The Becoming God

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Relaxing the Mind

On August 23 I posted a link to Israel Regardie's chapter about Neville. Anonymous pointed out that Regardie promised to address how to mentally relax and had not. Anonymous has a hard time shutting down the flow of thoughts -- can't relax mentally. Not easily, anyway. I am sure this afflicts a large number of people who would like to meditate and/or practice Neville's technique but cannot get the mind to shut up.

I am not a yoga or meditation teacher, but let's just say I have heard some things:

I advised Anonymous to consider the Antediluvian Patriarchs, the forefathers of Noah which is the rest Anonymous is seeking. Everything in Genesis is in our minds -- it is psychological, not historical -- and these patriarchs are states of mind, attitudes which lead us to the state that is Noah. See my earlier discussion on the Patriarchs (

Neville leads us to relax and enter a sleepy state of consciousness, allowing the mind and awareness of being to float up above the facts of the world that deny that we have what we desire; to forgive and forget that world and allow it to utterly die to us and we to it; and to enter a state of unconditioned awareness of being -- aware of being, but not of being anything in particular at all: "I AM," and nothing more.

That does not cut it for Anonymous. How further to relax the mind?

How about the Sabbath rest, the Shabbat? YHWH in us, "Jesus," is the Lord of the Rest. According to the Law, which is God's nature, the seventh day is when we let God do it. For on the seventh day God rested from creating, meaning all His imagining was done. It doesn't say that He ever picked creating up again, so this is still the seventh day. It is all done. What are we to worry about? There is not anything that isn't done, that isn't provided. God has provided ALL for ALL. "Jehovah Jireh" -- in the mount (imagination) YHWH provides (Genesis 22:14; according to Robert Young's Literal Translation of the Bible, the ancient Hebrew had no future tense, so stop using it).

I believe that 'YHWH' is the nature of God's action. It is not something God is or is not supposed to be called. We call upon His nature. The Hebrew letters Y-H-W-H represent a pattern. It is a cycle. I think it is from this cycle we have the Law of Reversibility: what goes on in the Source must go on in the Manifestation, and what goes on the Manifestation must go on in the Source. Says Neville:

"Whether or not man succeeds in reversing the transformation of a force, he knows, nevertheless, that all transformations of force are reversible. If heat can produce mechanical motion, so mechanical motion can produce heat. If electricity produces magnetism, magnetism too can develop electric currents. If the voice can cause undulatory currents, so can such currents reproduce the voice, and so on. Cause and effect, energy and matter, action and reaction are the same and inter-convertible.

"This law is of the highest importance, because it enables you to foresee the inverse transformation once the direct transformation is verified. If you knew how you would feel were you to realize your objective, then, inversely, you would know what state you could realize were you to awaken in yourself such feeling. The injunction to pray believing that you already possess what you pray for is based upon a knowledge of the law of inverse transformation.

"If your realized prayer produces in you a definite feeling or state of consciousness, then, inversely, that particular feeling or state of consciousness must produce your realized prayer. Because all transformations of force are reversible, you should always assume the feeling of your fulfilled wish.

"You should awaken within you the feeling that you are and have that which heretofore you desired to be and possess. This is easily done by contemplating the joy that would be yours were your objective an accomplished fact, so that you live and move and have your being in the feeling that your wish is realized" (See Neville Goddard's Prayer:the Art of Believing).

If your mind can relax your body, your body can relax your mind. "They only talk about somatic relaxation," notes Anonymous of Neville and Regardie. Well, yeah, so use your mind to relax your body muscle by muscle, joint by joint, feature by feature, and key your mind to the body -- let your mind be as relaxed as your body: "My body is this relaxed; mind, you be just as relaxed as my body is."

Otherwise, stare at a candle flame, repeat a mantra, or note only your breathing in and out. Good luck and God bless.

(Added 02/14/2018: I found this woman's research interesting on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural TV program, at about 9:30 and following:


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