My Take on the BIBLICAL Trinity
Hi Daniel,
Could you please explain the trinity principle in the old and new testaments or suggest a good read for it. I mean god, the word of god, the spirit of god, and father, son, and holy spirit.
Keep up the great work!!
Thank you for the question. It made me think quite a bit, and you might have caught a glimpse of the response I created. I took it down when I realized that there is no Trinity. There is only the Ineffable Most High Who has become everything. It is both the effable and ineffable, and is every connection, thought, and action in between. There is only one "thing" or stuff in existence: the No-thing . . . and everything It has become.
There is a trinity of sorts: 1) the invisible, incomprehensible, ineffable Source; 2) Its action(!) of imagining, which is "God" to us (and includes us, as we are Its action in man); and 3) the material, "physical" universes, which are actually the Ineffable's intelligence having transitioned into light "particles" to facilitate our experiences. But they are really just one thing: the Ineffable and all it has become in all Its wholeness. Its wholeness.
There is no Father separate from the Son or Holy Spirit Who proceeds separately from the Son. These are story devices created for the sake of illustration, useful for understanding and as much comprehension as is possible. They reflect realities inherent in the Ineffable that are not individual of themselves. The Father is the Big Guy Who has become everything without anything becoming separate from Him. EVERYTHING is the Father. The Son is everything that has come from the Father, or rather everything the Father has become: intelligence, the action of imagining, consciousness, the assumption of us, the universes; i.e., the Manifestation or "Word" of God. The Holy Spirit is that action of the Father's consciousness drawing the assumption of the Manifestation into being. It is a big project, just as the Ineffable is a really Big Guy. No worries; He's got eternity to get it done, and it is all in-house.
Consciousness is the only reality we know of and can experience. Assumption is a mental exercise that works because consciousness is the only reality, and we are it. Because we are it, we can change it. THAT is "Jesus Christ": God saving by assuming the past changed, thus providing what is needed/desired by the anointing of His consciousness in man.
For your sake, Kk, I am including at least for awhile the mess I was rewriting to make sense out of the nonsense of the Trinity. The good read you asked for is in the second paragraph. I am not going to finish rewriting the mess.
I remind you that Christians have literally burned people at the stake for less than believing this stuff. Tread lightly with what you learn until you are willing to die for it. The first seminary I went to, Melodyland School of Theology, was largely staffed by pastors who had been kicked out of churches or at least tried for the "crime" of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. This was in the mid 1970's, so most of my resources are dated (though forty years is not much in the two thousand years of Christiandom).
Worse, they all are systematic theology, which breaks down every thing about God into pieces. It is cut-and-separate, cut-and-separate, which makes our understanding of God pretty dicey. Every piece is named and defined, which makes it appear separate from everything else, though that is not the case in reality. There are tons and tons and tons of books that espouse systematic theological views--study Bibles, commentaries, apologies, etc. One of my favorites is Dr. Robert Morey's THE TRINITY: evidence and issues (Iowa Falls, IA: World Bible Publishers, Inc. 1996). I do not think you will find better.
Systematic theologies are certainly biblical in that they differentiate everything ABOUT GOD according to the words and relationships in the Bible. I emphasize 'about God' because all the pieces they name and define are OF one thing: God. When I refer to Biblical Theology, it is the view the ancients had of God as one big whole thing: the No-thing Who has become Everything. All the pieces of God from every angle are sewn together to create a comprehension--as much as is possible--of the incomprehensible ineffable Big Guy, the Most High Who encompasses all that is known and all that is unknown AND everything else. The gist of all this is that there is no Trinity. Not in the sense of there being three separate co-equal Persons who comprise Godhood.
Victor Alexander, by the way, has found that the word Trinity is in the Bible, but only in the ancient Aramaic scribal language. It was not translated as Trinity because the translators did not know what it meant, which is Three Unities according to Vic. Here is an audio file he has on it: The last two pages of his translation of Genesis are dedicated to the Three Unities, or 'Trinity,' "T'lah Qnu-meh" in the ancient Aramaic. We know the word pneuma in Greek means spirit and wind. T'lah Qnu-meh means three unities. Put them together: three unities which are as the spirit and wind. This suggests that three different wind-like consciousnesses are united as one. A video file: I wish Vic hadn't done away with his old blog. He had those last two pages of Genesis as one of its posts. It is not the same when my son says, "meh," to me.
I cannot speak for others, nor will I rehash what you can find online or in the library. My understanding of the principle of the Trinity is that there is only one God and nothing else. "God is one, and there is no other" (see Mark 12:28-34). The whole is Brahman, Advaita in Sanskrit, "peerless, devoid of duality." It is not God and his separate creation; it is God and his Manifestation. Manifestation is like emanation; it is part and parcel of what it is of. Except the manifestation is not of God, it is of SuperGod, the Ineffable. How many God's do I have? Just one, really. The Ineffable Most High is incomprehensible, far beyond our imagination. It is something we cannot dream of, cannot relate to, cannot define in any way. It is totally ineffable. And It has become us THROUGH Its imagination IN A VERY SPECIAL WAY. These three are not the Three Unities, for we are of Its imagination.
The Ineffable, whatever It is, is actionless, for in Its highest state It has no physical components. It is intelligent, and It can act through Its intelligence as thought, imagination, consciousness. This ACTION (!) OF IMAGINING is Its "Son," the Child Wisdom of Proverbs chapter 8. It is by assumption, the action of imagining that what did not exist in the past does exist, that the Ineffable creates everything as Elohim. It is by assumption that we get born here to correct the deficiencies our past. It is by assumption that all our needs are provide to us as YHWH. The Ineffable and Its imagining action are the Father. By assumption the Father becomes the Son.
The Ineffable and Its imagining action, consciousness or spirit, are two components of the Three Unities. We are consciousness, mind, imagination--the God we can know. The Ineffable's consciousness slash imagination is the Word of God which expresses the Ineffable as fully as it can. We were not always in this form (the experience of mind we have been sent to). You really have to listen to Neville's lecture "Unless I Go Away" to grasp that we were as a mass of individuals (the sunflowers) God moving in concert with the Ineffable's will until we moved here to make progression by regression.
Say what? This is where repairing the past comes in and the very special way that The Ineffable became us through Its Imagination. "As fully as we can," was not good enough. We were deficient in freedom, so to fix that we came into this form of death--isolated ignorance, amnesia. The assumption is that we will through this death be generated into the greater character and freedom of the Ineffable.
Still just two: the Ineffable and us, Its imagination. The third of the three unities is, in my mind, the "physical" universes. The intelligence of the Ineffable is power to become what it is thought to be. We are doing that thinking. The "physical" universe is our manifestation. It exists to facilitate our experiences. I place 'physical' in quotation marks because it isn't really physical; it is light, the form intelligence takes to become what it is thought to be. "We" do not move. We can't; we are imagination. The "matter" moves. We have annexed these brains and enjoy the illusion that we are them, but we are only imagining their experiences. We are still in the imagination of the Ineffable. Each state is a conception we have thinking that we are in it, and the intelligence becomes what we believe.
So there is the inconceivable reality/person the Ineffable, Its imagination (which includes us), and the appearing and facilitating "physical" world Its intelligence becomes. ALL OF IT ALL IS JUST ONE DUDE!!
Thank you so much for your answer. I really appreciate it! I was discussing the biblical trinity and I couldn't explain Romans 8:34. Reading your blog for now 4 years has helped me a lot in my bible study and also to understand Neville Goddard. Thanks!
Looking forward to the holy spirit part!
By the way could you explain the sinning against the holy spirit Neville talks about as unforgivable?
Thank you so much,
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM
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