The Becoming God

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Matter Begs the Question: God's Imagination is the Answer

Physicalists presuppose the universe is material and that everything has evolved from matter. They do not deny consciousness, but insist it is matter based, that consciousness has evolved out of matter.

I am not a physicalist. I believe the universe exists as the power of the Ineffable's consciousness, i.e., the Ineffable's intelligence, and that intelligence becomes matter to facilitate the Ineffable's experience. It does so (becomes matter) at the demarcation of 'us' because we are the interface of the Ineffable with the universe. I.e., we are the loci, the place where the experience of the Ineffable happens.

We are in kind of a Twilight Zone. We are spirit, the consciousness of God, yet we are bound in and by these senses to human experience. God -- the Big Guy (actually an intelligence field) -- is in heaven (heaven being the skull, or 'mind'), and that is us; yet we are blocked from experiencing that intelligence by a firmament of ignorance. So we are both God and man. We are on the God side, really, but are stuck experiencing man.

Are you with me so far?

All we know from birth is matter. Matter is the whole of our experience in these bodies as we learn. We assume that matter is all there is, because that is all we experience. What we did not know (until scientists discovered in 1925) is that everything beyond our observation in this human experience is power, not matter. We assume and presuppose wrongly that everything in the universe is matter. Actually, outside of us there is nothing but the power of the Ineffable's imagination. The intelligence of that imagination only becomes material -- particulate matter -- when in our experience we believe that it is what we believe it to be. It and we are one in the Ineffable's manifestation -- that said experience in the second paragraph, above.

This is the magic of Exodus 3:14 in the ancient Aramaic: "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh." (I know I have translated it differently a dozen times; this is not a translation but its meaning:) "I am not other." (See Victor Alexander's notes on the meaning of these three words:

I hold that Moses did not asked God's name in Exodus 3, but His nature relevant to 'Jethro' -- (God's) goodness, blessing, abundance, healing, salvation, etc.. Moses wanted to know, for from God's nature come all His laws. God said He is not other than us, but is the success of all these things in us by imagination. Moses was being very practical. God's answer in those three words, again, means "They (my goodness, blessings, abundance, etc.) are My imagination manifest."

The Ninevite God Ashur is key here: the God of Creation is the Ineffable's Imagination. That is the reality which faces us.

Matter is the overt experience we all have in life. Matter has mass and weight; it takes solid forms like boards, houses, and mountains. Matter is the stuff of the world. We work with it. But we are mistaken in taking matter as an a priori assumption of what the world comes from. Our experience with it begs the question, but in fact matter's building blocks are non-material!

Investigate all things before drawing conclusions. Since 1925, scientists have known that quantum "micro" physics takes a radical departure from the norm of our macro-physics life-experience. In double-slit tests photons or electrons may have mass as a particle or not have mass as a wave, DEPENDING ON WHETHER IT IS BEING OBSERVED OR NOT.  They may even be in two places at one time. "At the quantum level, matter does not follow the rules of physics. This is confusing to anyone who understands what they are looking at."

It seems pretty clear to zero-science knowing me that light -- photons -- are power being radiated as a wave from the assumption of God. This power only becomes particulate when it is believed to be so in our experience: IT THEN BECOMES WHAT IT BELIEVES ITSELF TO BE.

My point in all this is that God does not have to change matter to change a situation, he only has to change his imagination.

Quantum Physics Debunks Materialism

Banned TED Talk: The Science Delusion - Rupert Sheldrake at TEDx Whitechapel


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