The Becoming God

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Victor Alexander: a Generation Ahead

I have to make some adjustments to what I was about to post. Here is a much more important site to investigate while I unscrew what I am working on. I'll see you here, later:  (AAC is the Ancient Aramaic Church.)

By the way, I just realized that the work Victor Alexander is doing is going to pay off in the next generation. Gee, I'm going to have to live to be two-hundred years old to see how it all works out!

Seriously, please pay my friend Victor Alexander's web site an extended visit. It will be well worth your time. I keep finding gems all over the place. Even his links are to little cubbies that are more important than anything I can say. As they are buried in his site, I don't know how anyone could find them, so I am telling you about them in hopes you and others will find his goldmine and search it thoroughly. Be sure to use your browser's back arrow to get back where you clicked from.

I just found, too, that Victor has opened the digital archive of his translations to everyone. You can read his translations before you buy them. But hey, support him with donations and purchases. I'm going to get his latest, Proverbs, as soon as I can (I use snail-mail). What part of 'support' do you not understand? Buy, purchase, and support this man who is sacrificing so much for you.

When I do unscrew what I am working on, I'll explain Aramaic Primacy and the timing of the Crucifixion. No, I don't agree with Alexander, but that is something I have to work around. Neville Goddard obviously did not agree with the Bible as it is written, but he studied it diligently every day. Do not expect others to unravel mysteries for you, but unravel them yourself.


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