The Becoming God

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Secret of Neville Goddard's 3-D Imagining

Note added February 18, 2018: Sensing the Presence of God as the Secret of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagining Technique (

This is a recap of my post "The Secrets of Neville Goddard's 3D Imagination." There is no real secret here, only a lot of different things that Neville said in a lot of different places, and a few other contributions, too.

Neville is often associated with the Law of Attraction and New Thought. Neville taught the Law of Assumption. Law of Attraction advocates do also, else they would have no success at all. They prefer the term Law of Attraction because it denies the existence of God, deferring to a neutral force or principle within the physical universe. But when you "raise your vibration" to the frequency of wealth by imagining it, do you see gold bars dragging themselves down the street to your door, or do you have some invisible Person orchestrating your fortune? I haven't seen any bars in the street, but I have seen evidences of orchestration: "When it works, you have found Him." Our outer life is a manifestation of our inner life IF it is living (it is not necessarily living just because you are; 'living' is a relationship with God). If one's inner life is darkness and confusion, so is the outer. Sorry. You NEED to believe in God.

God is consciousness, imagination. Neville said that you have to burn into your whole being the fact that CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY. And in assuming to be what you desire to be, it needs to feel utterly natural that you already are that.

Neville taught the Bible and was an advocate of God. He denied New Thought -- absolutely lambasted it -- saying there is no new thought. He said we are destined to fulfill the ancient scripture, that we ARE God in the process of becoming more like the Ineffable. This is Biblical Theology, the mirror opposite of the church's Systematic Theology (i.e., non-dual oneism vs. schismatic dualism-at-every-turn). Everything Systematic Theology dissects of God and tears apart, Biblical Theology puts together. Scratch Neville and he bled the Bible. He just understood it differently.

If you want to "Nevillize," i.e., cause by imagining, understand that imagination can be so real and three-dimensional that you forget it isn't real. THAT is your objective as you approach sleep. You allow the sense of approaching sleep to lift you up like a rising tide and float you above the "facts" of the world that deny your desire is an existent reality. You disassociate from the facts of this present world as it becomes "dead" to you and you to it. You are in a dream state, and anything you wish to experience in the future you can imagine and experience now. In the dark dream world of the drowsy, sleepy state, while you are still in full control of your thoughts, you are in contact with God. Imagine EXACTLY what you wish for IS ALREADY TRUE, and enact in your imagination a resultant scene you have devised which implies that reality already exists: i.e., you enjoy its EFFECT. You want a car, the cause of your joy, so you envision yourself enjoying a drive in the car with your family or friends. They congratulate you on your fine automobile, the EFFECT of having the car. Enjoying its effect will manifest the CAUSE of that effect. This is the Law of Reversibility (Prayer - the Art of Believing). It works that way.

The world you dream is the thing. You have to PARTICIPATE in it. I mean, you have to BE there; you have to mentally move to the location of that state. If the desired state is driving down the highway with your family or friends who are congratulating you on your new car, you have to be in the car and on the highway in your imagination. I hope you can drive. Neville always said you have to give the state you desire "all the tones of reality." You are like an actor in a play on stage: the stage is real and you are really there thinking at that location, thinking FROM the stage. If you can only imagine the act from a distance (like watching from the audience), try approaching the actor you on the stage from the back and move INTO the actor. See through his or her eyes and act as them. Perform the act you have devised on the stage. MOVE from the stage to the state you desire -- it is just that everything there is real.

Imagine intensely, vividly, but without trying too hard. Dreaming does not come from concentrated effort. You do want your manifestation to be pleasant, don't you? Enjoy, feel relief, celebrate joyfully with your family and/or friends for your good fortune (or theirs!) -- that what you wanted has come to pass. See, hear, feel, and especially feel. Make your dream more clear, enrich it. Feel that what you are imagining is truly real. It is real, you know, in God's economy. Be convinced that the world there exists, that it is real, that what you see and hear and feel there is real. This conviction of reality is the "feeling" of Feeling is the Secret. Then, in that feeling of a clarified reality, you fall asleep. Sleep is our contact with God, when in darkness the pineal gland in the brain is making melatonin, and tonight you are carrying along this little package of dreaming to God. Let's see what he does with it.

When you have woken and have to get on with life in this world, work on the clarity of your mental experience. Stay loyal to it. If it was real, then it IS real. You are in a cubic reality wherein your prior state is passing away and is being replaced by your creation. This is, by the way, what the word 'Jesus' means. This is the process by which God saves us -- the "present" is consumed to make room for new, better present -- a present INTENDED by God, who happens to be you right now. It looks a lot like the natural passage of time. When your eye is clear, pure, and single, things become real. We can only truly be "there" in a singular experience.

