The Becoming God

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Answer to Amber on Name/Nature

AmberLC asked:

"Not sure if you feel like addressing this, I love reading your posts. I was thinking about in the Bible how it says ask "in my name" so many passages about in Jesus' name, which is how people cast out demons, heal, etc. and am trying to figure out which many people say is literal, in the name of Jesus, and can be very successful with, like is it their belief in the name, vs. nature more like Neville style. Or quite literally those exact words but why doesn't it always work, then it comes back to confidence and belief in our authority in Jesus."

Again, something I myself struggle with. Suddenly, had something of an answer. Remember, "Compartmentalization: to break some continuum apart into separated elements." God is a continuum of consciousness. We are ignorant conscii. We know that we are, but we do not know what we are. Life is out there in front of us, manifesting us, but we do not know what is BEHIND us. I.e., the real Consciousness. We are here to find it to fix ourselves (which entails finding Christ [who we are] and being fixed by Him).

A thing's "name" is its nature. The "name" of Jesus Christ IS (the nature of) that man at the end of the Season of Grace who died, resurrected, and we joined in ascension (if indeed we have believed -- had faith unto salvation -- confessing He [and thus we] is YHWH).

We are, or at least have been, ignorant conscii. Ignorance is a part of the continuum. It is consciousness, alive and powerful and in its way wise, BUT IT IS ITSELF LESS THAN WE ARE. Consciousness also, it lives and works, but is subject to us for it is OUR ignorance. We simply have authority of a higher order than it. It is RIGHT for it to obey us. It, "Satan," affects a person. We command it, ignorance, to leave. The person is unaffected. Deaffected. Affected by ignorance no more. What ignorance? That we are apart of YHWH, of the Ineffable, and not apart from Him. David, THE Christ, calls us Father, THE YHWH, Who is the Consciousness of the Ineffable. WE CONSCII DO NOT KNOW WHAT THAT IS, WHICH IS OUR IGNORANCE, WHICH IGNORANCE IS SUBJECT TO US. Resist it, cast it out; its gates cannot withstand us.


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