Anger-caused Cancer: Healing by Forgiveness, continued: Prayer, How to, Part II
I mentioned in the previous article that it is the nature of the universe to manifest what is believed by Mind (which we are), and that the most common SUCCESSFUL form of prayer for physical healing is simple acceptance. There is a way in which the "water" of this philosophy becomes the "blood" of life-bearing actuality. For this purpose I mention the experience of my friend and neighbor Janet at Melodyland School of Theology:
Janet was as innocent, childlike and unassuming a person as I have ever met. During our courses at Melodyland, Janet contracted tuberculosis. I know she did, because hanging around with her I got it, too. I had to take medicine every day for half a year because of Janet's tuberculosis. But Janet was given to worshiping and praising God with all her heart in private, and in a reverie in her living room one day she was so caught up in spirit that she felt she was in the very presence of God, which of course being God, she was. She said that in her ecstasy she lost contact with earth and was "there," embroiled in the sensation of palpable love and joy (my words describing hers). Suddenly the Voice said, "You are healed." And she was. Her next visit to the doctor confirmed that the hole in her lung was filling in with new material.
You understand, I hope, that the six jars of water for purification at the wedding in Cana (John ch. 2) contained the ashes of the red heifer (see Numbers ch. 19). If a person touched something dead, that water sprinkled on him would purify him. 'Cana' comes from the Hebrew word for erect, implying the power to create. It is Mind, the intelligence that is power, and that is where Janet went. Janet's lungs had touched death just as our lives contract death in this 'life.' In her reverie Janet's Mind simply accepted that higher world, and the "water" of her Mind's belief became "wine" -- the "blood" of God's Life's in her manifest reality. This is the "blood" of Jesus we are to drink. Janet drank the blood of Christ in the reverie of her worship and praise, and by its power to create she was healed.
-- To be continued.
--Sorry for the delay in continuing this article. My intent was to help angry people facing anger-induced cancer to find healing through forgiving. Experience and scripture have taken me on a different tact: the Mosaic Science of Prayer leads us to seek forgiveness for OURSELVES in order to achieve healing. Moses wrote a success manual, a Science of Prayer handbook. I have realized that the "antediluvian patriarchs," those guys who lived 900+ years until the Great Flood of Noah and the ark, were Moses' TALKING POINTS for his lecture series on how to create the world you want through prayer. They are the outline of a lesson plan. Translate the "names" and you will discover a progression of attitudes -- natures or states of being -- we are to go through to attain the proper state of mind to float above the "facts" of this world that deny the existence of the world we desire.
Not the least of these natures is Jared, "descent." Not the descent of Spirit to us, but descent of the rebellious spirit IN us. The angry is the one who needs forgiveness! For who the heck does he (or she) think he is to dare judge God on what He is doing? Such pride is sin; thinking that you are something is rebellion as witchcraft.
"Heaven is my throne and earth is the rug under my feet; where is the house YOU have built for me? or where is the country to which you will have me come down? All these are what MY hand made, and they are MINE, all of them, and whom shall I take and make alive except for the one who is calm and gentle in spirit, someone who is moved by my word and my manifestation?" (Isaiah 66: 2, Victor Alexander translation from the ancient Aramaic, emphasis mine).
I.e., who are YOU to be angry?
Added February 10, 2016:
I have rewritten part III of this article many times. What I wanted to say in part III I have put in bits of articles between October 22, 2015 and February 10, 2016. I finally got a summation of what I wanted to direct you to in
The Antediluvian Patriarchs were not people but are attitudes in us that do not quite "cut the mustard" in our relationship with God. For forgiveness you want to find rest in God, an acceptable substitute for the transitoriness of his life in you that you have forgotten. When you can give it all up to God, to undo your self-control and accept his living your life, I think you will be in a good place for healing. I know there are a lot of facts that say what you want is not to be. When you rest in God and float as his unconditioned awareness of being, he can sail you to the experience you desire . . . and the new facts will become. God bless.
Hi Dan, I don't know why at this time in my life I am surprised to find that contemplating and working on forgiveness I find this post of yours. I recently read this line in "A Course In Miracles" "if you attack another's error, you will hurt yourself." This struck me that if everyone is me pushed out it is absolutely true. The world is my mirror and the shadows I cast on others are my own. So I love your post of forgiveness, it is a confirmation to me on the importance of forgiving, not so much for the other person, but for ourselves. The more I see myself as the "image and likeness" of God, the more I heal. Thank you. You are a wise man. You must spend a great deal of time in contemplation. I am not very good at it. Imagining is a stretch too, though I am getting better at it. When I first found Neville I had the audacity to think I was going to experience everything he did in this life time! Now I have experienced the expansion of consciousness in meditation so I believe my practice is working. I have to push my mind to go beyond where it is comfortable being or even knows. I also really loved the example of your friend being in a state of reverie. This is something else I have been thinking about lately because of your post "Providence" (I think that was its title." I have been working in this direction, to feel so close to my I Amness that I get lost in the love and the joy. I haven't gotten there yet, but I do feel more joyful. Everything is baby steps. Perhaps I have many more lifetimes to go. Oh well. I am loving the journey! Thank you so much for sharing all you have learned and studied. It is a blessing to me.
ccraig, at 4:53 PM
Wow, you really are reading my old stuff. By what you say, I imagine you are familiar with Gregg Braden's teaching on the Seven Essene Mirrors, that our self projects in forms that tell us who we are. I encourage you to get and read much (if you haven't already) Rabbi David A. Cooper's God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the practice of mystical Judaism. This is the stuff Neville learned from Abdullah. Thank you for thinking that I must contemplate a lot. It is more like I puzzle a lot (See Mark Virkler on YouTube, I find that when I puzzle, God explains with illuminating thoughts that just appear. So I am almost constantly in an "Oh," state. "Oh," piles upon "Oh," which is why I have been slow to respond with a post to your earlier comment.
And no, I do not think you have many more lifetimes to go through. It seems you are finding out and quickly grasping that your "I am," is that "I am."
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 9:14 PM
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