The Becoming God

Friday, December 27, 2024

Three Words/Concepts to Fix Your Theology

I have struggled for many years to understand what it is that is going on. In 1975, Jesus SPOKE to me directly into my brain. I determined to find out what else he has spoken to other men. I was sure that if he has spoken to other men as he had spoken to me, that they would certainly have published what he said. Well, they have, but institutionalized theology has changed some of the words and ideas God has spoken unto men. Contemplating what actually is being said through hundreds of sermons and hundreds of hours in seminary classes have given me a pretty good idea of what Christian theology is. In all my study, I have found three words in particular which seem not to be what they should. From these everything else appears to be screwed up. We want to learn what the words originally meant to the people who spoke them.

The first is the word 'gospel'. You know "Gospel" as the message about man's salvation by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is glad tidings, indeed. But the Greek word euaggelion, in the days when Jesus started his ministry, meant the REWARD that was given to those who brought the glad tidings. We are told in the Gospels that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and to believe in the REWARD. What reward? you ask. Look, for example, at Daniel 9:24. "Seventy seventies shall rest upon your nation and upon the town you revere, so as the obligations may be concluded, and the sins may be curtailed, so that the abominations shall be abandoned, and that they may usher in the eternal righteousness, such as the vision and the Prophets may be fulfilled, and to the Anointed One we may commit our blessings" (Alexander, footnotes incorporated). This says that by the end of 490 years in the town of Jerusalem, the obligations for sin shall be concluded, and that the promises of God for the salvation of man--guiltless approach to Him in eternal righteousness--shall be given TO THE MESSIAH (v. 25). Jesus came saying, "It's here! The time is just about fulfilled, believe in the REWARD--YOU(!)--I am about to receive through my death." THE JEWS WERE NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THE REPORT OF THE MESSIAH'S LIFE, BUT TO THE MESSIAH'S REWARD OF THEIR SALVATION. BELIEVE IN THE REWARD!!

The second word is Word; i.e., that Jesus is the Logos--Word--of God. What's a logos? God's expression? His illustration? His explanation? His mind or meaning? From Alexander's footnote on John 1:1, I learned that the original word was Milta (Miltha): in the beginning, as the Beginning, was the Milta, the Manifestation of the essential connotation of the Divine Being Itself. IT'S THE BIG GUY . . . IN THE FLESH, the Manifestation of the WHOLE. Not a story about God, but the real deal OF God from beginning to the end of the act.

The third word is Allaha, Aramaic for "God." The word "God," again, is wholly inadequate. The Aramaic Allaha implies the Allahoota, the WHOLE of the Godhead. Its components of the Divine Being, Its Manifestation, and their Spirit are distinct but not divided.

There are other words "off," as they say. E.g, Bullinger's margin note on Genesis 32:28 informs that in compound names with El or Jah, God, er, ALLAHA IS ALWAYS THE DOER OF THE VERB PORTION OF THE NAME. It was not man prevailing in contention with God, but God prevailing in contention with man THROUGH Jacob. (It was Esau who was changed through Jacob learning his lesson.) So Daniel would be "Allaha Judging," and etc. Oh, and the Hebrew word hayah, Strong's 1961, "is, am, are, were," etc. indicates TRANSITION, being in one state having BECOME SO FROM ANOTHER. See Bullinger's note on Genesis 1:2's "was."

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

The Mind, the Milta (Miltha), is Mechanical

There is a "thing," well, a "no-thing" actually, which we do not know. It is something we have no experience with, even though it is the source of our universe, our minds, our lives, our very being! This unknown non-being, this non-it, is completely incomprehensible and unimaginable; it is none of anything we do know. This non-thing/non-being is not of this dimension; it is beyond all we know of force, power, thought, mind, energy, spirit, and anything else we might fancy ourselves to have some experience with or comprehension of. Non-it is unexperienceable, but we know that it must exist, because we exist. "You can't get something from nothing," the adage goes. Well this is the No-thing we do get something from--everything from, for It is the source of everything. It became us. If we are here, It must be there. I call this ineffable non-being (...?); for It has no name other than its being what it is, which is unimaginable to us. From It, we are.

