The Becoming God

Friday, September 15, 2017

Practical Application of Evolved Consciousness

Does it really matter if in "evolution" consciousness evolved from matter, or matter evolved from consciousness? Either way, by scientific estimates they are both at least 13.8 BILLION years old. Consciousness is one (Deuteronomy 6:4), and matter is the same one. They work in concert. Whether you call consciousness awareness, imagination, wisdom, or intelligence, it contains the force of life for everything. It is God to us, so why should we bicker about whether it existed before or only since the Big Bang? We have enough to do just dealing with It! What does it know, what can it do, and most importantly, what can we do with it?

By all accounts, lots. Consciousness causes life itself. It conveys intelligence and abilities. It heals. It provides salvation. Isn't the Good News of the Bible, the "Gospel of Moses," that the consciousness which provides all goodness is directed by our imagination (Exodus 3:14 Alexander, interpreted by me)? How then, do we imagine to direct consciousness to provide the goodness we desire?

I would like to introduce you to the Season of Grace. This was the period of Israel's history between the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem and the destruction of the second temple, given by God as a sign to mankind. In this period the Jewish nation was destroyed; the Jews were carried away captive to Babylon; and they were persecuted. Returned to the land, they got serious about preparing themselves for the Anointing of the Holy Spirit.

No, I did not segue from the topic. The Captivity in Babylon taught the Jews to take God, the Law, and sin very seriously. If you want to be Israel, you have got to play the game. Near the end of the 490 year-long Season of Grace, the Jews recognized that the time for the anointing was drawing to a close. Many withdrew to monastery-like encampments to seek the purification of their character through disciplines and the teaching of righteous men, such as John the Baptist. When you read the story of the Antediluvian Patriarchs, it is the same thing -- getting right with God. And when Moses confronted Pharaoh and defeated the gods of Egypt, same-same (Egypt represents the pleasures of the flesh). Neville, for awhile, was an extreme ascetic. If you want to be Israel, you have got to play the game, and become righteous.

What does discipline, righteous teaching, and extreme asceticism buy you? Not a God-damned thing. Many of the Jews who withdrew to extreme legalism discovered this, and found that righteousness is by faith, by living "Aramaicly"; i.e., according to the Scriptures. They became the Anointing Manifest -- the Messiah. Moses in his time became, or at least understood, the rest that is Noah. The children of Israel got to leave the bondage of Egypt and head for the Promised Land. Neville got a ticket to Barbados, and returned a changed man.

My friend, leave Egypt, and go straight to faith and goodness. Be kind, fair, benevolent, and noble. And above all else, recognize your consciousness as "God." See? We are still right on track. Simply become devoted to the Golden Rule and Consciousness.

Where can we find Consciousness to be devoted to? Our subconscious. That is God acting in our lives (actually, as our lives), taking care of "me." Our subconscious is where we imagine to direct consciousness to goodness. It is to the subconscious we repent and turn from the the dictates of the flesh. We have to make the effort to speak to the subconscious, because we are seeking to change things. Therefore we need to converse and make our petitions IN ITS OWN LANGUAGE.

What is the language of the subconscious? Try sleep. "For once doth God speak, and twice, (he doth not behold it.) In a dream — a vision of night, in the falling of deep sleep on men, in slumberings on a bed. Then He uncovereth the ear of men, and for their instruction sealeth" (Job 33:14-16 Young's Literal Translation, emphasis mine).

Has anything ever been more ethereal and less material than dreams? God speaks to us in illustrations (our lives are our prime example). Words are a rarity. We want to establish a two-way conversation with the subconscious, so we need to approach sleep and speak in illustration as a language.

"Eh, speak in illustration? What is that?"

In a sleepy, drowsy state bordering on sleep, but while still in full control of your thoughts, show God exactly what you want by imagining it. In detail. Everything about it. Assume that you have it complete, and imagine what it would be like if it were true, what it would be like if you really had what you want and desire. Visualize everything about it. Feel everything about it. What you would see, what you would hear, what you would feel, what you would do, if it were already true? Get the real sense about it. Be there, we always say, thinking from it (because you are in it) with the sense-feeling that it is real and true.

Have that "Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, Zip-a-dee-ay! My oh my, what a wonderful day!" (Disney's Song of the South) feeling of thanks, praise, and gratitude to your subconscious for giving you what you desired. Find a small certain something which you must do subsequent to your receiving what you desire; something which indicates to you that you must have what you desired. Neville needed passage on a steamship. He knew that if he had it, he would have to climb the ship's gangplank with his family. When he was in the Army desiring a discharge, he knew he would have to be home in his apartment looking down at the streets of New York not having to return to the Army again. These small things he did over and over and over until they took on all the tones of being his real and present state of reality, and then he fell asleep in those states. His subconscious, the same consciousness common to all of us, heard.

Know exactly what it is that you want, and approaching sleep, allow the feeling of on-coming sleep float you up above the facts of this world which hold you back and deny that you have what you desire, that say, "You are not there; you do not have that world." Let sleepiness divide you from them like a rising tide raises a ship off the rocks it is aground on. Rise, and float away to your new world. Enter that stage as your real reality, as real as anything gets. What small action you would do there if it were true, do, and sense its reality. Share this repeating moment with your family and friends, or whomever is appropriate. Do this with joy and love, righteousness and appreciation. And fall asleep. Your subconscious will hear.

Faith is believing that what you have done in the inner person is what Consciousness will do for the outer person. You have said, 'effect,' and It will say, 'cause.' And cause It will. Remain loyal to the oncoming reality -- you are just about done with this world, and Ararat will soon appear.

Excuse me, please, if I edit this soon.


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