Suicide Training for Vets: How the World Works, Operating Instructions
The world as we know it (including ourselves in all our apparent concreteness) is the manifestation of an ineffable Source's thought, or if you would, the imagination of God. Consequently, the world operates on the basis of thought. Being the manifestation of God's imagination, our thought also operates the world, like "potter's wheels inside a potter's wheel." That is why expectation holds such a command over the outcome of things: it creates the outcome. Man's assumption of what is real, what he actually believes, becomes manifest.
Misapplication of this principle can have severe consequences, as you may see. Fortunately, it is never too late to amend the existing manifestation by repentance. Repentance is taking on an entirely different assumption and making that one's belief, a new imagining of what is. The "trick" in all expectation is to imagine that what is desired already exists, that it already is. You must "die" to the present, as it is a fading aberration, a misformed pot, and live from and as the person you are in your newly assumed reality.
The first thing is you must know exactly what you want, what you want to be. What will you assume for yourself? You may want to be the person who has a job, or a promotion, or a spouse, or a vehicle, or a position, or an income. You will want to be a noble person, a magnanimous, generous, and polite person of repute. (Warning: if you intend evil, this isn't going anywhere, because the manifestation will be YOU!)
Second, you must devise a scene which implies that you have the fulfillment of your desire, that it already exists. You would in your scene be the noble, magnanimous, generous and polite person working in that job, or being congratulated by your friends for your promotion, or happy about your spouse, or driving that vehicle, honored by that position, or receiving that income. Got it? Because your desire now exists, you enjoy the consequences of that existence. This is the plan you are going to create, which will in its creation supersede your present existence.
Third, when you know exactly what you want and what consequence implies its existence--the man or woman you want to be--sit back comfortably and approach the state of sleep. Get ready for a nap or night's rest, but do not fall asleep yet. While you are still in control of your mental faculties, allow yourself to be by sleepiness lifted up above the cares and concerns of this world. This "world" is going to die to you, and you to it. All the "facts" of this world which flood your mind to say that you are not the person you wish to be die here as you are lifted above them. What you are for the moment is really not anything except for the spirit who is inhabiting your body. Nothing but the spirit of God committed to being nothing but God's spirit apart from the world that existed.
Fourth, the person you wish to be, that you desire to be, you now imagine you are. Imagine your devised scene clearly. Vividly. Make it 3-D, and be yourself the actor in it. Create in your imagination that world and be in it so much that you are thinking from it, hearing and seeing and sensing all its reality. Give it all the tones of reality. Here is one of the really big the tricks in operating the world: feel that it is real. You may have to recreate the scene several times, over and over, to get to the feeling of reality, but keep at it until that you in that place and time is your reality, that it is the state you really are in.
Fifth, you have to let go and let God do it. Abandon and abdicate from all self-lordship: you are not the one who is going to accomplish this. "Die" of all control of your life--cast self-control out of yourself! He is God, and He can do it. Remember this alone, and He will; and when it works, you will have found Him--that He is your own, wonderful, human imagination! (And He is all Eternity, from whence you came.)
And then, sixth, fall asleep in that state.
Seventh, what reality your inner man goes into, your outer man (or woman) will go also. The greater the magnitude of your repentance, the greater "gestation" time it may take for physical manifestation to occur. But it will occur. Be faithful to your new life. You are the "New" person: noble, gracious, loving, patient, and kind. You do not need to do anything to cause the new world to catch up to you. God is a faithful PERSON who can and will invisibly, imperceptibly move things in order to experience what you desired and created through you. You are His operant power.
For more on Self-abandonment, see: , especially pages 5 and 6.
The author has learned much from the writings and lectures of Neville Goddard, whose instructions are outlined above. Virtually everything of Neville Goddard is in the public domain and is available free, in text and audio, online on the Internet. See
or for pdf: is a real good source, too.
I especially appreciate the work this fellow has put into putting Neville's lectures on There are many sources for audio lectures on the Internet. Be careful. Most are free but you can purchase recordings. You are, by the way, falling into a wonderful world. There is a young lady who calls herself Nevillution who is making some very worthwhile compilations of excerpts from Neville's lectures:
Sorry if this philosophy upsets your apple cart. Hey, you were going to kill yourself, anyway. Why die physically? If you are in a bad place, go somewhere else. Mentally. Imagine the world as you want it, and yourself as you want you to be. Don't put on airs. Find the reality of the desired you in your imagination as you go to sleep, and, being there, fall sleep in that state. Then live as that person faithful to the ideal you have given to God to fulfill. And God bless you in it.
You can find more by this author at
Regarding Step Four: Are all five senses requisite when devising a scene? I seem to be able to use one or possibly two senses at a time. I can "hear" someone tell me something but not "see" them at the same time. I can use the sense of touch but usually not with accompanied "sight" and so forth. Does it still work to just make use of what imaginative faculty one has?
Regarding Step Seven: How does one not lose faith during the gestation period, especially if it is a long one?
This is the first time I have ever seen expressed what you wrote here, which makes sense: The greater the magnitude of your repentance, the greater "gestation" time it may take for physical manifestation to occur.
What do I do when the negative thoughts come?
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM
No, you do not need to involve all senses, just the feeling that what you do perceive is real. This is not magic, it is petition. Your feeling it is real is asking that it become manifest as physically real.
Actually, I believe the greater the magnitude of repentance, the lesser the time of gestation. Hence "instantaneous" healing.
Regarding negative thoughts and long gestation periods, just be faithful. I do not know how much of an experience you have had or how much is necessary, but I know that many people have had the experience and that it is what the Bible is about. We might need more practice or refinement. But hold on to the idea, the conviction that it is real. That God is real, and that he has become you and is causing you to become him. I hope you will read some of my more recent posts. Thanks for writing.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:36 AM
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