The Becoming God

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

I received some questions from Raymond 1

I received some questions from Raymond. Christians struggle to understand the difference between God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit — Who is doing what, and to Whom am I supposed to be talking to? My answers seem to get better each time I work out the logic of what really is going on in the universe. I thank Raymond for the excellent questions so many are trying to sort through:

-----Original Message-----

Good afternoon Dan, may this e-mail find you well.

First of all, THANK YOU!, in all caps, what an awesome website is I wish I could have found your website years ago, when I started my spiritual growth. I would have saved myself countless books, struggle, frustration, and waste of time.

I contact you because I've been focused on learning how to effectively pray for a couple of months now and two weeks ago, I stumbled upon a Neville Goddard video on youtube. I've been reading his articles online, but I still have a couple of questions and searching for answers is how I found your blog. Your knowledge of the bible is profound and it resonates with me. I wrote some questions below and I would greatly appreciate it if you could shed some light to my confusion.

1 - Neville says we are Christ, but I also read that Christ is the human imagination, is this true?

2 - If an idea pops into my head, is that Christ or God? And then, do I pray asking God or Christ for assistance on developing my idea?

3 - I heard an audio of Neville in which he said something about a feminine aspect of creation, is this related to beliefs of ancient civilizations about God being a Goddess?

4 - Have you ever prayed and achieved an answer? And if so, did you pray to God, The Lord, or Jesus Christ?


Hello. Thank you for reading the Becoming God blog. I hope you will be patient with my explanations regarding your questions. There is a big field of information I am looking at differently than you might be looking at your field of information. Hopefully, we can bring these fields together.

What is really going on: an Unknown Being is becoming manifest, and we -- the universe -- are It in Its process. What we call life is a part of the overall process of this Unknown Being's becoming manifest in what It considers to be Its form. All of everything in every which way is -- is -- that Being in expansion to that form. There is no "nothing" anywhere.

While the Unknown Being is completely incomprehensible to us — "ineffable" — It apparently does imagine. The Being has consciousness, "spirit." Its intelligence is power to become what is imagined. It has become us. Christ is the principle of the Ineffable spirit becoming manifest. That principle is the Ineffable's imagination. The Ineffable's imagination is both God and YHWH — Christ — to us, and is us. The anointing of Its consciousness in us IS Christ. We are all this one thing, the imagination of the Ineffable. Its power becomes material at the point of observation to facilitate experience (see the double slit tests).

The weird thing (yes, weirder than that) is that we see separation in the definition of things. In reality, all is one — the One. Immaterial light waves and material light particles are the same thing, imagination, at different times, in different forms, for different functions. Doing the Ineffable's will in our imagination, we are Christ. In so doing, we give birth to Christ, David, and thus we are David's Father. In like manner, the imagination of the Ineffable is the Father of the individual imaginings we are in this sphere of death (no conscious relationship to our Godhood). We individual imaginings are simply the Father HERE as Sons. ALL IS ONE INEFFABLE, UNKNOWN BEING, BECOMING. Christ is God, the imagination of the Ineffable, here in your head as YOUR being. So go inside to pray. All y'all will hear you.

The literal-historical method of interpreting the Bible cannot live with a more esoteric, symbolic method of understanding the scripture as being psychologically based. Says the literal-historical: "Creation is of physical things, Adam and Eve were humans." Negative. Creation was and is psychological, imaginal. Adam was the PLAN for man, the Man Who is the full Manifestation of the Unknown Being. We are so destined. But to become like the Ineffable, the Man we are has to be generated into that likeness. We have to take on Its qualities and nature bit by bit, line upon line, here a little, there a little. "I don't want to go into death to be generated," we say. "It will be okay. You will become completely ignorant of the Life you have left, and I will be with you to form and lead you." This "before that the world was." 'Adam' is the Life of God in the man of flesh. Voila! He and she imagine, desire, have needs, think about things. Imagined desire is the fount of creation, the 'rib.' The rib, desire imagined, becomes the mother of the living existence of what was desired. This power to birth what is desired into living is within us as our imagination, the "inner man," Jacob. God likes Jacob, a man after His own heart. Esau, the flesh, not so much. See and Control F search for 'feminine.' Also listen to “Unless I Go Away.”

God, of course, is neither male nor female. But there is the reality of the Ineffable's imagination as substantive, "real" existence. If that equates to maleness, then the feminine would be the oneness of all imagination. All comes from the feminine nature of imagining . . . done by the male.

I have indeed prayed and received what I asked for (lesson: be careful what you ask for). Can't recall if I addressed God, the Lord (YHWH), or Jesus Christ in a prayer which was so answered. In desperation I address the Higher Authority by whatever word(s) come out. God is YHWH is Jesus Christ. They are all the imagination of the Ineffable, which is as high as I can go. I otherwise practice the Alfred E. Neuman prayer of low ambition: "What -- me worry?" The Ineffable Unknown Being I am is becoming. It knows all and is in control of all TO THAT END. I am destined to become this Being fully manifest, AND I CAN'T GET OUT OF THE WAY FAST ENOUGH.

Dan Steele


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