The Becoming God

Monday, January 13, 2020

Heading For Healing 18: Do Not Discount "It Is All Evolution"

"It is all evolution." Of course it is. It is the evolution of a power or force which either has consciousness or a nature which corresponds to consciousness and the attitudes of beneficence and love. I.e., a nature of intentional increase through changes in states. I am saying that the kingdom of God is a natural order. It is nature doing what it does. What it does is consciousness, communication of intent, and manifestation of conceived conditions. Between ourselves and that end, we do not know what we are missing; i.e., we do not know what we lack of our own being to DO that.

"Two Kinds of Knowledge" (see E. W. Kenyon) comes into play here. We know what we are lacking by name. I happened Providentially to pick up F. F. Bosworth's Christ the Healer (1973. Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company) and flip it open. "Zoe," the Life of God, Bosworth said, is what we are missing. Cool. But what is that? Well, it is the subject of chapter 11 in the book, pages 149 to 154. Zoe is the secret of victory. We have it; we need to be FULL of it -- full of God Himself. But how do we un us and fill up on Him? The experiential knowledge we must find is being fully un-ed of ourselves and fully upped with Him.

The only way to find out is to go there. Jesus died. God doesn't ask us to do that -- one died for all, so He accounts all died. But the Power or Force which has or corresponds to consciousness would have us "die" attitudinally to effect changes in states. When we "die," we find ourselves seated in the heavenlies with Christ Jesus. "Oy," He says. "There you go, mate. You've found the way to take My yoke I called you to in Matthew 11:28-29. It's easy, isn't it? You've just got to DO it. Good job!"


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