The Becoming God

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

YHWH is not the name of God

The Most High, ineffable God, of course, has no name.
YHWH is not the name of God. I AM is not the name of
God. YHWH means He becomes, something said about
him. AHYH means I (!) become, something said by us.

"Ah, isn't he sweet sleeping there," said God's mother.
"What shall we call him?" "How about, 'I AM'?" God's
father replied. The scenario is absurd. Maybe.

Shem, the Hebrew word for 'name,' means the nature of
a thing. The Ineffable's nature is pretty much all we can
know of It. Y-H-W-H describes Its nature, as each
Hebrew letter has a mystical value. It is the mystical
coding of the nature of the Most High.  Something like

Y (yod) = the divine life-force, conscious energy
H (hey) = focused emotive force, the desire to expand
W (vav) = power to effect, manifest strength in expansion
H (hey) = the receptive state manifested in expansion.

That is, Y-H-W-H is an ancient flow-chart of the divine’s
conscious expansion (Jethro). YHWH is the pattern of
the Ineffable's existent states. Maybe this is just
coincidental, but it works. You can equate Y to Adam,
H to his Rib, W to Eve, and H to Cain/Abel; or,
respectively, to Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth -- all of
which are illustrations of the pattern Y-H-W-H.

Please play along with me in your imagination. Imagine
you are ancient, ancient God. So ancient even you are not
aware of your own existence. Really, wayyyyyyy back.
Something exists, whatever you are. You don't even know
what you are, and then suddenly, you realize you are
conscious. You don't know where you came from, but
you are conscious, so you must exist. And you think.

My point: God began its own consciousness as co-equal,
co-existent Father (spirit/consciousness) and Milta (logos/
manifestation). Whatever It is, It began with Milta, the
manifestation of Its own self. If It spoke, It would say,
"AHYH! -- I become!" "I" being the meaning (logos) of

Sure, we are energy, but we cannot find life-force or
consciousness. We mindlessly go about our lives without
much thought as to the who it is in us who is doing it, or
why. Or, for that matter, how. Inside is the thing, the
consciousness who sees things to do and thinks, "I need
to . . . ." Life is compulsive, yet we do not know who or
what the compelling force is.

This is a lot like what I imagine the Ineffable's own first
moments of consciousness were like. Maybe still is. Have
you ever thought that maybe It does not know where It
came from? It might only know that "I become" is the
experience It is having.

And It has given this gift to us. The Father has given Itself
to us, the consciousness that we are, that we may become
as It is. If It has given Itself to us, where is It? It is that
Child inside who presently knows that it is, because it is
conscious, but doesn't know what it is or where it came
from, -- our imagination we think and see with. He flipped
into this state from the state of being: "by him as a child,
and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;
rejoicing in the habitable part of his earth; and my delights
were with the sons of men" (Proverbs 8: 30-31).

The delights are life experiences: the Beloved -- 'David' is
the experience of all humanity. We are his father. The
"child" is the father's delight, i.e., experience, and we are
the child's delight, i.e., experience.

Our experiences are our sons. The consciousness which is
Our imagination, that compelling force of the living spirit
of God within us, is the Child at play, and It loves to
experience everything. HEY! That is you and I! Let's first
of all adore It, and then tell It what we want to experience.
We want delightful experiences and serenity.

I was going to say, "Let's give It a name," but the Bible
already does: Jehovah’s Salvation -- Jesus Christ.


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