Time to Reply to Lennox
Hey thanks. I guess the next question, and it's really for Neville but he's not around to ask is, which statement is true: Imagining creates reality, or Feeling creates reality, or Belief creates reality, or Representing an idea to Imagination/God/Subconscious creates reality?
Assumption creates reality.
Neville's other example here, the woman who imagined reading two letters for seven consecutive nights. Did she actually sit there in imagination and read. every. word. on. the. paper. (Sounds like mental gymnastics). Or just have a sort of fuzzy image of the letter, feeling the paper in her hands, with the knowing, the gist, of its contents? He never says.
So we will never know. No, I think Neville more than alluded to her reading the letters she held in her hands. She had been trained to assume the reality she desired to repair the past. That is what we are doing.
The girl on the tram maybe didn't need to repeat night after night until it took on the tones of reality because it already had the tones of reality. She did not shut out her senses from the objective world as he usually instructs. She used them. If I wanted to imagine riding in a convertible with the top down, what would make more sense? Doing this is my bed at night under the covers, or sitting outside with my eyes closed on a windy day and using that?
Don't close your eyes. I mean you can if you want, but it is not necessary. Good observation that the girl was already experiencing the tones of reality. It is the assumption, not the sensations. She just associated them with her desire. I've been to Samoa; lovely place, but not much to do in the '70's. For a young woman right after the war . . . .
So maybe we can say it's all about "being there" whether that is achieved through visualizing or some other means.
Yes, we can say that.
You wrote in another post that Prayer is positional awareness. Makes sense. But then does it really require involvement of the senses? Does positional awareness cease to be when all five senses are not engaged? Either imaginally or actually? If you are a father, when you lie in bed to go to sleep at night, close your eyes and so forth, are you not still aware of being a father? You just think from that state effortlessly. You don't have to be doing fatherly things or hearing anyone say "what a great dad you are."
They can say it. The rich assume they are entitled, that they merit, that they have prestige and privilege and are capable. No senses of the corporal body, yet somehow positional.
Is the use of senses in imagining just a tool to help cultivate the positional awareness sought? I ask because some people use only affirmations, and others go on and on with scripting and vision boards--all kinds of hoopla.
I assume people use whatever hoopla necessary to achieve the subjective assumption of objective reality.
I feel like I've had instances of having an objective "stone" experience in the subjective mind, even long before reading any Neville, and these things were never experienced in objective reality. At least not yet. And I'm talking years.
I'd bet a dollar to a donut that in the interim you have entertained thoughts that they would not manifest, that something else would probably happen. And it did. Hey, at least you were right.
Hey thanks for taking the time to offer such a detailed reply. I appreciate it. I think I just don't know what to do with what seem to be contradictions. They're probably not but they seem that way. He'll say things like "what I have done, I have DONE" and "it's finished." But then he'll say to persist night after night going to sleep with the feeling of the wish fulfilled, meaning re-imagine. That's where I don't get Neville. If it's done then why the need to keep imagining night after night? Doing that in a way expresses the opposite. That it's not done, that there's more to do.
Maybe the night after night thing is to quell doubt, but even that seems like one step forward, to steps back. Imagine or "feel" and the bridge of incidence begins taking shape. Then doubt and the whole thing is squashed like clay on a wheel. Over and over, a perpetual cycle of malformed thought forms.
Part of my problem might be the time I've spent analyzing and second guessing. Ya know there's quite a few Neville websites and blogs, and I have to really thank you because you are the only one I've come across that's not trying to repackage Neville to make a buck. Spending time on those sites really doesn't help with faith, for obvious reasons. I think that like Neville you must really just want to help people, and that's very cool.
Lennox, at 7:11 PM
Thank you. You have to remember that Neville was learning, too. When Abdullah told him he was in Barbados, he didn't know what to make of it. When it worked he was sold, but he still did not fully apprehend what it was that had happened. He learned, practiced, and applied. To go to Barbados he imagined extensively through the day for a month. To get out of the Army, a week. To return from Barbados after the war, up the gangplank repeatedly. Late in his life, just ask him to hear good news for you, and he felt the power release. My point is that over time with much study and continuous practice Neville matured in understanding and ability. Comprehension of what is going on spiritually with God builds confidence. I am presently excited about assumption as the subjective appropriation of an objective state to satisfy a hunger. Once you have satisfied the hunger, you are no longer hungry. You are satiated of that hunger, grateful and appreciative of the end state. Faith is being loyal to that satiation, full of praise, thanks, and glory. Even if it does not show up. Because you give it up to Dad, to what He wants for you. The assumption still stands, He may do it, but if he gives you something more appropriate and better, isn't that better?
In 1975 I found out that God is real. Really real. But before that I had been deceived. And the deceiver is still around (it is our ignorance). So I keep analyzing and eliminating deceptions and try to work through to that which is real and true. There is a Jesus Christ, but not like that. For the moment I know Him as the assumption the Ineffable has of me. Of us, for we are all one. We are the satiation of Its hunger. And in Its mind we are the end state. Neville learned to assume himself there. Can you imagine yourself being the assumption of the Ineffable that you are It? Imagine that you ARE the Ineffable?
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:58 PM
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