The Becoming God

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Imagination/Consciousness is the Manifestation of Person

We all are spirit, the individualized consciousness of God, housed within these brains. We are manifestation of the Original Mind, the Ineffable Source's intelligence, but drastically dumbed-down in complete amnesia for a purpose. I offer this simple observation: everything is person.

By 'person' I mean that everything is intelligent, having a form of consciousness. While nothing else quite has the mind of man, we all recognize that animals have intelligence and emotions. I have heard of research which demonstrates that plants have intelligence and emotions, too. If you watch Gregg Braden's video I have recommended, scientists have discovered that even individual photons can learn. They have intelligence because everything is the manifestation of a PERSON, the Ineffable Most High Source of all things, because It is a PERSON.

This comes as no surprise to those who have heard his voice or seen his appearing. It follows that all the manifestation OF a person would BE a person. And this is why I absolutely hate the promulgation of the Law of Attraction as some kind of magnetic affect of vibrations, for it denies that it is a PERSON who is invisibly working all things together for the good that has been faithfully imagined by its manifestation. The 'Worker' is a person of incomprehensible intelligence and power, who is manifest as the innumerable individualized imaginings in everything. We are altogether this one, really big PERSON.

You might not have a problem thinking of your dog or other pet as a person. It is often said by the owners of pets that their animals are people, too. With a little stretching of our imagination, we can see plants, microbes, atoms and quantum level particles each as a person--the intelligence of the Ineffable manifesting Its personhood. Everything manifests personhood. So why say that, "Oh, it is just the vibrational frequencies attracting one another. Raise your frequency, and other higher frequencies will be drawn to you." What a load of crap. It is just an excuse to dismiss the PERSON we are dealing with.

When imagining works, it isn't higher vibrations you have found; it is HIM. And it works because you have ASSUMED with your intelligence. Our intelligence is HIS intelligence, and our imagining is HIS word, for the speech of God is HIS imagining, which HE is faithful to perform/fulfill. Okay, he does shake things up, but that still isn't the Law of Attraction's vibration--it is his wonderful, past-all-finding-out way of bringing his word to pass. You want something? Assume. And sleep on it.


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