Neville Goddard's Pruning Shears of Revision Have Physics Behind Them
It is not that what is out there is not really there; it's that it isn't necessarily material yet. It comes to us as power, energy. At our experience/observation of it, it becomes matter. So we do not really see until power enters our experience. This is spooky action at no distance. Maybe the materiality of the world really is an illusion.
It seems that matter is evolving out of consciousness, out of the power that is the Ineffable's imagination. It would do this to facilitate our experiences; that is, the Ineffable's experiences. THOSE ARE IN US. We are them, because God is us, and we are here to have experiences -- the manifestation.
Revision is by definition correction of the past. Something happened which you wish had not. Or something did not happen which you wish had. You were somewhere and you wish you were somewhere else. We can revise events in our minds and memories to have them the way we wish they had been: "This is what happened . . . " THIS IS HOW YOU PRAY, YOU KNOW. You ask God to imagine something, and you agree with Him because you know that He hears you and that you HAVE your request.
God, the consciousness or imagination of the Ineffable, doesn't need to influence or move physical matter around to bring our desires into fruition. He only has to imagine them; that is influence enough. Power, not matter, I imagine finds it easier to move around. In the case of my own personal healings, the imagining and taking of the desired form was in-house: He didn't have to influence or move around anything external.
From what I have been reading about the so-called "observer effect," the observer does not necessarily refer to a conscious observer in defining quantum behavior.
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM
True, it is all electronics. But there has, apparently, been experiments in which the observational equipment has been set up and running with differing effects as to whether the information gathered was recorded for human observation or not. Regardlesss of the experiments, there is something that is going on which might be exploitable by OUR consciousness. E.g., if energy becomes material at our observation, what happens at our unobservation? And if past our observation the universe is power rather than matter, wouldn't that be more malleable to reformation by imagining than matter?
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:11 PM
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