The Becoming God

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Difference Between Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology

I am all for both Systematic Theology and Biblical Theology. Systematic Theology delineates God's pieces and their relationship: Jesus is not the Father because they talk to each other, and Jesus is not the Holy Spirit he sends. Biblical Theology shows how all the parts of God are one: Jesus is God saving us, Christ is God's power and wisdom in us by the Holy Spirit, his consciousness -- the power to become.

Unfortunately, the church's theologians are almost exclusively beholden to systematic theology. It is really easy work to distinguish the parts of God acting in scripture and sound like a real genius to the common laity in teaching them. The problem is that it is not empowering to the laity; it is, if not accompanied with the understanding and perception of biblical theology, extremely confusing and engenders legalism. If you only teach systematic theology, you do a great disservice to your congregation in keeping them confused and weak, proud and hostile.

What the church needs is to sew together the parts of God by teaching biblical theology to the empowering of the laity. Their empowerment is through increased spiritual perception, their understanding that God is one, and that everything, including them, is included within this one. Biblical theology generates a different cubic reality for the congregation. Instead of outside begging in prayer they are inside, believing in faith in prayer. It almost calls for an entirely new type of church. Maybe they just will be an entirely different type of church. I wish there was one.


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