Neville Goddard's Wife "Bill" Was Told To Invest: The Investment
"Today's subject is 'Sound Investments.'
"I want to share with you today what I consider one of the truly great revelations of all time.
"On Sunday morning, April 12th, my wife woke from what was really a deep, profound sleep. And as she was waking a voice distinctly spoke to her; and the voice spoke to her; and the voice spoke with great authority, and it said to her: 'You must stop spending your thoughts, your time, and your money. Everything in life must be an investment.' So she quickly wrote it down and went straight to the dictionary to look up the two important words in the sentence, 'spending' and 'investing'. The dictionary defines 'spending' as 'to waste, to squander, to layout without return." To 'invest' is to 'layout for a purpose, for which a profit is expected.'
"Then I began to analyze the sentence - 'You must stop spending your thoughts, your time, and your money, for everything in life must be an investment.' As I dwelt upon it, I saw where everything is NOW; that through the portals of the present all time must pass, and this psychological NOW, the state in which I find myself now, does not recede into the past. It advances into my future."
Neville goes on about imagining, about the Science of Mind and spiritual living. But the Voice said "everything." I remembered this while listening to Jim Rohn's personal development seminar on (, "Create Your Best Life Ever." This is about all the other stuff to invest. I do not think it gets mentioned enough that in repentance, the taking on of an entirely new way of thinking (one inclined to the fulfillment of scripture), there is the presumption of also taking on character, morality, nobility, benevolence, dignity, sophistication, purpose, focus, concern for others, self-control, discipline--all actions toward self improvement.
"Everything must be an investment." In this world of Caesar we start with a debit: the past. The biggest debt we have is that Jesus Christ--God--died to save us from our sins in becoming us at the beginning of time. Neville's discussion deals with that. Our other debts we still have to deal with. Interestingly, when we deal with the big dept, the lessor debts just seem to clear up. Law of Attraction advocates insist that this is because we have increased our vibrational rate, but I think rather the Consciousness we call God we have enjoined in repentance is compelling decisions on all hands favorable to the life we have chosen. He has a vested interest in this, you know.
Anyway, learning to invest the lessor things, I think, is what Jim Rohn teaches. Each and every moment is good to start fresh with God, the Consciousness which has become us. Repent and with him we are clear-o slate-o, as good as gold; but the lessor things still have to be dealt with, invested as a matter of course in this life, instead of spent.
Interesting that you mention this quote. I just came by it also this past weekend while re-reading my copy of Power Of Awareness. In that context, he is talking about taking control of your thoughts, and an inability to control imagination and steady the attention. I also re-read my copy of The La and the Promise in the same sitting. I assume you've read his books too. Have you ever wondered if the case histories were true stories? There seems to be so few, if any, successes nowadays. Makes me wonder. The only one I've personally been able to find any evidence of is E.O. Locker because his grandson or someone put videos of him on youtube and now those videos have been even bootlegged onto Neville-themed channels. But all the other case histories, who knows. Looking back through archives on your blog, I see that you were in conversation for some time with a woman desiring a healing with her spine. Do you know what ever became of that? And did you ever consider "imagining lovingly" for her, as Neville would talk about? Do you think there's any power in such an attempt?
Anonymous, at 6:09 PM
I am just trying to make sense of it all, like Mr. Jones in Dylan's "Ballad of a Thin Man." Yes, I believe the case histories are true, and that Neville was given to some hyperbole. I see what Neville is talking about in my own life and others in attitudes and confidence and other mental states either clearing a way or obscuring it. In some ways, especially in the social decision arena, manifestation is real fast. It is what leads people to believe in the Law of Attraction. I do get e-mails from people who say they have successes.
I am not a meditator given to trying to get things. If I needed to I might. I am trying to segue into a more spiritual life. I see truth in Neville's perspective, and as a Bible student I see the correlation with what is said there, so I accept it. Perhaps like you, I do not understand why some are healed in Pentecostal meetings and some are not. I have been healed. I know others who have been healed. Oddly, the very woman whose enthusiastic witnessing about her own healing led me to accept Christ later had no recollection of that event. I am at a loss. My mother was standing right next to me when my arm grew out to matching fingertips, and I thought she was watching, too, and apparently she didn't see a thing. I am at a loss. I look at the Field of Life and wonder, what are you doing? What is that fine line of Life?
I do not believe in a first century incarnation of the principle of Jesus Christ, nor that 'name' in Hebrew means name, but the miracles happen "in Jesus' name." I am at a loss (but I go there when I need it). There is no power in any attempt. There is only power in doing. There was something there when I was among ecstatic Pentecostals. There was something there when Neville grabbed the rail of the gangplank. We often speak of being or getting "there" in imagining a state, of moving mentally to that location and thinking from it. I think there is another "there," of moving into faith, of the thrill and ecstasy of oneness with God. Of the two, I'd rather be there. Interestingly, you mention a found quote. This afternoon I pulled down my old thesis notes to throw away after these thirty years. Among dozens of library reference cards on teaching English was a single "Christian" card: "'My Power is My Love': God to Jack Hayford." I decided to keep that one.
Last I heard, the young lady was resolved to accept her state. I hope she doesn't. Keep reaching, DeBorah. His power is his love, and he has all of it for you.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:33 AM
I wish you were able to share some of those success e-mails. It would help with faith.
Anonymous, at 9:59 PM
Perhaps they would, but why would a person found their faith on anecdotal information in someone else's e-mails? You don't believe Neville, you don't believe me, you don't believe the Bible, Joseph Murphy, the Church, reports on the internet, youtube videos -- you are only going to believe what some anonymous persons have told me of their successes in e-mails?
I think it might be more valuable for you to spend time considering what the world really is and how it is working. Consider what Gregg Braden says about "The Seven Essene Mirrors." There are about a dozen versions on Take it slowly. Consider one mirror at a time. Does the world provide each mirror described to you? If it does, then there is your answer. Put your faith in reality, not what someone says. By the way, KEEP A JOURNAL.
I do not mean to be harsh on you, but if I am not direct, we are just spinning our wheels, wasting your time and mine.
God bless.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:06 AM
While we are here, let's talk about what faith is. There is the church's suggestion that faith is believing a report. It is not. Faith is action in being. THAT is the evidence. The investment we need to make of everything in life is changing ourselves to change our reflections. We can believe all the reports we want to, believe all the stories, and not one thing will change. Nothing changes until we change the projection. THAT is faith. The Law does not work on its own. It is the nature of God which is His ACTION. We have got to DO it. Do what? Change ourselves inside to change the out-picturing of our inner selves; i.e., change the evidence.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:45 AM
Well, the thing about anecdotes is it tells what exactly the person DID. For example, Neville gives an example in Power of Awareness of a student of his that needed to rent her NYC apartment in order to afford her summer home. You know the story? He goes on to tell what she did and how within in 24 hours she got a renter. 24 hours. Didn't take a whole lot of endurance in terms of loyalty to the unseen reality, did it?
Anonymous, at 8:26 AM
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