This is a work in progress, but you might enjoy a look over my
I believe the answer to all our problems is the nature of God.
God cannot but act according to his nature. If we can figure
out how to get into accord with God's nature, then our problems
will be addressed.
The Hebrew word shem is translated as 'name'. It actually means
nature, as in the nature of a thing. Proper names in scripture
really refer to natures and states of consciousness.
There are a bunch of names for God in the Bible. Each refers to
a particular nature or state OF THE SAME GOD. There is only one
God, of course, and the various natures of the one God are
revealed to us through the names used for him in scripture. The
whole Bible is considered by some to be the "name" of God -- the
whole thing being a summation of his overall nature. It is by
these natures of God that we may have relationship with him and
the expectation of healing.
El means strength, power. God has the nature of energy. God is
a lot more than just energy, of course, but whatever else he
may be, he has the nature of energy, power, and strength.
Shad means breast. El Shaddai means the Many-Breasted One, as
he is the Provider of Strength. God is the energy that provides
nourishment and sustenance to all. From him, good things come
our way.
Echad means compound unity. Compound unity like the many granules
of a stone, or as an ocean made up of many droplets or atoms of
water, EXCEPT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. That is, the granules are of
the stone and droplets are of the sea. God is not a unified one
"made up of others," as though he were made up of something else.
The Infinite is primary, the source of creation, as the stone is
the source of the granules and the ocean is the source the
droplets. Existence is descended from God and is of God: He is
the No-Thing, the "nihilo" that everything is made of.
The oneness of God is a big, capital idea. Be a witness to this
important fact and mark it well: THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD -- there
cannot be two. Despite the many names used to represent the
natures of God and our relationship with him, they are all
talking about the one true God. He is the one No-Thing who is
I probably should mention the unspoken name of God. The God we
know, we do know and can only know because of his actions. He is
our creator; he is doing things. There is a state of this same
God which was before any action or thought to act by It: "It" was
(and is) before any thought or action related to what we now know
as "God." This is the eternal, the "wholly other" we are from and
"It" is incomprehensible: there is really no form or thing there,
yet all comes from it. We can imagine that something existed
before everything we know, but we cannot imagine what it might be,
because everything we know is derived from some thing, and It is
a step above the state of being anything.
We cannot say a single thing to describe this, well, whatever It
is (already, It is beyond the constraints of "is-dom"), so we call
It "the Ineffable": "that which we are unable to speak of." Even
"the Most High God" as a term does not approach the elevation due
the Ineffable.
While there cannot be two Gods, conceptually this state is the
"Father" of the God we know. In fact, it is the Father of
everything. The natures of God descend and are derived from It,
as ours are of him. How did the Ineffable give birth to God?
He thought of him! Our God is the child in Proverbs chapter 8
who is the wisdom and the strength of the Ineffable.
"Before beginning, (the Ineffable [unspoken!!!]) created (as a
state of thought) God, the Heavens and the Earth" (Genesis 1: 1;
per my understanding). This creation was the Ineffable's intent
for Man, Its own manifestation, into which manifestation Its
nature is presently descending.
Yes, that is us. We are in the process of God. In us, Its nature
is ascending.
Elohim, according to Victor Alexander (find him at,
means "Over the Flames." The One, the source energy which is both
El and the Glory of God, is manifest as many bits of that same
energy, as "flames" of it. There is only one Glorious One, but
there are many facets of that Glory.
God is also Light, the nature of being luminous and luminary.
"Light" is energy to understand, consciousness, "mind."
God is Life, and we have life. The bits of Life we each have
are manifestation of the Big Guy. They -- we -- not separate or
divided from him, for there cannot be two Gods. We're just little
emanations of his energy; that is, manifestations of him sent to
be here.
Ein Sof is one of my favorite designations for God. It is God's
nature of being without end. Beyond anything and everything in
the universe, beyond past and future, beyond every limit imaginable -
- God is. He is unconstrainable bounty. "Ein Sof," I think, is
about as close conceptually as we can get to "It."
YHWH, or "Jehovah" as we imagine it being pronounced, I do not
think was ever a word. It is never pronounced in Hebrew, and it
has never been given vowel points. I think this is because it is
rather a picture, an illustration of God.
YHWH is the pattern of God's nature: it is the pattern of the
Ineffable's manifesting here. "Call upon the name of the LORD"
means to assume the nature of YHWH, not to cry out in despair.
"The LORD (YHWH) possessed me at the beginning of his way; before
his works of old" (Proverbs 8: 22). This is the pattern of the
Infinite's out-flow, of increase and expansion. God's nature is
one of perpetual expansion, that is why he took upon himself the
limits of contraction -- our sphere of earthliness and death -
- from which to have limitless expansion and increase.
Jethro means "his jutting over or exceeding; his excellence." This
is what Moses noticed about the nature of YHWH. There is a flow,
a current of increase and expansion which runs from the intention
of the source of Life to experience in our sphere of existence.
From this Moses deduced that he also was expansion of the Ineffable
and so had Its nature, proclaiming, "AHYH! -- I become what I
"AHYH! -- I become what I become!" requires a little explanation.
