The Becoming God

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Purging Pejoratives and the Negative From Your Mental Conversation

I fielded questions on what to do while waiting for manifestation when the present situation is negative and contrary to fulfillment of one's wishes, even causing fear and trembling. Here is a hint from Neville in Good Tidings, chapter six, in Prayer: the Art of Believing: "The seemingly harmless habit of 'talking to yourself' is the most fruitful form of prayer. A mental argument with the subjective image of another is the surest way to pray for an argument. You are ASKING to be offended by the other when you objectively meet" (emphasis mine) -- or whatever it is you are imagining in your talking to yourself.

Neville dealt with this problem in his Mental Diets (Self Talk Creates Reality) recording. His wife, Bill, was a costume designer, and her boss constantly criticized her work. She admitted that she, in her mind, constantly argued with him! Neville convinced her  to imagine her client thanking her, praising her work. In short order, her boss became favorably disposed toward her, admiring her craft and praising her. But it might be difficult for you or I to imagine a hard-nosed, implacable, threatening son-of-gun in a favorable light: we have no example or evidence to go by -- have never seen it! How do you imagine a complete jerk and contrarian as being nice and conducively demeanored? It is too difficult a state to accept as true.

To conceptualize your desired effect, Neville suggests imagining a friend who tells you that you already are in the state you desire. Another way to pray for yourself is to use the formula of Job, who found that his own captivity was removed as he prayed for his friends. Imagine a friend who tells you that he or she has that which you desire. "Feel the thrill of his or her good fortune and sincerely wish them well." Your giving to them gives to yourself: "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

Still another way might be to combine the end you desire with other things you are wishing for. Imagine the collective effect as mentioned in my previous post: isn't the whole thing just wonderful!?


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