The Becoming God

Sunday, May 06, 2018

More Than Imagic

We develop our worldviews from education and life experience. Science and logic and whatever philosophies we follow keep our worldview within the scope of sense. Everything we perceive either fits somehow within our worldview, or we adjust our worldview to account for it.

The sum of our worldview sees the world as operating in a certain way: time and space, gravity, light and matter, even mind and spirit have order. Each influences the other, and together they create what we accept as existence.

Then, in 1975, I saw that they do not. My experience saw another method of operation, another order. The old sense was suspended. What I knew could not account for newly perceived spiritual presence and power. My old worldview was shown to be an illusion I had formed in my ignorance of the latter. Yes, I saw and experienced those things, but they were not the real existence. They did not influence; they were influenced.

That-Which-Influences is what I accepted as Lord, God, and Savior. The Bible talks about it and says that Jesus Christ is Its Son, so I accepted Jesus Christ as Its Son, as part of the package. I was sent to Melodyland School of Theology to learn the package and got caught up in the explanations, the illustrations of the Influencer.

Now I am back to marveling at the Power -- Consciousness in Its raw form: invisible exercise. What really brought me back was David A. Cooper's book God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism and Victor N. Alexander's translations of Exodus and Genesis from the ancient Aramaic. I guess you could say it was the Bible itself that brought me back -- the Power in the Bible. Central, certainly central, is that Power's application of Exodus 3:14 in Alexander's translation: "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh," "the Power of Existence is Consciousness."

No, that is not a literal translation. It is my reading of what is inferred, that consciousness, THE Consciousness, causes existence. The Conscious One I cannot know, but Its Consciousness, I am.

As That-Which-Influences thinks in Its heart, so is It. I thought we were the image of that. Now I see that we are that, that Power. Our holdup is attitudes. Especially self-control. We exist in our minds as separate from the One we are. As It thinks in Its heart, so is It is only changeable by us as we think! God help us.

"Our Father in the Heavens (That-Which-Influences, our Consciousness);
Your name must be being hallowed (Your Nature IS hallowed);
Your kingdom must be being restored (Your Power IS restored);
Your will must be being done, both in Heaven and upon the Earth (Your Will IS done).
Give us to-day our to-morrow's bread (Lead Us in The Way);
and forgive us our faults, as we forgive those offending us (Allow Us mutual serenity),
for you would not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from its evil (As We overcome Ignorance)" (my interpretation of Fenton).

The Word I received the other night: "Minimalize the Bible -- 'He IS.'" He IS is the definition of the Hebrew word YHWH (Jehovah). The whole Bible is just -- "He IS."


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