The Becoming God

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

In What Way Are the Antediluvian Patriarchs Us?

It is easy to see that Adam is the power of Life, the spirit consciousness of God that God makes into us. The "rib" that comes out in sleep is the creative power of Life's purpose and desire in the dream state, imagining. God empowers the purpose and desire of Life to manifest, thus the rib's creative power becomes Eve, the mother of all living.
Man is the plan, but this sphere of death is not a pleasant proposition. God's spirit consciousness follows God's will, but, "Do I really have to do that?"

Says the Shining One, the Power and the Wisdom of God that has become us: "Hey, you will become more like the Most High if you get with the program. You won't really 'die' in that form of death; it is just forgetting for awhile while you get generated into a better being. Besides, I will always be with you, because I am you."

So we descent into humanhood and acquire fixity of being, Cain, and Abel, transitoriness, and complete ignorance due to the amnesia that makes being here possible.

"Whoa! I didn't see that coming."


"I don't know. I forget. Are there sandwiches?"

In humanness we see the fixity of our being and can count on that. God's nature of transitoriness, not so much. That requires faith. We live our lives following physical whims instead of relying on God, who is almost entirely shut out of our consciousness (which, ironically, is God). "Well, we have lost Abel, consciousness of God's transitoriness."


"The thing that makes good things happen."

"Oh, yeah. I always loved that guy. Not to worry: I'll come up with a Seth, a substitute to put in his place."

"Won't be as good, Enos."

"Sure it will. Now, what was he? Spirit stuff of some sort. There is a God out there somewhere that was impressed as hell by the guy. How about Cainan? We can build a religion and occupy it like a nest, maybe become monks and lament our faults. Or how about Mahalaleel? We can shine in exuberance and throw out our hands and dance all around enthusiastically -- make a big show of how clearly we love God."

"I'm not sure those are the kinds of things that impress God. Spirit is an inner thing. I would rather Jared: descend into myself in deep meditation -- get down and get serious. Maybe if I Enoch -- narrow myself and apply discipline, he will teach me and initiate me in what Abel is like. Then my way will eventually get there."

"Sounds like a long project." . . . "How'd it go?"

"By Jove, I think I've got it. Over some time I matured -- Methuselah -- into an adult in my consciousness and saw that God's Life is the animating force of my life. 'My' life that I have been controlling to do whatever I want is really HIS Life. I have robbed God of whatever purpose he had for putting his Life in me. My self-control in my own self-lordship has for all my life been used as a weapon against myself! I saw that I had made myself a rebel against God, and that the only thing to do was to go back to square one, to cast self-control out of myself, and just wholly undo myself in complete submission to God. I chucked self-control out of myself and fully expected to fall flat on my face like a blob. Instead, I didn't fall, I just felt curiously Lamech, the opposite of a king -- powerless. I had abdicated self-rule in full. I had a peace I couldn't understand, Noah, a rest wherein I knew God was with me, in me, that I was accepted by God and that everything was okay. God was in charge, and MOMENT BY MOMENT HE WOULD WORK THINGS TOGETHER TO GOOD FOR ME. I found God's acceptable substitute for Abel: Noah, trust in God and letting go to let him do it. Let him float your boat!

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