The Becoming God

Tuesday, May 08, 2018

More on Answer 4) to Raymond 3

A lot of people in the Church do not get healed because they call upon a distant God WHO IS NOT THERE, because a God separate from us DOES NOT EXIST. Praying and NOT getting healed is the real God underscoring the fact that our conception of Him is amiss. It is a slap and a shake up to get us to wake up: “If God is there and this is not working, I must be doing something wrong (or am praying to a wrongly conceived God).”

Conversely, a number of people pray with vivid imagining of what they desire as though it already existed and was theirs, because they know that God within them hears them. They believe in faith that what they have assumed as existing has indeed been granted. No doubt remains. They rejoice in their salvation from whatever lack or hunger they had, which past is forgiven and forgotten. In their new present destiny they may say, “I have it; I can do it.” And they step out in faith and find it is true because of the REAL God they are and have trusted. The “Wholly Other” is, but is not other.


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