The Becoming God

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Natural God: Apocalyptic Evolution

My sister Lauri, who rejects any sort of creationism, said, "It is all evolution." But I know there is spirit, God, consciousness; in concept evolution would have to account for all of that. Lauri did make me think, however, of how spiritual creation can fit into an evolution model. Along this line, I heard in university and Neale Donald Walsch's lecture that if the existence of the earth was one year, the entire history of man would be contained within the last 60 seconds. If creation, what have we been doing since February? Since Christmas before? If evolution, why spirit only now?

It occurs to me, being familiar with the ancient Chinese philosophy regarding Original Mind, Hannah Hubbard's and Frank C. Laubach's teachings regarding mental telepathy, and Gregg Braden's lectures on the electromagnetic emissions of the heart, that within these last 60 seconds our collective intelligence IN TRANSMISSION as a natural consequence of evolution could account for our modern spiritual evolution and what we account as "God."

This isn't to say that what we believe about God isn't true, unless you believe that God is separate from us and creation occurred complete ex nihilo 6000 years ago. This natural spiritual evolution within-and-consequential-to physical evolution would still be the how of the Ineffable doing what It is doing, but the Ineffable would be this collective intelligence in transmission apocalyptically stated.

I say apocalyptically stated because of the exaggerated emphasis--to the extremes--placed upon spirit. A natural God would pre-date mankind and would certainly be his source and cause. Cumulative information in the cloud or field of common intelligence between us, the Original Mind, would have every appearance of the Ineffable, angels, demons, visions and visitations, etc.

One thing I have to hold onto is miracles. I watched--WATCHED--and again say, "watched" my left hand fingers extend out a scant half inch when Charles Hunter asked Jesus to make the limbs offered the same lengths. A half inch is not much, but the fingers were not going anywhere if there were no God to listen or act. That and my other less visible healings I attribute to God imagining me healed. If he thinks I am in a condition, I am. The field of common intelligence could do that--a God who has become from our common emission contributions. Still the Eternal(!), just now in this form. Some people say we created God in our likeness. Perhaps there is some truth in that as he is now formed from/according to our perceptions.

Here is a young lady with an interesting perspective:


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