What to do While Waiting for Manifestation to Arrive
One is: what are you thinking? Are you thinking of the present situation as your present situation? Your "present situation" is past history that you are still stuck in. Your mind needs to be faithful to the state you created when you successfully imagined IT as your present reality. Wanting to imagine it is not enough; you have to attain the feeling of it really being real. And if it IS real, you cannot be thinking of your present situation as being fully existent. Your attitude toward it must be changed. The big thing is you must forgive it. Forgive it, and be willing to forget it.
Imagine, and act confidently. Imagination is the horse, but the cart -- your actions -- have to go along with it. You do not imagine success and then hide in a hole; you build and outfit an ark! Do not be presumptive and go extravagantly overboard, but do presume you will be successful in your manifesting coming. Act confidently toward that end. How do you know but that your hands might be the "natural means" by which your desire comes about?
Be good. Noah brought seven pairs of the clean, sacrificial animals into his ark. Our worlds, I think, need to include intercession for others. "Everybody is happy!" Stealing and bearing false witness are going to whittle away at any success you have had, let alone what you expect.
You've got a whole lot of Bible to read and learn how to understand, and a whole lot of God to listen to. Mark Virkler's Our Program in Eight Minutes is a good introduction on how to listen to God (he "speaks" in visually imagined illustrations and insights).
Let's assume your effort to imagine to a state of reality was successful, and you need only mark time until it bears fruit in this physical realm. What about five minutes after that? There are the things that did not go as desired today to deal with, and the things others need, and the things you will need in the more distant future to imagine and rejoice about. Apply the lessons from Awakened Imagination.
Our whole lives cannot become occupied with constant imagining about everything, and yet our whole lives are imagining -- this is what life IS. There is an attitude that is available to us in which we know and are confident and are grateful that all things are being worked together for good. Not all prayer is supplication; it is, as Neville said, praise; it is thanksgiving. Concentrate on knowing that God is within you and rejoicing that he knows that you know.
I have to reed this and rereed it several times, because English is not my native language, but stil for now I had an AHA moment, because all the time imagining I took "the problem" with me, the imagination was the solution for the problem, I know think I'd rather imagine "the problem" already soluted (if that is a correct word ;))
Now Looking for my inner Messiah and handing over the steering wheel.......
Unknown, at 5:37 AM
Yes, think the problem solved already and that the state you desire . . . You ALREADY HAVE. You move TO the desired state and, existing there as your present reality (even though you know it is imagined, it is to you real), you move into experiences FROM there. Say you could not pay your mortgage, and are under threat of losing your home. You want to imagine the state you would be in if the bill was already paid and there was no longer any threat of losing anything. You inwardly MOVE to that state (following the technique Neville Goddard outlines in his books and lectures) and experience FROM IT what you would if it were true. Try this at night when you are approaching sleep and remain in those experiences while you fall asleep. You fall asleep THERE. You will wake up here, but your invisible and all-powerful inner consciousness will be setting up the orchestration of THERE for your outer person to experience as It's outpicturing. Or so I have been told. Actually, it is because I see it all the time in our daily lives that I believe it. And if someone invisible has the power to willfully, purposefully orchestrate all these things without detection by us EXCEPT by their occurrence, then I choose to honor that Being as God. He says he is not separate nor divided from us, but has himself become us, and I am cool with that. I give him sway, remembering always that he is my Father, and he is cool with that. "I have become you," leads to a very interesting relationship. I hope you enjoy it.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:26 PM
There was another post yesterday about your inner Messiah, did you delete it?
Unknown, at 6:24 AM
Yes, sorry. I made that preliminary statement but want to greatly expand on the idea. You see, everyone reads Daniel with an eye to there being an Messiah or THE Messiah cut off -- killed -- and there still being another week of years to come in the future. It is not so. The Messiah is the spirit of an OFFICE. People are Messiahs, or vice versa. The nation and city in Daniel 9 are used as an ILLUSTRATION of ourselves. We can Messiahly build this "city," or rejecting that wind up a trash heap. Jesus -- God -- in us offers Messiah. There are his teachings in the Book and his teachings in our heads, if we will listen. Nothing is more valuable than hearing.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:04 PM
This then means that the thing we DO want... when it arrives in our three dimensional world... is also past history. So we are, in a way, never really in the "now." You know?
Anonymous, at 6:32 PM
Interesting comment. Made me think. Think of this, Anonymous: we imagine what we want/desire as completed, the end state. The Ineffable imagined Its Manifestation at its perfect end, as being the final, perfect Emanation of Its being. That end state is Genesis 1 (my supposition). Everything that gets us there, that we go through to become that end state, which exists and is which is our destiny, is "past history." Some is just paster than others.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:37 PM
. . . which exists and is our destiny, is "past history." . . .
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:39 PM
I get what you're saying. It's all "past history" because the actual imagined "end" is the Promise. However, would that mean the entire journey getting there doesn't matter then? Because I'm predestined to eventually arrive at the finish line, so to speak? Then why is the journey so important to (most of) us? Why would one person suffer suffer suffer on the journey while another has wonderful positive experiences, hand over fist? I'd like to enjoy the ride, and so far, I haven't.
Anonymous, at 10:15 PM
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