”
Believe it now with all your heart, and act on it.
The disheartened disciples fished all night, and caught nothing.
They were experts, yet they failed.
Jesus came, and told them to try again.
They did not argue or doubt.
They believed Christ’s Word enough to act on it, and caught a boat load.
To the father of the lunatic son Jesus said,
Everything is possible for him (or her) who believes. Mk. 9:23
If YOU will just believe, YOU will be healed right now where you are.
Rebuke and resist the enemy that has stolen your health, and claim it back!

Pray like this:
Heavenly Father:
Thank you for the wonderful truth that Christ has borne my diseases and my infirmities for me. Thank you that I don’t need to bear them because Jesus took them in my place. I am so glad to know Satan is to blame for my sickness, not you.

You want me to be well and strong so I can serve you. Thank you for giving me authority over all devils in Jesus’ Name.

Now Father, I come expecting you to fulfil your promise made to me;
I am the Lord who heals you Do it now in Jesus’ Name, according to your Word.
I rebuke the enemy who has caused my suffering.
In the Name of Jesus Christ,
I command the life of my sickness to leave, and every symptom to be destroyed by the power of God.
Father, I thank you that you have heard and answered me now.
I claim my healing now, according to your promise.
Thank you that the source of my sickness is destroyed, and as Jesus promised, I shall recover.

Now that you have prayed, and condemned your disease in Jesus’ Name, be assured your petition has been heard and answered.
…hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Heb. 10:23
Allow only God’s opinion concerning your healing, to pass from your lips.

If Satan suggests God has not heard and answered you…
Resist the devil and he WILL flee from you. Jas. 4:7
He is a liar. Jn. 8:44
God’s Word is true.
What God has done for others, He is doing for you right now.
Do what you couldn’t do before!

Monday, February 03, 2025

The Other Thing The Holy Ghost Said: The Milta (Miltha) And Hell

Yes, I have not been writing many posts recently. There are two big reasons for that. One is that I am tied up in that my eldest, eighty-two year old sister is not saved, and I desperately want to amend that. Unfortunately, she has banned anyone from speaking about anything "religious" to her.

The other reason is that I and my two sisters are seventy-five, seventy-eight, and eighty-two years of age respectively, which means that whatever happens when we die is going to be experienced pretty soon. I am not at all afraid of death, but up until yesterday (February 2, 2025), I was confused by all the different near death experiences I have seen testified to in YouTube videos.

I have got it that somewhere between ninety to one hundred percent of those testimonies are bogus, fictional accounts written as content in the online entertainment industry, but the "Christian" doctrine and its mechanism insinuated in their descriptions of hell challenged my theology and understanding of the Bible. I mean, who spends that much time really laying out what happens when we die? Though, if any one of those stories is true . . . 

Hell-fire and brimstone, unless you are saved, right? Well, in my confused state that was a maybe. And the possibility of eternal affliction and torment, even by an upset, spurned and offended Sovereign Lord, did not sit well with me. So I had to review the actual biblical doctrine and check the verses, search the concordances and dictionaries, and ask God, "What's the real deal?" I was reminded, then, that He had told me in Anaheim, California, that Jesus had come, "To set men free from sin and death and the pains of hell."

The pains of hell? That is the hell-fire and brimstone, eternal suffering after death of the wrath of God, right? Niet. As best as I can piece it together, God's project is His becoming manifest in this dimension. His imagined manifestation, the Milta, must become actualized as His literal manifestation. That is a result of the brew He is stirring in us--this world is God's process of generating these personal worlds without God into God Himself. The pains of hell are one's regret and remorse for not taking the proffered opportunity to become part of the actualized Milta, the literal Manifestation of the Ineffable Most High God.

"I could have . . ." Famous last words spoken in the cistern of consciousness after death, after the opportunity for light--becoming Life--is eternally gone. The pains of hell are the thoughts in which you to kick yourself forever, the depression for not getting on the bus--for not listening, for not humbling yourself, for not surrendering yourself to God, for not trusting and submitting to Christ in faith to become joined in Him as God's literal Milta.

Death is the end of conscious relationship with someone. Both parties are still conscious, but there is separation, departure, a loss of conscious awareness of each other. If we do not believe in Christ, the Messiah, the Milta, as our risen Savior--God--in this life, we already are dead. We have the potential to spark from this death into life, into awareness, by believing Christ's reward (the so-called "Gospel"), that He, by His successful, substitutionary work, was given us to become His completion as the actualized, literal Manifestation of the Goodness of God--His actualization in literal manifestation of the Eternal Consciousness. YOU!! He is calling us--you--to come unto Him. He does not give us life for having done more good in our lives than bad, but for being imbued with the Holy Ghost through submission in faith to Him. It is surrender, not works (but yeah, we do have to be His channels of spiritual power, and abandon the doing bad works).

Christ came to save us UNTO Himself. Christ IN us is our hope of Glory. He came to set us free from sin and death and the pains of hell--one hundred percent completed redemption. Opt in to the One who is within.

Support Victor N. Alexander

Victor Alexander, my favorite translator of the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures, is still making movies. Or at least he is wishing he could. This is the latest e-mail I have received from him:


Wed, Jan 1 at 5:58 PM

Happy New Year, Dan! I hope you and your family will have a blessed and happy new year. ... I am trying to get a free website now and free web hosting so I can promote my new feature film MALIBU SUNRISE, a PG-13 romantic comedy, which I hope I can distribute myself and make enough money to buy a house in Beverly Hills -- LOL.

God bless and Happy New Year,
Vic Alexander

I wish Vic, who is now in his eighties, and his lovely wife Liv, along with their children, all the success in the world.  His idiomatic English translations of the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures, with their Church of the East point of view, are immeasurably valuable.  Nowhere else have I heard of the Milta (Miltha), possibly the most earth-shattering, mind-blowing concept I have ever come across (see his footnote on John 1:1). God bless Vic Alexander, and if you do not have his translations, well, I wonder if you can really understand the other Bibles you have.