The Fateful Turn and Carl F. Rehnborg's New Age of Faith
In thoroughly becoming us, the Ineffable necessarily forgets what It is. I know it isn't proper English, but I call this Its (our) being 'ignoranced.' Thus we do not recognize that we are, moment by moment, Its assumption.
Well, this isn't new to man. People have put this together over the centuries. The assumption of the Ineffable is the active agent in our maturing into It. That assumption teaches and leads us through illustrations. Ix-nay on the bad stuff, es-yay on the good stuff. E.g., spit on the ground, you get fined; speed, you get in an accident; refuse to learn, you come here again. It isn't punishment; it's a no-no. People over the centuries have figured out the Ineffable's pig latin. Its assumption is Creator, Savior, Life-giver, and Purpose. We use it to fix the world, to access Jethro. We are repair men.
The world received a wonderful illustration in the Season of Grace, that period among the Jews between the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem and the destruction of the second. Expecting the Messiah, many turned from flesh-life concerns to teachers of righteousness to prepare themselves for the Messiah. Perhaps inadvertently, in their assumption they BECAME the Messiah. And they turned the worldviews of the world upside down.
In a fateful turn, some of the ignoranced assumed this change was because the Messiah had recently come and had been crucified according to the common expectation. If the genuine spiritual Anointing hasn't touched you, that is a logical conclusion, but it is a misunderstanding. So from the spiritual experience of assumption, the faith of genuine Christianity in Judaism, the ignorant turned to faith in the report, to the historicity of the recent events of the Messiah's supposed arrival, life, suffering, death, and conquering of death. These things are in us, but they believe them in him . . . alone.
C. F. Rehnborg fathomed this from study, as any person may do. His solution--his proposal--is my favorite among whatever options there may be: Let's us go back to the original assumption in a new age of faith. Let's repair our days by ASSUMING THE STATE WE WISH THEY WERE, BELIEVING THEY ARE, AND THAT WE ARE IN THAT STATE. We are conceptions of the Divine's assumption, and we can change Its conception. Any member of the band, being family, can ask the leader to play a new tune. It won't really be a new tune, but an arrangement of the original assumption we are destined to fulfill. Like Jimmie Nicol of the Beatles said, "It's getting better all the time."
Hi Daniel,
Could you please explain the trinity principle in the old and new testament or suggest a good read for it. I mean god, the word of god,the spirit of god and father, son and holy spirit
Keep up the great work!!
Anonymous, at 4:54 PM
Please see my next post:
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:29 AM
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