The Becoming God

Friday, December 02, 2016

Letter to a Young Teacher

I hope you are doing well at the school and are getting rest, nutrition, and are staying warm. You sounded discouraged and concerned the last time we talked, like you thought you might not make it through the next month. Your family and I talked about it the next morning, and we all saw one thing we wanted to tell you: your attitude towards the kids, even if unspoken, will affect how they respond to you.

You showed me a gif on your cell phone saying in effect of the students, "I cannot understand for you," and you stated that your students will not even make the effort to understand, expecting it rather to come from you. This may be true, but this manifest state of theirs is subject to revision by your attitudes toward them. This is hard to explain if you do not accept the philosophy I have been preaching in my blog, but let me try.

Well, no, let Gregg Braden explain it. (You have to get past his haircut and outfit--it is a really old clip-- You see, it is not me making this stuff up; it goes back to the beginning of the Bible, to the very first conversation between God and Moses in Exodus chapter three. It says in our translations, "I AM THAT I AM," but in the original language it says, Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh, which means, "What I-as-you think (in creative faith) becomes you manifested in your world." It helps to know something about the language and the culture that wrote it.

Moses discovered that the one spirit that is the Imagination of the Ineffable--"God"--is the same spirit of life within us imagining as our imagination that it is each of us individually. When Moses said in Deuteronomy 6:4 that God is one, he did not mean that the one is made up of many, but that the many of us are disseminated from the one. Big difference.

What is truly mind blowing is that there is no separation; it is an organic whole. We are all tied together in our innermost being and are compelled by the spirit to cooperate in manifesting what each other believes in his or her imagination. It behooves us to be the ones who decide what to believe, and to imagine what is loving and good.

Braden talks about "mirrors." I talk about manifestation. Same same. The gist of it is that the world we are in is compelled (mark this: compelled) to manifest ourselves (mark that: ourselves). What we see in the world is what we are . . . in attitude, expectation, beliefs, relationships, etc. These are all matters of consciousness--imagination, and they are all subject to revision in our consciousness. Revise the mind = revise the world that reflects the mind. So, as hard as it may seem to be, you need to love and feel empathy toward your students and care for them without hearing in your mind negative conversations with them or about them.

Oh, yeah, that is from "Mental Diets" (

"One day a girl told me of her difficulties in working with her employer. She was convinced that he unjustly criticized and rejected her very best efforts. Upon hearing her story, I explained that if she thought him unfair, it was a sure sign that she herself was in need of a new conversation piece. There was no doubt but that she was mentally arguing with her employer, for others only echo that which we whisper to them in secret.

"She confessed that she argued mentally with him all day long. When she realized what she had been doing, she agreed to change her inner conversations with her employer. She imagined that he had congratulated her on her fine work, and that she in turn had thanked him for his praise and kindness. To her great delight, she soon discovered that her own attitude was the cause of all that befell her. The behavior of her employer reversed itself. It echoed, as it had always done, her mental conversations with him.

"I rarely see a person alone without wondering, "to what conversation piece is he tied? On what mysterious track is he walking?" We must begin to take life consciously. For the solution of all problems lies just in this: the Second Man, the Lord from heaven in all of us, is trying to become self-conscious in the body, that he may be about his father's business. What are his labors? To imitate his father, to become master of the Word, master of his inner talking, that he may mold this world of ours into a likeness with the Kingdom of Love" (Neville Goddard).

You know that God is not a big old invisible man of unapproachable white light with long hair and a beard holding court on a planet far away. It is the intelligence of the Ineffable "Source" who had no mouth with which to speak but IMAGINED, "Let there be light." The imagining of the intelligence is creation of what is imagined. That intelligence/imagination has become us, and when we revise our imagination--this is called 'repentance'--that is the actual creation of what we desire and believe in our imagination. If it is real to the inner man, it will become real to the outer man.

I hope you will avail yourself of my blog. It is, I believe, a restatement of scripture. Well, at least some of it is. I have written some pretty good things recently. There is a technique used to revise the world in ones imagination, if you are interested. It follows Noah in the book of Genesis. Basically, you know what you want, approach the state of sleep and abandon this existing state and take on the desired one in imagination until it is real to you. Then fall asleep in the new, desired state believing still that it is real. Really real. And when you wake up, you know that the state you wake up into is a fading illusion to be replaced by the newly existent state you created. This is you now. Be faithful to it.

Stay warm, eat well, drive carefully, and do not be discouraged. Most of all, love and empathize with your students. We know that you are doing your best for them, but think the opposite of "they do not care; they do not want to learn" and all that negative stuff. What you think is prophecy . . . of your own self's manifestation in them. It will proceed into the future (not recede into the past!) to confront you there. Give it time but act in faith.

Best wishes,
Dan Steele


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