Reply to Tony about why I do not believe in the Law of Attraction, which is that VIBRATIONS DO NOT SPEAK (God does)
"Isn’t it possible, though, that vibrations can inspire speech? It’s just another action."
Thank you for the question. This reply got too long to enter as a comment, so it gets its own page.
The basic premise of the Law of Attraction, as I understand it, is that everything in the universe vibrates at its own particular frequency. Vibration frequencies attract like frequencies in the same manner magnetic poles attract opposite poles. High frequencies are good, low frequencies are bad. By transmitting high frequency thoughts and emotions, we can attract similar high frequency things into our lives -- "The universe will bend over backwards to make it happen."
I am not saying it does not work. The problem is that it does. That fact should scare the hell out of you, for as Neville Goddard repeated in his lectures ad nauseam: "When it works, you have found Him." "Him" is Consciousness, the Lord God Almighty. Yes, He is the human imagination, for He and Man are all imagination -- the Divine Consciousness.
But the universe does not bend over backwards to do anything without direction. If there is coordination, active arrangement, intervention, or any like thing, that is not mindless vibration. That is Mind.
Whoops! Where did the universe get Mind? How does the universe come to have consciousness and DIRECTED powers? Yes, vibrations can inspire speech, but Who is speaking? I have wondered if YHWH (Jehovah) in the Bible might be God's apparent actions noted by men which indicated God's will. That is a little weird, so let me explain: YHWH is action by God in covenant relation to man. Without words necessarily being spoken, God's covenant action may be so clearly illustrative of His will that men "hear" - i.e., understand - what He means. Like being knocked upside the head with a two by four, nothing else needs to be said about somebody actually being there, you KNOW it. That smack was PROOF!!
Which is the problem. Victor Alexander's translation of Malachi 3:7-10 from the ancient Aramaic is different from every other translation, and very insightful:
7. "From the days of your ancestors* you have strayed from my commandments and you have not heeded them; [therefore,] return to me and I shall return to you," said the Almighty Lord. "And if you ask, 'How shall we return?'"*
8. "Why, does man exploit God as you have exploited me? And if you say, 'How have we exploited you?' In tithing and in first fruits.
9. "By curses you are cursed, and to me you are exploiting.
10. "All the nation brings its tithes into my stores and there is food in my house, and they test me with this," said the Almighty Lord, "and I open a window for you in heaven and shower you with blessings until you say, 'this is more than enough.'
The question is not how to prove God; it is how shall we return to God? What is testing God's patience and long-suffering is that they do bring their tithes into the storehouse, and He does open the window of heaven and shower them with blessings. THEY HAD PROOF OF HIS PRESENCE AND POWER, YET FAILED TO HONOR AND RESPECT HIM AS GOD. They were to return to God by respect and honor to God's -- Consciousness's -- Fatherhood.
Instead, indeed, they exploited the "Law of Attraction" mechanism to receive all that they wanted without recognition of the God Who was doing the "attraction." They attributed it to the universe - the stars - their other gods. They were misinterpreting the two by four.
God continued to call them up to and through Season of Grace by the "vibration" of the Anointing of His own Spirit upon them. When they finally rejected even God in this form, the hammer of Rome fell on Jerusalem.
The frequencies of atomic particles do not speak apart from Consciousness. Maybe the accumulated wisdom of Consciousness in the universe's electromagnetic field is "God" to us, but that does not speak or act without the intelligence of personhood. It acts as a Person. Any which way you cut it, when it works, you have found Him. He is not some neutral, unconscious, vibrational force or accumulation of frequencies in the universe. God, the imaginal action of the Ineffable, is our dad. Respect and honor It as such.
And learn Its Law of Assumption.
Thank you, Dan. I appreciate that with the amount of time that you obviously devote to research, you took the time to expand on your view for us.
The Abraham-Hicks version of the Law of Attraction, does have a source of all vibration, interestingly referred to as Source, or Source Energy. Source is alternately referred to as All-That-Is by Abraham-Hicks. And although Jerry and Esther Hicks use the device of a group of beings that channel wisdom through Esther — I have a slight problem with that — the thoughts and wisdom that flows through Esther Hicks as she answers questions in a live format, comes easily and almost poetically, and in most cases, seems to be consistent and in many ways, in alignment with Neville Goddard’s teachings, without the Bible references.
I just discovered Neville Goddard about a year and a half ago, and his teachings have been amazingly helpful. With the Law of Attraction, I have been able to create a happy life in every way but one — financial abundance eludes me. I am hoping that the Neville Goddard teachings and ‘The Becoming God’ blog by this guy named Dan Steele — just discovered three days ago(!) will help me build the faith and belief needed to fill this one gap.
Thank you, again, Dan, for your sharing, your knowledge and your wisdom.
