The Becoming God

Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Little Metaphysical Speculation: the Final H in the Lord YHWH

I tried to explain to Someone, the Sometime Reader, that we are the last 'H' in the pattern of God in covenant relation with us, YHWH (Jehovah/Yahweh). The idea is that God, Eil, the Ineffable (if indeed Eil is the incomprehensible Source) is the 'Y' in the pattern. The first 'H' is God's desire to manifest his being, to express his love and power and wisdom -- his nature -- in form. 'W' is his ability to do that: his intelligence is power to become what it imagines it is. The second 'H' in the pattern is us as we desire to receive what He wants to give. This pattern is what IS, and in my opinion the pattern of the Holy does not gets vowel points because it is not a word but a pattern.

The pattern is the cubic reality we exist in, like it or lump it. Someone said she didn't want to be God, but we just can't help it. As the last 'H' in the pattern, we are IN God's very nature. But I wondered, what are we doing here? I think it has to do with the Source's intelligence's power to become what it believes it is. It is the Ineffable's intelligence, but when it becomes what it believes it is, it forgets him -- what it really and in fact is. We are the culmination of that stuff, the stuff existing in amnesia -- the ignorant end of intelligence's transformation-- which needs and desires to receive the knowledge of the Holy that the Ineffable desires to give.

There is a 'W' (vav) there I just now got. The W is the Ineffable's power to effect his desire, to give to the fulfillment of the second H's desire to receive. Oh. My. God. If the second H is the ignorant ends of intelligence's transformation (the physical universe, if you would), we, the Sent into it, are the W. Our job is to reconcile the universes to the knowledge of the Holy who sent us. The spiritually dead/imperceptive ends of creation we have been sent to save.

From the sunflowers of Neville's lecture "Unless I Go Away" comes the garbage dump, and we are sunflowers sent to the dump to redeem it along with ourselves. Oh. My. God. I thought we were hungry little pikers seeking to receive from God's largess. We are the powerful channel of that largess. We are here to give it. If only we knew.

He says, "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18). We are him here doing it. The Ineffable builds it with Peter. That is us -- the faith from hearing and willing to obey what is commanded. Refer to the Standing Orders: Thy nature must be being set apart (as especially within); Thy will must be being done; Thy Kingdom/counsel must be being restored. I always thought we were the H; we're the W. Huh.

I did not make up the values of YHWH; it is a Jewish thing. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan said as much as I in Jewish Mediation (1985. New York: Schocken Books, p.73-75). This is essentially the same as The Divine Kiss described by Rabbi David A. Cooper in God Is A Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism (1997. New York: Riverhead Books, p.68-69). Rabbi Jeff Roth has a different approach (2009. Jewish Meditation Practices for Everyday Life. Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, p.26ff). He uses YHWH as a meditation breathing technique. It might strike you odd that Y's value is "empty," until you realize that "empty" is Ein Sof, the Divine Endlessness that is God (see Cooper, p.65ff). Roth has it:

Y -- empty
H -- breathe in
W (vav) -- full
H -- breathe out.

These correspond for my purposes to:
The Divine Emptiness -- Noah
The Divine Definement -- Shem
The Divine Filling -- Kham
The Divine Expansion -- Japheth

I.e., The Divine Process of Creation!


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