The Becoming God

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Messiah/Christ Is Us Becoming Him, Which We Are When Christ Comes To Us, For There Is Only One

I had a big revelation about poo, about waste, or if you would, about transitoriness. Then listening to T. L. Osborn I had a big revelation about God's purpose and values. I thought it better to shut up and listen while God was teaching me something. I found a separation: things that are forgotten, and things still being dealt with. Now I have to apologize to John Calvin, who saw this going on. God is imagining all of us. We are Him pushed out, spirits of imagination. And the world is us pushed out, becoming by our spending poo or, by investment, God. Guess which God would rather.

I find we have a big attraction to comfort and wealth. T. L. Osborn had faith he could rebuke and cast out sickness-causing demons to prove God's Word. God caught him up short: "Do you have more faith in your power and authority to cast out demons than in the healing power of my love?" Rather than healing people in his crusades, Osborn preached, "God loves you. He can fix what you have screwed up," (my paraphrase). Spiritually matriculating in faith in Jesus, YHWH, GOD HEALED THEM.

God is not interested in our becoming wealthy, but in everyone we can get spiritually invested in the Kingdom. I have mispurposed my life - had the wrong values until now. Fortune, even peace and love = nothing if not continuing in the Kingdom of the One. Suddenly all my tapes, lectures, books and scriptures are full of this. Where was this message before? I had misread, misheard, misunderstood according to my own purposes and desires. I feel kind of smacked around and chagrinned, ashamed...and repurposed.

I have a human Jesus who was anointed with YHWH - a son of Adam, a son of God, and a son of David. He presented an illustration, the conclusion of the Season of Grace: the One Who descended as man ascends to become Man-God. HE IS KNOCKING TO OPEN THAT DOOR TO US IF WE WILL OPEN THE DOOR TO HIM. This, my friend, is the hope of Israel, the hope of the Kingdom.


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