Yes, you have to deal with the mundane day in and day out, but mentally you work on the clarity of your vision. Neville was all over the map on this. In some lectures he admonished to work on a dream over and over and over until it took on all the tones of reality, and then it was done. In other lectures he admonished that one shouldn't take more than ten seconds to see a desire clearly. In some lectures he said to envision and then to let it go -- don't think of it again. In other lectures he said to never stop thinking of it. It is all in that sense of reality: if it was real, then it IS real. It is a reality which has moved into your future to confront you there in due time. I know from having been healed that it does not have to take time, but our imaginings usually take the Big Guy time to arrange because they do not fit in with his plans. (If you want the express, immediate version, give yourself up to His plans for your life. Just don't expect to get what you want. Most of us cannot do this, not for inability, but for fear.) Whether your creation was an achieved dream or idle thought, if it is true to the inner man, it will become true to the outer man, also:

"When I speak of feeling, I don't mean emotion, but acceptance of the fact that the desire is fulfilled. And you can think you did that, but you can know for sure. If you haven't achieved your goal, you don't have acceptance! And the reason you don't have acceptance is that you are still thinking of the goal rather than thinking from the goal. That is all there is to it. And if you are thinking of a goal, rather than thinking from the goal, you can do that for ten years and nothing will happen. But the instant you think from the goal, your world will change. And that can happen tomorrow. It can happen in an instant, but it can never happen from continuing to think in that older way" (Neville, Lecture 255: Sami's Question [I have found it necessary to click on Download to open the pdf], emphasis mine).

You are imagining an experience. Your goal is not, say, a car; it is your experience of it. In a sense, you cannot touch other people, who are God also, yet you never cease to touch everyone else because we are all the same God. You can only adjust the imagining, the belief of YOUR experience. You cannot think someone else into niceness, but you can imagine yourself enjoying their niceness. God will compel the universe to fulfill your vision. He will either compel the person to be nice, or compel someone nice to take their place. What is that to you? You get nice! You cannot compel your boss to give you a raise, but you can enjoy greater wealth. Celebrate your good fortune with your friends in your imagination and enjoy the congratulations, and see if God doesn't compel the universe to get you that wealth. MAYBE a raise. How well can you focus your desire? You can help another person by imagining your experience of them telling you that they have what you desire for them. Experience YOUR joy at their good fortune, then God shall compel that.

The theology is important. Biblical Theology puts God together. It unifies everything within him: God is one, and God is everything. Neville said so often that man is all imagination, and God is no more. The thing is, the Ineffable Most High God, the incomprehensible Source from which everything comes, at some point in eternity past IMAGINED. This imagining was Its action, Its voice, Its expression of power and wisdom.  This imagining was also, I believe, "God" in Genesis 1:1 and the "Child" in Proverbs chapter 8, and for that matter, it is the End Manifestation. I might be talking over your head right now (sorry, but I've been into theology and philosophy for the last forty years), but this is the mechanics of what is going on, and nothing could be more important. God (the Ineffable Highest, "God" of Genesis 1:1 from whom we were sent, and we, the sent) is manifesting. We see pieces, but he is a unit. What he is inwardly, he becomes outwardly. We, thank God, are on the God side: what we are inwardly also becomes outwardly. The world necessarily REFLECTS us. It doesn't have a choice: it is our manifestation, the outer expression of our inner creating. "Well," said Someone, "I sure didn't imagine this!" If we are not imagining anything specific, what can happen to us is anything at all. If we are not causing compulsion, we are responding to compulsion. Without God directing our lives, we flounder. Well, in our ignorance we flounder anyway, but without God's invisible oversight we flounder a whole lot worse. If you want something specific, BECOME IT INWARDLY. Know the state you desire and work on its CLARITY. "There" should become fully real to you, and once it is true, it is true and in your future.

Neville did not stress this much, but we have to pay to play. He just said that we learn, and then we teach others. Napoleon Hill stated it more clearly, that we have to decide what we will pay for success. I do not think it is a payment. I think we must move to become more like God. We cannot bargain with him, but we can become more like him. We are sons sent, and we must do the Father's will. What is he doing? We must do that too. We must honor the Father of whom and from whom we are. We work for him, not ourselves, as extensions of him. It is all good in his house. We need to pray, preach, teach, share, promulgate, minister, and give. We express his loving kindness. This is Jethro, his overflowing goodness, coming through us. God says everything in life must be an investment. You want a Law of Attraction? Do good to people and love them like God. That will attract plenty.

I like what Neville's student Art Lindell says, "Imagine better than the best." Let's try.


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