Stop Misreading the Bible: Genesis 4:26; Abel Wasn't a Man and the "Godly Line of Seth" is a Misnomer
Adam is the life-blood of God: imagination. "God's blood" is what the word 'Adam' means. Imagination is what it IS. THAT in us is the "portrait" of God. "God" is the Imagination of the Ineffable, so our imagination is a "portrait" of that, of God, the Imagination of the Ineffable. No man or woman is involved except YOU. The consciousness or imagination that you came from is "God"; the life-force, "Adam," of God THAT YOU WERE has become YOU AS YOU ARE NOW. The visits here of the inner man or woman that we really are are transitory. Do not think of yourself as the physical person that you are, but as the imagination within which is thinking as you.
The Father gives birth to the Father. The Ineffable, the Most High Source of all existence, had no form or likeness. It desired to have form, likeness, and manifestation of ITSELF, and Its Imagination of that desire became Its form, likeness, and manifestation. Close, but no cigar. Its Imagination, the Imagination of the Ineffable we call "God" (and from which we were and are), FOLLOWS EVERY THOUGHT AND WHIM OF THE INEFFABLE. Oddly enough, that is something the Ineffable does not do. The Ineffable's nature is first, but for God, the Ineffable's Imagination, whatever the Ineffable desires is first. This displays a certain sort of ignorance, an immaturity that is ignorant of the nature of the Ineffable.
The Ineffable desired to have form, likeness and manifestation of itself, but Its Imagination was ignorant of the first principle. That ignorance has been isolated and is being resolving to fulfill the desire of the Ineffable, It's hunger to be fully manifest. "The universe is nothing more than the appeasement of hunger," Neville Goddard said. The universe is just the Imagination of the Ineffable taking on the full and mature likeness of the greater Father. This world and our lives is how the Ineffable does it; they are how the greater Father--the Ineffable--gives birth to the Father of which we are.
Did you see it there? The Ineffable manifests or becomes what It desires. It imagines that what It desires exists, and becomes that existence. It becomes it: It sends Itself out into manifestation. That is Eve. She is the spirit of flip-around, the power of the Ineffable and God to become, to heal. This is salvation. The Ineffable desired the form that Imaginations is, and of Itself became Its Imagination. Adam desired a helpmeet like himself, and of himself became that helpmeet, the flip-around into manifestation or existence. No, Adam was not a dude; Adam is the life-force of God, Imagination, and this life-force of God and its ability to flip-around into existence of what is believed has become your inner man, your imagination: Jesus Christ.
So it flipped into being you. Congratulations, Jesus, welcome to Ignorance--the person you have crucified yourself upon. His or her existence was believed by you, and here you are. The flip has brought into existence your gain or acquisition of material being and the transitory spirit that you are here. Yes, you are both Cain and Abel. See why it just drives me bonkers when people, notably the church, say they were two people? Cain and Abel are each and every one of us, and we all by focusing on the materialistic nature we have taken on in this field of humanity completely forget the spirit we also are. Cain has "slain" Abel. But Abel has not gone anywhere, his "death" is our complete forgetting of the fact that we are first and foremost spirit. We just have no relationship with him anymore. Except . . . he won't shut up in us.
The word 'Abel' means transitoriness. Odd name for a kid, but it is a nature. Our nature. What of ourselves is transitory? The transitory spirit which we have become here. It is God thinking that he is us. We have completely forgotten that we are God, but hey, that is okay. He sent himself here to be in this isolated ignorance in order to defeat and overcome it. Well, at least we've got the ignorant part down pat. God's thing is to goad us along toward the overcoming of this ignorance. The life-force that we are may have forgotten that it is God, but God won't let it forget that God is. Not knowing that we are God, a substitute for that knowledge is brought forth and set in its place, Seth: the grand idea of "There is a God."
Here is why I have a hard time with "the Godly line of Seth" attributed to Seth's line. When his son Enosh "called upon the name of the Lord," as Ethelbert Bullinger pointed out in his comments on this verse (Genesis 4:26, The Companion Bible), it was TO something else. In our frail state of ignorance we think God is something other than us and is somewhere outside of ourselves. Not knowing that the spirit within us is God, we call something outside of ourselves "God." If you talk to God as someone outside of yourself, as someone other than yourself, this is dualism, the arch-heresy of the Bible. Even seeing God as "imminent but separate" within ourselves does not cut it. There is no division! Seeing ourselves as material beings, we cannot believe that we are also God's flipping spirit, his life-force sent here "in transit." Enosh was no antediluvian saint. He is ourselves ignorant of BEING Abel--God--here in us.
Neither Moses nor God had any interest whatsoever in informing us of ancient history or of oral traditions. Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel are all you and I. If we listen to Abel we tend toward religion and proceed in spiritual knowledge through the stages of the antediluvian patriarchs unto the state of Noah, the creative imagining rest of God. If we discover C.I. apart from spiritual development, i.e., as carnal, unrepentant, materially oriented/unGodly humans, we might go toward setting up a kingdom for our father, our human appetites. You may read that as Cush, Nimrod and Semiramis, or as it is known today: the Law of Attraction. Or, being spiritually minded, we might leave that crass satisfaction of appetite and become a friend of God. Growing in faith and recognition of the oneness of God, we laugh in joy at finding that we are verily the Merciful Father (the meaning of the word 'Abraham') himself. We devote ourselves to learning righteousness and developing our psychological assets, and ascend to become God ruling as man: Israel. By this, the Law of Assumption, we work to save the world.
Okay, how many people were there in all of that? One. You. And me. We are the one spirit of God, the Imagination of the Ineffable, which has become each of us individually. All the universe is one, and that one is the Ineffable Most High who is becoming manifest through you and I. THAT is what the Bible is about: Him is you, and we are him overcoming this fault in himself. By all means teach what the Bible says, but do not neglect to teach what it MEANS!
love it.
Unknown, at 10:37 AM
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