The Becoming God

Monday, July 24, 2017

Decisions: Consequence of a Natural God

You know the story of thinking about someone and they call you. Or thinking about something you would like to have, and someone gives it to you. "Where will we get the money for that?" and then a windfall. If there is a natural, evolutionary God of our cumulative transmitted intelligence, of our hearts and minds, then miracles will be in the transmission and reception of that intelligence such as the incidents mentioned above. That is just the normal course of life--the way the universe works--and "God" is imagination.

I believe that the Hebrew word for 'name,' shem, means the nature of the thing. E.g, a chicken is called a chicken because it is a chicken, a ball is called a ball because it is a ball, and Jesus is called Jesus because he is the imagination that is God (YHWH) who consumes the past with forgiveness and replaces it with what is desired. So when I say, "In Jesus' name," I mean, "In the Imagination that is God (& etc.)."

In that name, Imagination, I may expect what I desire to manifest through a decision. That God decides along with me is enough, for he is transmission to whomever he chooses to get it done. He knows the who and the how, and the who decides. So yes, imagine what you want as though you already have it, and celebrate the decision as though already decided.


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