The Law of Attraction is not the Truth Per Some Woman Be Nice Referred Me To
This, I think, is the Holy Spirit at work. The assumption of the Ineffable is that we ARE the Ineffable. We need to wake up to that fact. The Holy Spirit is that consciousness of the Ineffable trying to get us to wake up and, as Neale Donald Walsch says, display the Ineffable. We do not grow up into, generate, become, develop, or in any way change into the Ineffable: we waken to the fact and perform as we are in the assumption of the Ineffable our BEING the Ineffable.
Speaking of the Holy Spirit working to get us to wake up, among the suggestions next to the above link was this discussion from Neale Donald Walsch:, The Three Secrets. I think Mr. Walsch is saying the same things I am saying, but probably much better. I hope miss Anonymous avails herself of a listen.
Hi Dan!
I don't know why but I don't like Neale Donald Walsch..
I have read the 3 books (Conversations with God) and when I read them, they looked revolutionary, but when my consciousness expands little more I can't even listen to him :)
Anonymous, at 3:22 AM
According to Neville, we don't create either. Creation is finished he would say. We select from creation which is already finished. Unnumbered states. Maybe that's where all this "quantum possibilities" and "parallel realities" others talk of fits in.
For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. Hebrews 4:3
Imagining...daydreaming...don't think that's it. It has to be belief. But belief in what? That the daydream exists in the unseen realm?
Neville spent some time stressing inner conversations too. If he meant self talk, like "why does this always happen to me" kinda thing, then that implies it is subconscious or conscious beliefs that are what manifest. If he meant those conversations you have in your head with people, I guess that's a form of effortless imagining.
Dan, have you read Joseph Murphy at all?
Lennox, at 7:44 PM
To Anonymous, I have to admit I do not care much for Mr. Walsch much, either. I think what he is doing is fine, but he comes across like a used car salesman who has found a good scam. I do not mean that that is the case, but he did not take care of his health and fell into that appearance. I am automatically leery of channeling disembodied spirits such as Walsch's unvoiced voice, Jane Roberts' Seth, or Hick's Abraham. But God speaks to me in insights and illustrations, so who am I to judge Walsch's unvoiced voice? I can't write fast enough, either.
To Lennox, I have read some of Joseph Murphy, specifically The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. I read it and listened to it very poorly read. Not enough to see his development over time. I did not care to read more, though I probably will now, because he is just too verbose. Not to the point. Almost as bad as me.
Creation is so interesting. Yes, everything is complete, and we can make changes toward any potential, yet they are all already known. The Ineffable has figured out every way we can make it to the end of Its assumption about us, and every way we WILL make it to the end of Its assumption about us. Creation is not the physical stuff. It is pretty, comfortable, pleasant; but creation is in my mind our EXPERIENCE of mind, of sensations and emotions and feelings. These are Its experiences in and through us. We go on the roller coaster and It says, "Whee!"
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:40 AM
If Ineffable has figured out every way we can make it to the end of Its assumption about us, and every way we WILL make it to the end of Its assumption about us, does that mean our lives are pre-programmed and we really select nothing? Maybe that's why we sometimes fail at manifesting something? Because it's not in the plan?
Lennox, at 7:16 AM
I am not sure foreknowledge is predetermination. You decide to hold the marble behind your back in your right hand, and God says, "I knew you would do that." That doesn't mean that he made you do that. All creation is done in that the end is already assumed. Infinite numbers of ways to get there. I don't know if some choices are not in the program, or if in his loving grace he is steering our moving car toward some better, more conducive choice. It isn't like you can't ask him, you know.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:06 PM
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