The Becoming God

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Which Came First, Consciousness or Physicality, Matter?

Providence has had me reading modern philosophy based on Darwinian evolution. It is interesting, for it requires that consciousness came after and from matter. First materiality, then life--consciousness. Life evolved from matter, and consciousness makes us think there is a God. Like when I told the rocks in my garden about flat earth believers, they felt quite proud to be part of such a grand scheme. They just sat there resolutely as if to say, "We are part of this flat earth, and you just stand on the earth; just don't stand on us. Oh, damn you!"

I wrote a little about the plausibility of consciousness rising out of evolving matter in my last few posts. Consciousness emitted by living beings would form a field of life-intelligence influential to the universe, and the contributions of billions, even trillions of planetary civilizations over thirteen plus billions of years might form an "omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, apocalyptic God-Person." A "God" to other newbie civilizations.

I do not actually have enough faith to believe that. I see something else: miracles. Like it or lump it, I watched intently my left arm lengthen to match my right arm. Watched it. I SAW it. Before this I heard--audibly in my brain--the Voice (seeing Jesus crucified in a vision, he turned his face to me and said, "Come unto Me"). Each time was a deliberate, discriminate action by a consciousness invoked by the name Jesus. I have no illusion about my being in fantasy mode at the time; I was in both cases, but I did not speak to my mind, nor did I lengthen my arm. Being called Jesus was cool with the acting power or consciousness.

It gets down to something of a footrace as to which came first: consciousness or physicality? Is there a rock-based evolving omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, apocalyptic God-Person who acts as Jesus (or whomever); or a pre-physicality Consciousness who assumed the universe and is still dreaming it? And here is the rub: if consciousness is physical, what of altered states the are just as physical as this one? Do they have a different consciousness? I don't think so.

When his nephew was dying in Barbados, Neville Goddard in the United States imagined being in his nephew's bed. Neville's sister came into the room in Barbados and saw Neville. She walked up and looked at him, and he at her. She walked out a bit shaken and perplexed. When she returned, she could see her son on the bed again. Neville's nephew eventually died, but Neville had demonstrated to his sister that matter comes from consciousness, and not the other way around.

So what of it? There is the physical, and there is consciousness. The physical responds to consciousness, so we can use consciousness. Use it. Experiment with it. Assume in our drowsy state before sleeping that we are what and who we want to be. Believe the desire is already fulfilled, and we ARE what we want to be. Were it so, what would we do, what would we say, what would we feel, who would we be with, what would they say, how would we feel? Take a part of that scene, something that implies that it is so, and live it in mental experience. As it is REAL to us. And do it over and over until the dream is the real part of our life . . . and fall asleep in that state.

Is God a consequence of matter, or the cause of matter? I don't know; I wasn't there. But I do know that there is a Consciousness I can use. Let's use what God we can.


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