The Real Reason I Reject the So-called Law of Attraction, Which is a Satanic, Bogus Fraud Anyway
Yet in the Law of Attraction there is no reverence for the force or the force's source, no recognition of the "force" being the consciousness of the Ineffable, the Person Whom we are of. For the Law of Attraction practitioner and advocate, it is simply: "I do this mental vibration work, and it attracts whatever I desire of the same vibration. Other than that, it is dead to me. It isn't anyone, it isn't a person or mentality, there is no thought or deliberation, no judgment involved. It is just a force, an vibrational energy of the universe which respond to and can be directed by my vibration. It has no discreet consciousness of its own." This is almost palpable ignorance to me.
The Law of Attraction discounts, detracts, and deceives from the reality of a conscious, ineffable (..?). I do not like it, even if it does work by the same means as the Law of Assumption. In fact, the Law of Assumption, which is faith, is the only reason the Law of Attraction, which isn't actually a thing at all, works at all. I do not actually give a rat's behind whether the Law of Attraction works or not, or is a lie or not. I reject it because it deceives from our right relationship with the Ineffable and Its Consciousness. That Consciousness is what we call "God." It is what is doing us by Its imagination. It is what we are supposed to be in right relationship with. The Law of Attraction doesn't get it.
Malachi 1:6 is what I hear in my mind every time I see the Law of Attraction promoted: "A son honors his father and a servant his Lord. If I am the Father, how are you honoring me, and if I am the Lord, how are you submitting to me?" (Alexander). The Law of Attraction doesn't have a Father or a Lord or honor to any thing. The universe to it is a vibrating blank slate. You put in your order with the universe by your selected buzz, and that buzz in the world finds you. The only consciousness involved is you selecting the frequency of your buzz.
Satan, to me, is the inherent ignorance of the Ineffable's Imagination. We are a small part of the Ineffable's Imagination's manifestation; specifically, we are the Ineffable's Imagination's ignorance. The ignorance of the Imagination is that it doesn't know how to be the Ineffable, but rather perceives separation between itself and what goes on through it. Yes, that's a weird idea, but getting over this ignorance is what we are here to do for God and as God because we are God. The truth is: all is one.
The Law of Attraction appears to work because God provides. That's His "Howdy-do." There is thought and deliberation, judgment on His part. God speaks to us in illustrations, of which the Bible is full. 'Eil Shaddai' is God, of whom we are part. Shaddai means “breasts.” God PROVIDES everything. The Holy Spirit is feminine gender. The feminine is receptive. We are receptive of everything. The Law of Attraction PRACTICES the Prayer of Assumption. You think you are vibrating, but you are actually telling God what desires are in your heart, desires He has put there (Psalm 37:4). HE IS FAITHFUL TO HIS PROMISE TO BRING THEM TO PASS.
"A son honors his father and a servant his Lord. If I am the Father, how are you honoring me, and if I am the Lord, how are you submitting to me?"
Again from Malachi, Chapter 3:8 - 4:1, per Alexander:
8. "Why, does man exploit God as you have exploited me? And if you say, 'How have we exploited you?' In tithing and in first fruits.
9. "By curses you are cursed, and to me you are exploiting.
10. "All the nation brings its tithes into my stores and there is food in my house, and they test (prove!) me with this," said the Almighty Lord, "and I open a window for you in heaven and shower you with blessings until you say, 'this is more than enough.'
11. "And I cry out against the pestilence so as it may not destroy the fruit of the earth, and not one of the earth's vines is ruined," said the Almighty Lord.
12. "And all the nations glorify you, as you become the land of my desire," said the Almighty Lord.
13. "Your words [weigh] heavily on me," said the Lord. "And if you say, 'What did we say against you?'
14. "You said, 'It is in vain working for the Lord, and what wealth did we gain by guarding his treasures* and walking meekly before the Almighty Lord?'
15. "'And henceforth are we to give blessings towards the abominable, and the sinners* will restore* us, and we are to tempt* God and he [still] delivers us?'"
16. Thus they spoke, those who feared the Lord, each man saying [thus] to his companion; and the Lord listened and heard, and he wrote in the Scrolls of the Offerings* before him, [he wrote] regarding those who feared him and regarding those who glorified his name.*
17. "And they are mine," said the Almighty Lord, "on the Day that I make up the Congregation* and I embrace* them, as the man embraces the son who works for him.
18. "And you turn back and see [the difference] between the righteous and the abominable, between those that worked for God and those that did not."*
1. "Because, behold, there shall come days and my anger shall burn like a furnace, and all the workers of abomination and the committers of sin shall be like stubble which I burn on the following Day," said the Almighty Lord, "and I shall not leave them a root or branch" (emphases mine).
*3:14 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Guarding his guardeds."
*3:15.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Performers of sin."
*3:15.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Build."
*3:15.3 Lit. Ar. id.: "Test."
*3:16.1 Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "Scriptures of Memorial Offerings."
*3:16.2 NB! These are the two types of faith: those who worship out of fear and those who worship by glorifying the Lord out of a desire to honor him and out of love.
*3:17.1 Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "Assembly."
*3:17.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Stick to."
*3:18 NB! Prophesy regarding those who followed Eashoa (Jesus), like the Disciples, the Apostles, and the early Churches, when Eashoa (Jesus) came to the World.
