The Becoming God

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Imagined and Imaginary Are Not The Same Thing

I have this weird personal belief that the intelligence of the Ineffable Being's consciousness has the power to become what it believes or assumes that it is. That the intelligence believes and assumes that there is space, light, gravity, matter, and so there is. Matter - energy - does exist because it is believed to exist. IT BELIEVES ITSELF. Matter itself, down to the quantum bits, is intelligent.

We imagine our lives, and that imagination becomes our experience. Our lives mirror our thoughts. We can change our lives by changing our thoughts. But we, our imagination's projection and the matter which presents it, are the Ineffable Being's, not ours. Our manifestation is conditioned by Its desires and purposes. Which is good. Wonderful in fact. The Ineffable's nature is the "Law," the basis of Its purposes. It wishes and intends for us what It has determined for Itself. And let me tell you, that is really good.


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