An Old Text by Israel Regardie about Neville Goddard
"Me again,
"Just found a book online that was written in 1942 by
Israel Regardie who was a contemporary of Neville Goddard.
He devotes a large section of the book to Neville. Thought you
might find his perspective of the man Neville interesting."
The section about Neville starts on page 91, which can be placed in the page indicator.
I notice this is Scribed, from which I might have once gotten a nasty virus. Ten years ago. But still watch what you download.
Thank you for this post! At least now I have a better understanding as to why I have failed miserably at employing Neville's techniques. I read the whole thing and was really hopeful that the author would eventually address mental relaxation, as he promised, but only addressed physical relaxation via somatic awareness. Damn! The search continues...
Anonymous, at 9:04 AM
Dear Anonymous,
I think Regardie said, "It is true he speaks of relaxing. 'Close your eyes and feel yourself to be faceless, formless and without figure. Approach this stillness as though it were the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. This attitude will ensure your success.' But for the average person, this is hardly adequate. A little more detailed scientific instruction is imperative." But he didn't say he was going to give it.
I ask you to consider Noah, the rest, and the antediluvian patriarchs. They are the way to get to the rest, SO THE CHURCH DOES NOT TRANSLATE THEIR NAMES (natures). See my articles on the Patriarchs:
In all fairness to Neville and Regardie, they keep talking about entering a restful state, turning away from the facts of this world, being lifted in sleepiness to float above this life and becoming in mind the unconditioned awareness of being -- realizing one is God, that God is here, and that there is nothing which God cannot do. Your faith is your fortune, says Neville, but you have to do it. I do not know why relaxing is found to be difficult, but repeated practice should lead to a way. I wonder if meditating in the manner prescribed by David Christopher Lane might be used to introduce/induct one into the restfulness sought. I. e., get into rest using mantra, then turn it off and be in the Silence. I've never tried it. I hope you find it.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 9:49 PM
An interesting tidbit regarding Regardie - In some of Neville's lectures he talks about a friend of his who was a psychologist, a "Freudian" and had also served in WW2. Neville tells of trying to explain to him his technique that got him out of the Army get but the friend resisted. This is the same person that Neville mentions in a few places they liked listening to him but always made sure to keep their feet firmly planted into the ground...that person was Israel Regardie.
Anonymous, at 10:28 AM
I read the whole book. Regardie goes into great detail with an exercize to help people who cannot relax the body. It's a part by part image based thing you might do in a yoga class, or some other somatic practice. I'm actually very practiced in this sort of thing and it's not physical relaxation that troubles me.
Regardie also says he'll address MENTAL relaxation in later pages (because for some people, myself included, the mind goes off on its own parade) but never does. What I was looking for was stilling the mind. Maybe there is just no short cut. I will look into David Christopher Lane. Thank you! :)
First Anonymous, at 9:16 PM
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