Tony McWilliams, at 9:55 AM
When I was in my teens and early twenties I screwed around with a Ouija board. Nothing good ever came of it. In 1973 I read Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts, a medium for a Quija spirit. Later an entity sought to take over my mind, and a Higher Authority rescued me from it. Probably what had influenced me to the place where I was about to lower my authority to that entity was that same deceiving spirit of the Ouija board. On a scale of one to ten, I do not want anything to do with disembodied spirits -- demons -- anything speaking through planchettes or mediums. I have never listened to Abraham-Hicks.
I recognize that the demons are probably just our own ignorance in some active form. All the more reason to reject them and seek God and the wisdom of the Bible. God himself is a really good teacher and does not need our permission or lowering of our authority to instruct us. Visit Mark Vickler's Our Message in Eight Minutes on YouTube (have a question in your head, and listen to the thoughts/visions that come).
Good luck and God bless on finding financial prosperity. Oddly enough, I have been listening to Kevin Trudeau's 13 hour Your Wish is Your Command speech on YouTube, because he promises to reveal something not usually taught. I'm on hour twelve and haven't heard anything new yet. He does give a really good review of the basic causation procedure. Over and over and over again. Notice that he speaks of the Law of Attraction and the Universe acting as God, without honoring or respecting God the Actor Himself. My opinion is he bought himself ten years in jail and a thirty-seven million dollar fine. Just an opinion.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:40 PM
This is a comment from David:
Fantastic writing and insights!
From what I've read of your blog, I too now understand the calamity that has fallen upon Mr. Trudeau is due to not acknowledging the Source behind the Source -- disrespecting God as you correctly state.
But why is it such a bad thing? To me, it's not what most people think...
My opinion? Not recognizing the source behind the source allows for no bounds on our frail human ego.
Left unchecked, our ego continues to inflate and inflate. We expose our Achilles heel and ultimately undo ourselves.
This exposure opens us up to attack, causes our ruin, and humbles us (hopefully).
Some don't get the early warnings and continue to advance in the wrong direction until they're totally destroyed.
I would argue, things with Kevin were off to a bad start from the beginning because Your Wish Is Your Command was a magnificently long sales letter to upsell people into the GIN program that he had.
Something about knowing the truth of The Law but deciding to parceling it out by levels and program after program... though people do it, it just doesn't strike me as the 'right way' to do things.
Many have proven that the so-called private mansion retreat in the Alps (inhabited with multi-millionaires, billionaires, and ROYALTY/Kings according to Trudeau) was simply a recording studio. (upon critical listening you can hear the occasional dog bark, car door slam, and other non-luxurious sounds)
With all his good intentions, magnificent communication ability, and well-thought out strategy to teach The Law -- he did so on a misleading foundation.
Is it any wonder he would 'attract' a situation that would ultimately undo all the good work he made in his career?
The human ego will find a way. It starts in small moments like that (pretending it was recorded in the Alps, when it was a studio)
Acknowledge the source behind the source.
The vibration behind the vibration.
This is not our power to use in a scheming way, to be too clever about -- perhaps why most who use LOA to seek wealth fail -- even if they obtain it.
While much hard work, study, and ingenuity is required, much of the most world-changing ideas and inventions and etc. were pure accidents and unseen dominos falling into place.
I like how Neville gave the pearl freely as he could.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:49 AM
Thank you for your comment, David. I did not mean to criticize Mr. Trudeau but identify the LOA mindset that the vibration itself does the action. Actually, Trudeau's presentation of the basic causation by imagination exercise is top-drawer. I am just of the opinion that there is a Higher Being this whole endeavor is for. We are a part of this Being's becoming, and that becoming is our purpose. The Being, I think, does not want our praise, worship, honor, or glory; It wants our ORIENTATION to the fulfillment of Its purpose -- Its becoming. Were attracting or causing good things into anyone's life Its purpose, It would be cool with it. They aren't. That is the Being's job. (Please, I know the Ineffable is beyond 'being,' but I don't have an alternative word.) Hint: the Being's becoming isn't things. I think it is experience, imagined and manifest. The Anointing is IN us.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:21 AM
I understand.
I too enjoyed his presentation of the principle, just wished he could have presented without so many extra layers. My words were my own.
I can see your point of view that the being doesn't necessarily want praise, worship, etc those perhaps are just 'tools' used by man to orient ourselves towards the recognition of and the fulfillment of its purpose? Something like that?
Perhaps why gratitude is so important and also the commitment to build something to benefit the masses -- when we orient ourselves away from the fulfillment of our individual desires and towards fulfilling a need for the majority -- then it seems like abundance begins to flow? And then that person gets all they desired as a side-effect of orientating themselves towards a larger purpose.
I may be going far off topic here, but when I hear this im relating it to a business/entrepreneurial context as well.
Great insights
David, at 12:07 PM
Yes, exactly. The Unknown Being we are in and of lords over the whole. Not because It is selfish; It IS the whole. We recognize that and in concert, being like the Being, lord lovingly over as much of the whole as we can comprehend.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:40 PM
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