We start with the nature of the Ineffable, who created God/Man as
a state of thought and then became them. Creation is three-
dimensional imagining. God imagined the END that he wanted in the
future THREE-DIMENSIONALLY. He imagined it so clearly that he
could look upon it and see that it was very beautiful. God became
the desired end three-dimensionally in his imagination, and now he
is becoming the end he predestined in reality. He is becoming
what he became. This life is the process.
Because YHWH (He is becoming), AHYH (I am becoming). We are
manifestations of this nature, of increase and expansion. "With my
staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I am become two bands
(Genesis 32: 10). Jethro is a part of life: it is Adam and Eve -
- what we (Adam) imagine/respond to emotionally (Rib), we give
life to (Eve's birth of Cain and Abel) -- our manifest world. We
become manifestly what we became mentally. This is why each of
our world's reflect or "mirror" each of us -- we each create it
of ourselves.
At this pattern, one's jaw drops. It is too astounding. It is so
astounding that Bible translators have no choice but to conceptualize
scripture as a linear, secular and literal historical record. They
have to transliterate what they perceive to be the proper names of
historical people instead of translating them as the natures and the
states of consciousness of God and Man, for if YHWH is truly the
pattern of the Ineffable's nature and not his self-elected name,
then everything they know of the world, of life and our place and
work in it is wrong.
This is the chief cornerstone, the stone (fact) that the builders
have rejected, for if they were to alight upon this truth their
world-view would be broken, and they cannot allow that. (Not yet,
anyway, but they will. We all will.) This is YHWH's doing, and
it is marvelous: God's destined end of being all-in-all shall be.
Qadosh means holy, the nature of being for him. Everything is for
him. How has your holiness been? Whatever we place toward ourselves
in life is rebellion against him, rebellion as witchcraft. We owe
God a complete, perfect life as he has given to us, and we come up
short. How shall we pay him perfection, when our past life has
already gone by soiled with corruption? God without limits can
correct the past by Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ means the Anointed Life-Giver. Jesus is the provider
of life, as Abraham said, "YHWH JIREH" -- "Jehovah will provide"
(Genesis 22: 14). God provided our lives to us when he became each
of us. We may have made a mess of it, but will God forgive his
son (each of us) whom he has made subject to futility? I know he
will. He has.
Christ is an especially interesting word. They will tell you it
means the same as Messiah, "Anointed." Why on earth would the
Greeks have an equivalent word for the Jewish concept of Messiah?
I am sort of alone on this (though I got it from Gerald Massey),
but I believe that Christ is from the Egyptian word KRST, which
means coffin. The anointing or "oil" of the spirit of God, who we
are, is imparted into the coffin -- the "Mount of YHWH" Abraham
spoke of -- which tomb is our skulls. There is the imagination,
the vestige of the Power and the Wisdom of the Infinite who
became "ignoranced" in order to dwell in and experience this
sphere of death: Jesus Christ.
This is our nature: YHWH (he becomes) in the coffin. And with this
nature is the responsibility to fulfill the Law of the Infinite's
character by AHYH (I become). No wonder the translators refuse to
eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil:
because it will crush the slacking conscience. It is challenging to
be responsible to not only outwardly perform the Law, but to
inwardly, actually and faithfully fulfill the Law in personal
character "24/7."
It is the Glorious One who bids us to eat. Nachash means to hiss,
which serpents do, but in ancient Chaldee, from which the Hebrew
Nachash comes, the word meant copper -- from which mirrors were
made. Copper, brass, and mirrors, like serpents in the desert sun,
shine. The petro-glyph symbol for YHWH in ancient Palestine was
a serpent -- because it SHINES. The Glorious One is not a talking
serpent with horns -- the "horns" are rays of the light of
understanding which shine from the head, and this understanding,
the flow of YHWH personified, tells us the truth: we shall not die,
but shall be as God, because we already are God. The Shining One
laid down his life to become us, to animate us by his spirit, for
which he eats dust all the days of our lives . . . in us and as us.
Understand, reader, that they are all One: God, Adam, the rib, Eve,
the Glorious/Shining One, Cain and Abel, the Garden, Nod, them, us -
- the story is all about the Ineffable -- nothing else. The Bible
is God's biography and ours. If we can get going on allowing His
nature to shine through us in this world, we will find healing.
God's nature: he thinks of what he wants in the future and creates
it in his mind as though it were his current existence. He raises
it to the level of 3D vision. And then the Sabbath. It becomes.
Our nature: same-same, except we were "ignoranced" to be able to
experience contraction, doubt and death and evolve back to
God-consciousness AS INDIVIDUALS. The Infinite really has this
all figured out. Un-ignorancing ourselves by learning God's moral
and ethical character by studying the Bible, let's, like him, choose
Good, noble goals and seed the future with good visions.
When God forgives our past by Jesus Christ, those things that caused
sin, unlikeness to him -- sickness, poverty, perversity -- NO LONGER
EXIST. I mean, they don't even exist in the past anymore: your sin,
"though it be as crimson, shall be white as wool." That means gone.
And if they are gone from the past, their effects disappear from the
It is God's nature and our nature to excel and ascend, to increase
and expand towards a goal. All of this is heading for the achievement
of the six day creation. Believe you have received the beautiful,
and you will have.
very nice. thank you.
Anonymous, at 7:37 PM
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