The Becoming God

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

On Why Assumption Would Be The Nature Of God

Being God's nature is what makes assumption a law. So what in God's nature is assumption? It must be natural, and I stress natural, for potential to exist before substance. That statement is less mundane than it appears; it appears obvious, but it is not. One expects, really, that substance exists with potential in it. For how can potential exist in nothing, in a vacuum? We presuppose existence when we think of potential.

Maybe we have that backwards. I am suggesting that before substance exists, there is potential in the vacuum. Well, how would that work? Proto-gravity? Electromagnetism? Spirit? I gave to admit, I do not know. I am suggesting, though, that the force that emanates from every living thing preexisted form and substance. And even if not, it preexisted any living form of substance. That may be all the further we have to go back--potential before any living forms; but I believe that potential predates substance. And in the milieu of substanceless potential, of formless spirit, substance came. Potential became, that is. 'Without' transitioned into 'with'. On a grand scale, at that. And that would be assumption as causation.

Now, this was either Consciousness creating the universe ex nihilo, or nature just doing what it does; i.e., evolution. In either case, it is what is: the natural order of things. And that natural order was and is a law: assumption presages manifestation.

I am speculating on data that indicates measurable electromagnetic force broadcasting from and influential to human beings as a medium of intelligence. This is just scientific, empirical fact. We know that with the right attitudes and frame of mind this force can be directed and/or read. What is speculatively interesting is the fact that this force is common to the universe. All fourteen or so BILLION years of it. There are countless trillions of planets with civilizations much more mature and advanced than ours contributing their intelligence into the common pool of this force. This natural, evolutionary force.

"Ah, but Dan, God foretells the future." This force ASSUMES the future that becomes. "Ah, but Dan, Christ died for our sins, died at the beginning of time to become us." Moses, the germ of the Gospel within us, dies in our realizing and entering the Promised Land of the Gospel. Potential dies in fruition. Assumption dies in becoming. "Ah, but Dan, uh, uh, uh. Dang, I can't think of anything else."

"Uh, Dan: if highly advanced civilizations are contributing their intelligence and assuming the best for us in and through the common field of intelligence, why don't we all just have luxurious lives of ease?" Because that wouldn't be the best for us. No advancement on our part. As consciousness, what matters to us is character, intelligence, compassion. They, the countless advanced civilizations, are doing that in their contribution to this naturally evolved field, and assuming that the potential of lesser civilizations (us) will follow suit, we have to develop our character, intelligence, and compassion. That takes a little kick in the butt, like futility and afflictions to make us look with desire for something better. Jethro (Jethro is the good, the plus stuff--the abundance of this God we are speaking of). Desire is a plan, a plan for something better in the future that is in potential. The trick, apparently, is to assume that what is desired is received and to go on in the dream state from there. Assume the potential is manifest, and it will be.


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