Can we change the past? Neville Goddard asked, “What would it be like if it were true?” If what ‘it’ were true? If the past we desire were true. We can assume that that past was and now IS true, and let it become true. All is past relative to the end. If we practice the technique of revision, it is revision of the past. If we hear bad news and refuse to hear it, and hear good news instead, it is still the past. “I remember when...” is remembering the past, even if it is in the future. The lady with the pained back in
The Law and the Promise, page 19, remembered her swinging and falling badly in the past. In her imagination she went back to that event and relived it. What would it be like if it were true ... that she swung and fell well? She did over and over in her imagination, and healed her back.
I do not know if we actually change the past, or change God’s memory of it. Not sure there’s a difference there.
I dont think there is but if you believe in parallel realities and the illusion of time you just picked a diff track of a very real version of you that you activated =)
Shveta Hariharan, at 8:02 PM
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