The Becoming God

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

I don't think Mr. Twenty-Twenty will mind my sharing this story. I do not mean to endorse John's commercial packages, but I like this story:



“As you review your day, it is important to revise each negative reaction so that you can remember it as what you wished had happened rather than storing that memory as it did occur. What you think of with feeling or emotion is an actual fact. That which you experience in the physical world is merely a shadow, reflecting the reality of your imaginal activity. Therefore, when you revise a conversation, an unhappy experience, or a quality about yourself, you are literally experiencing it in reality (your consciousness).” – Neville Goddard

K: Hi Mr TT,

I just wanted to share my success story using Neville’s revision technique with you. Revision works!!

Here it is:

About four weeks ago, I sold an item on one of the online auction websites for $99. A week later, after receiving the item, the buyer filed a claim with the auction site stating the item was ‘not as described’, and demanding his money be refunded.

Knowing the item was in perfect condition when mailed, I suggested filing a damage claim with the postal service since the item was insured. I also offered to send a brand new replacement. The buyer refused both offers and demanded the refund.

A few days later I received an email from the auction site stating they had refunded the buyers money and had closed the case. I was to immediately reimburse them the $99.

At this point I was feeling like a victim, angry and upset. Definitely not what I wanted. So, what did I want? I grabbed a pen and wrote it down.

“I love that even though the auction co. refunded the buyer’s money, I got to keep my money too! I love that the buyer is happy and I am happy. I love that the auction co. let me keep my money. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

TT and V: Notice, Kathleen took a few moments to get absolutely clear about about what her desire is. Some people can do this in their head. Some people write it out. Some people take a walk and talk it out.

The big key is to get just detailed enough that it feels good, and that it is EXACTLY what you want. Sort what you want, or kind of what you want, or “just better” is usually to vague and not effective.

K: That felt good to me, exactly what I wanted.

I decided to do as Neville suggested and revise it.

TT and V Note: The POWER wasn’t in the writing, many people make that mistake. The power is always unleashed and directed by Following-The-Formula. In this case, by doing REVISION.

K: For the next 6 days I continued to receive emails from the auction co. demanding reimbursement of the $99. Each day I mentally revised their letter and imagined reading an email saying we have reversed our decision and have decided in your favor, you get to keep your money. That felt good.

TT AND V: This stuff FEELS GOOD (it doesn’t feel bad) if you are doing it effectively. It’s like smelling the meal as it cooks. Yummy! Getting to experience every day the great feeling of, “Yes it worked in my favor” is a great feeling, and a great way to live.

K: I decided to reimburse the auction co. in good faith, but continued to imagine the results I wanted every time I thought of the incident.

TT and V: Never EVER lose your faith. Even if you have to “walk in the valley of death” or do what the world demands. Keep your faith, do your Feel It Real sessions.

K: Even though I reimbursed the $99, I continued to receive emails almost daily, threatening to turn me over to a collection agency.

On the 12th day, I decided to call the auction co. just to make sure they knew I had already reimbursed them so they would stop threatening me.

TT and V: This is a very interesting Bridge Of Incident. We have many times experienced something similar. Just like when Neville manifested the tickets to the sold out opera for his brothers – a challenge showed up. When challenges show up – meet them head on – just like Neville did. And just like Kathleen. And KEEP THE FAITH.

K: After a nearly two hour wait on hold, their agent came on the phone and said, “Sorry for the long wait, but I’ve been reviewing your case and I am reversing our decision in your favor. We are going to let the buyer keep his money and we are returning your $99. Thank you for your business.”

They promptly sent me an email just as I had been imagining and returned my $99.

Revision works!

Thank you for all of your wonderful posts. I’ve decided I want to get your Manifesting Mastery 90 day course soon.

Kathleen Miller

TT and V: Great job Kathleen. Thank you for sending us such a detailed success story. We love them.


  • Aw man. I am so down right now, and came here hoping to be uplifted. And instead I find a re-post of this guy's lengthy advert to buy one of his repackaged Neville "products." Dang. You know, I'm not convinced that any of his "testimonials" are even real people. So are you gonna sign up for TT's Manifesting Mastery 90 day course too? (His name is John Wingert, btw). Sorry. It's just.. this was like the final blow for me..

    By Anonymous What's In a Name, at 9:29 PM  

  • Dear Mr. Name,

    Don't be so easily disheartened, bro. I was searching on Neville Goddard's Pruning Shears of Revision and the story above came up. We shouldn't believe Kathleen? Mr. & Mrs. Twenty-Twenty are making a living at doing what the church should have been doing for centuries. Power to them. I don't have ads because I want this stuff to be as free and unoffensive as possible to anyone who will read it. THAT is why I pilfered it. I still have to give John the credit: no him, no Kathleen.

    I had a great post I published on my cosmology. Published it, then noticed it unpublished on my ipad. Published that, and, "O $&@#!!!" That was an old unedited form that erased/superseded my great post. Thought better of the situation: let's go back to practical, technique. Hence Kathleen's story. There is a bunch of good advice in it, even if T-T was making it up.

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:08 PM  

  • Dan,

    With all sincere respect due you, how do you know they're "making a living" at it? They could be sitting on their butts collecting welfare for all we know. Why does it matter if "Kathleen Miller" and all the other testimonies are real? Because if they're not, then there are no testimonies. His site, and others like it, are "chock-full" of "goodies" and "takeaways" which are thinly veiled scare tactics followed up by sales pitches. "Are you doing it right? Don't make this mistake! Dial your manifesting up to the next level. Don't get it wrong! Buy our power pack, our this pack and our that pack!" What do you suppose that does to a person who stumbles on that, desperately searching for help/hope, who's hanging on by their last thread? Snip.

    Dan, I'm hanging on by my last thread. I've been crying out to God for years. He doesn't hear me. I don't know why. Please, I implore you, pray for me, in whatever way you pray, in whatever way you understand God. I'm far too fearful to say "I'm your mud (wo)man, do with me as you will" because he's already offered me enough suffering. I want joy or nothing at all, going forward. Sometimes I think we are just God's body. God's vehicle. God wanted to FEEL so he needed a body. That's us. And it seems some of us get the "joy" assignment while others get the "pain" assignment.

    In any case, GOD BLESS YOU, for being the only website (I've surely come across) that's not asking for money.

    By Anonymous Miss NoName, at 8:51 AM  

  • What's in a Name?

    The thing's nature. Let's change your nature. God can do it. Please see my 9/1/2017 post "Cracking Anonymous"

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 5:34 PM  

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