The Becoming God

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Which Jesus? "He Who Believes in Me": Do You Believe in You?

As a theologian, I have a lot of Jesuses. Because scripture has a lot of Jesuses, and they all have to be true. I believe in the so-called historical Jesus of the first century A. D., but what I believe of him does not jibe with the historical Jesus the church usually believes in. I believe in Jesus the incarnation MAN differently, because I also have a separate Jesus the anointed FIELD which was upon him. The Field is the literal Ineffable Being's literal consciousness which literally bears all the Ineffable Being's nature. That nature/consciousness was anointed upon the soul of the historical man making him "Jesus," God-Saving-Us.

I believe that Jesus, the field of the Ineffable Being's consciousness, is the Milta, the MANIFESTATION or "Son" in the first word of scripture, brasheeth (Aramaic Genesis 1:1): "the Manifestation of God before the Beginning." As the Beginning, Jesus as IMAGINATION conceived what the End of the Ineffable's full and ongoing manifestation would be, Light, Life, and Love; and the Sabbath: every conceivable thing it would take for IT to get there. One really big thing to overcome was the ignorance the Imagination of the Ineffable had as the imaginER. As ADAM, the LIFE-BLOOD OF THE DIVINE, Jesus hungered to overcome his ignorance via experiential manifestation, becoming crucified upon the ignorance of forgetfulness as he, EVE, became what he imagined. His life became his wife (see Alexander's translation) just as our lives become our wives.

For me, it was Jesus the POWER OF THE INEFFABLE BEING'S INTELLIGENCE TO BECOME WHATEVER IT ASSUMES IT IS who became this dimension of space-time and everything within it. Both wave light and particulate matter from intelligence maintain the inherent nature of the Ineffable Being - Jesus - within them. The universe is intelligent!! Jesus takes form to facilitate the experience of our imagination, naturally positively. THIS NATURAL POSITIVENESS TOWARD OUR DESTINED END IS THE GREAT SECRET OF LIFE. God's love is not supposed to be a secret, though.

I must mention the Hebrew word hayah, become. I learned from Bullinger's Companion Bible margin note on the word 'was' in Genesis 1:2, that was (Heb. hayah) = became. There was a transition. Man (earth) was not without form and void; he BECAME without form and void. Still the same man, he transitioned from light to darkness. Hayah (Strong's #1961) flags transition. In favor of Cain, acquisition, we forget Abel, its transitoriness. "Now" is constantly transitioning.

All history, including our lives, is symbolic and illustrative. It/they can be read or listened to as the language with which God speaks to us. We got a nice letter from Him in the form of the Season of Grace, roughly Daniel's seventy weeks of years or the span of time between the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem. Jesus said, "The Season is finished, and the Kingdom of God has arrived. Repent and believe in the Hope [of the Kingdom]" (Mark 1:15 Alexander). I believe this Jesus was the two of them, the historical human and the anointed consciousness of God upon him. The two of them believed he had to die for the Kingdom to be raised the Messiah of the Kingdom. He did, and both Jesuses were raised from the dead fused together, the One we always have been.

Which brings us to me and you. And my next post.


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