They obeyed the Law of Assumption, and it WORKED by God's deliberate action of FAITHFULNESS. It PROVED God, but they discounted His actually being there. Don't make the mistake of thinking the Person of the Ineffable (..?) isn't conscious, and don't refuse to honor Him as Father.
So there you go, two Laws of opposite effect because of two differing assumptions within them. Both use the same power, both do the same thing. But one recognizes the Person the power is, and the other does not. I hope for your sake you realize that the power acts deliberately and with purpose, which a natural, neutral force cannot. I.e., I hope you meet the Big Guy, and then on favorable terms.
This is horribly judgemental. These people just found a phenomena that works for them and are trying to explain it. You sound just like those people who think Neville teaches black magick.
Neuromantic*, at 8:14 PM
Yes, it is EXTREMELY judgmental. That is the point. The Person we are dealing with is EXTREMELY judgmental. THAT is what is all through the Bible. THAT is why we are here. THAT is why we are not consumed. THAT is why Jesus died. "It is appointed man once to die, and then the judgment." We must stay here in "hell" until we meet the criteria of the judgment, which is what the Book of Job is all about. The Law of Attraction's working is a revelation to take to heart. But its salesmen and saleswomen say, "Oh, no. He is not there. This is just the natural effect of your mental and emotional vibration. Keep Him out of your mind. Don't look that direction. Just think of all the lovely things that you want." THAT is SATANIC.
Well, I know you are not going to get that, either. Look up what Neville and I have said about ignorance and amnesia. I use the term "ignoranced," because while we were (and are) God, we opted to enter this death state of the Ineffable's Imagination's ignorance. We have become it--we have become "ignoranced." The Judgment is our having OVERCOME it--when we do. Which is what Job accomplished, or rather what God accomplished in Job, as we are not the ones who accomplish it. Only God can. Which is what Jesus is all about. He is the Person-in-the-Field Who accomplishes it, and the Guy He accomplished it through. Now it is our turn to find the end the Lord desires for us, to be Israel: God Ruling in Man.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:21 PM
you seem very confused about Neville's message.
Neuromantic*, at 8:00 AM
I do not think so, but there are many people who are. I diverge from him not because I do not understand him, but because I do not agree with him in those areas. And you might think I am disagreeing with him in an area when I am merely expanding on his teaching you have misunderstood. Don't be so judgmental.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:40 AM
lol, my saying you're confused is a heck of a lot more loving than you saying all these people are basically evil who try to spread the message of the law of attraction .. many of them do say it's due to god. It's just a term that they use. Jeez louise.
Neuromantic*, at 10:56 AM
last thing i want to say here is:
Neville taught us that EVERYTHING we experience in our reality was our own wonderful human imagination. He used those words over and over again. You cannot be a student of Neville and believe God to be an external entity. Or imagination outside of human consciousness.
And everytbing that happens on this planet happens as a result of these human imaginings.
If this is the case, aren't these people who attribute the LOAs success to themselves, correct in doing so? They are showing that imagination created their desired reality. Their own imagination, however convoluted their understanding may be. Its OUR OWN human imagination.
You're brining a ton of your dogma to this and its really awful. You're twisting Neville's message. He may have disliked new thought and its explanation of creation but he espexially discouraged thinking God is external even more.
Neuromantic*, at 11:06 AM
You keep talking about an external God. That is the farthest thing from my thought. There is only One, and we are in and of It, but we are in limitation in the opacity and constriction of our ignorance of amnesia. There IS the One BEYOND our limitations, and all that appears external is It. But there It is. There really is, in my opinion, a pale blue dot spinning through space like countless trillions of other dots. They and we are the Ineffable's imagination ... and real ... in and of the One. Let your "God" be bigger. Big enough to deal with Its own "evil."
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:41 PM
then why are you demonizing these LOA people who, most likely, are just on their journey to figure out who they really are? They're not these demonic people you keep writing countless blog posts about, saying how they are attributing these things to something other than God. Its not true that theyre all saying that. plenty plenty of them attribute their success to God. Its just strange that youre painting them all with this brush. Like Neville said its our HUMAN imagination that's God... so They're free to use it the way that makes sense to them.
So many lovely people teaching Gods power in humans without dogma. Sure they may not get the ins and outs but theyre sharing the message the best way they know how.
Neuromantic*, at 1:00 PM
Because I do not think LOA is as inoccuous as you paint it. It's an "almost." The last thing in the Bible is Malachi dealing with the Jews who had returned from Babylon. According to the Aramaic version, the Jews WERE bringing their tithes into the storehouse--you can read that as imagination--so that they would be blessed with increase. They were living the life LOA. And God cursed the poop out of them for robbing Him. Robbing how? Not honoring the Person He is as their Father. Our Father. Hey, it is His language. I am just giving a heads up: if it works, it is Him. Human imagination is God's imagination--Him thinking us, not we thinking Him. So honor and love the Big Guy, whatever It is.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:35 PM
Neville says if you see the proof and connect it to your own human imagination, you've fulfilled scripture. Your way invokves so many jumps in fear and logic, it doesn't make sense. So many semantics. Aaaaaaanyway. All good.
Neuromantic*, at 6:23 PM
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