The No-thing, (...?), is pre-dimensional. Being non-existent in our sense, the No-thing has almost no course of agency. It has no corporal body, no locality, no "thing" by which to act. This fantastic non-being, though, projects consciousness. It is aware of being, of being conscious; i.e, It thinks. It is alive in this way: Its thinking has the power to become what it imagines it IS. It assumes to exist, and so it does. It is hard for us to imagine a being larger than multiple universes, a being so infinite and eternal, who has forever imagined and considered everything that can be--of every contingency of action, of every intercourse and interaction, and of their results. This is a non-being who has eternally contemplated what it would be like if it, the consciousness of the non-existentent (supra-existent), did exist. Long ago It asked, "What am I?" and now It states: "I AM . . . what I AM!" This is the Milta, the divine manifestation of the consciousness of the unmanifest Ineffable Being. The Milta, the essential connotation of the infinite and eternal Non-being, is Life Itself, and the Giver of Life to us. It is the Beginning and the End, the Flame in the bush--He who exists in the bosom of His Father (see John 1:1-18). This Milta is the mechanism of the Ineffable Being, the "Father" who became Jesus Christ.

Welcome to the project. This is the Milta Event of the Ineffable Being. SHOULD NOT SOMEONE HAVE TOLD US?! SHOULD NOT WE TELL OTHERS? The mechanism of the Milta is the Divine's very being. The Milta is the assumption of the Ineffable Being's manifestation becoming literally what the Ineffable Being assumes that It is, the stuff we call "reality." We are in the twain, ingredients for the Milta's substantiation into the literal existence of the Ineffable Being as an existent Being. Hence His farming us, His challenging and His cultivating His likeness, thought processes, emotions and values into us. In the Garden, before Satan came, we had everything!!!, and we threw it all away in NOT believing what God expressed. We thought we could do it, that we could be "as" Him . . . separate and without Him. We won Death, the loss of conscious contact with Him. Christ died as our substitute to redeem us, and God says that He, Jesus Christ, was ENTIRELY successful, that if we repent and ask Jesus for forgiveness, HE WILL FORGIVE US . . . ENTIRELY. Jesus went to the cross for the joy that was set before Him--the joy of His receiving the right to forgive us and to reconcile us unto God. He died FOR us: we became HIS: we are His reward! "Repent, and believe in the reward (that is to be mine" John 1:15 my literal translation--see Daniel 9:24). He demonstrates NOW to us that God's Word is true. We are to become incorporated into the Milta, "Milta-ized," to become Milta ourselves, the literal manifestation of essential connotation of the Consciousness of the Ineffable Father.

The way there is humility and humble submission to the Milta, the Father manifest. Or we can stick with the hope of Satan's lie, that we can become "as" God ourselves. I wouldn't bet on that one; the mechanism there does not look good.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Miltafication (Milthafication)

We are being milta-ized, made into the Milta, the Manifestation of the Divine. The manifestation of the unmanifest Ineffable "Being," the No-thing or (...?), is Its own consciousness. That consciousness has imagined what it would be like if It were manifest in this dimension . . . unto the assumption that It IS manifest in this dimension. That assumed-to-be-real Manifestation of the Divine is the Milta (Miltha), an existence of the essential connotation of the unmanifest Ineffable No-thing. THAT Being is becoming manifest in the literal sense, and we--this universe--is that process. We are in the generation of the Ineffable Being's literal Manifestation. Thus He was the Beginning of the heavens and the earth's creating, and He is the End of the act of their creation. Is not our becoming the Milta, our being milta-ized, Miltafication?

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Milta (Miltha) Event

It has taken me more than just a little time to understand what it is that is going on. This is the Milta Event--everything from Genesis 1:1 to the end of Revelation is one act: the Milta's becoming actualized. The Son of God, the assumed-by-the-Ineffable-Being-to-be-real Milta, is becoming LITERALLY what the Ineffable Being has assumed It to be.

We are dealing with a Divine Consciousness that is all powerful -- infinite, eternal, and powerful to become what It believes It is. This Divine Consciousness is the Manifestation of the Ineffable Being which has created the whole of the universe in order to make us, Its own physical/emotional/spiritual manifestation; i.e., "Man." The Aramaic name of this consciousness/being is Eashoa (ee-sho), the Life Giver, which is the essential connotation (Milta) of the Ineffable Being.

Imagine a Consciousness capable of becoming the mass (and everything else) of all universes, so that over ages of time we might come to be Him in it. What incomprehensible power! What incomprehensible wisdom! What incomprehensible greatness! He has created all the worlds so that we might become Him in them. Do I believe in evolution? I certainly do in this: He became us, so that we might become Him. All of this is just His becoming.