The Becoming God

Monday, January 20, 2020

Heading For Healing 20: How Many Times To Be Healed?

How many times to believe you are healed?

A little anecdote I heard a number of decades ago:
A group of boys were playing baseball while on a church retreat. One broke his leg, and the counsellor told him they would call an ambulance for him, or he could have his healing. The boy said he'd have his healing. They prayed, got him up on his good leg, but when he stepped onto the bad leg, he crumpled. They repeatedly prayed, he repeatedly got up on his good leg, and repeatedly crumpled again. The counsellor was perplexed. "This time," it came to him, "get up on your bad leg." When the boy put forth his bad leg to get up, it was healed.

"It will come back three times," the Lord warned a healed person of her symptoms. I don't know why, and I don't know how symptoms of a disease return after a healing, but they sometimes do. It could be a challenge to or test of one's faith. A pain returns. Were you healed? Do you KNOW you were? "By his stripes ye WERE healed." The boy was healed when they prayed. We are ALWAYS healed, but do we believe it? Do we always ACCEPT it? Getting up on his bad leg showed it. Neville Goddard pointed out that if by imagining you became a multimillionaire, and by some means lost it all, you still have the means to gain it all again. Pray just like you did before. The pain returns, or the lump, the heartbeat, or whatever. If you were healed and are still in good grace, you ARE healed. Believe like you did before.

It used to be that the right sleeves of all my long sleeve shirts were snugger than the left. Then my left arm grew out as I watched. I never had a sleeve snugger than the other again. One night I entered a strange realization that everything is the intelligence of the Ineffable. I don't do drugs, but I seemed to be "tripping." It was the kind of realization or perception that makes you afraid, except knowing the love of God gives you confidence to withstand it. That night my left shoulder was throbbing from the arthritis in my neck. As I lie down to sleep, in this mental euphoria I said to the Intelligence, "You can heal me." The pain was gone before my head hit the pillow.

The years go by and the pain returns, and it just now occurs to me that the perception of everything being the intelligence of the Ineffable, i.e., the healing, is more precious to me than the healed state that follows. Like when Janet Gunther found herself in the Presence of God and the Voice said, "You are healed." Her healing was just icing on the cake -- she wanted the Presence! Maybe we should be looking at returns of symptoms as opportunities to rehearse healing -- just another thing to thank God for. The boys learned that faith was getting up on the bad leg, no matter how many times putting weight on it had failed before. That was a fruitful retreat.


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