How Kevin Trudeau Thought His Way Into Prison
It is not vibration that draws things together, but God who forms things as manifestation of his word. He is his word. God is a person. Well, It is way beyond "person," but we are all in him, and our "person" is a portrait of whatever It is. We are illustrations of him. Not our outward person, but our inward person.
I am not only saying that the Law of Attraction does not work (it doesn't), and that it is utter nonsense (it is), I am saying that the Law of Attraction does not exist. Nothing exists. I am acutely aware of the profundity of matter and of ourselves, but these do not matter. "Reality" only indicates the profundity of God's imagination. We are incorporate thought, the Ineffable's imagining, or, if you would, his word. What works is the Ineffable. Our imagining only works inasmuch as it is the Ineffable. That is why we get still, approach the state of sleep, float as unconditioned awareness of being and imagine AS the Ineffable, and our imagining takes time to gestate.
Do you want to get out of jail? Read Victor Alexander's translation of Daniel, chapter 4 (below; see King Nebuchadnasser thought he had vibrated all his kingdom together, too. The law to follow is Humility Before That Person Who Is the Unfathomable Source of All Existence. He is a person (and much, much more, of course), and we are in him and he is in us as person, not as vibration. If the Law of Vibration ever seemed to work, it was only because the imagining of the Ineffable was involved.
For greed's sake, Trudeau followed an illusion. He should have followed instead the Manifestation of the Ineffable. Interpersonal relationships are more important than he thought. The Source was not impressed even by King Nebuchadnasser. How much less would the Source be impressed by Kevin Trudeau?
If you can read outside materials, read everything you can by Neville Goddard. By the way, the theology is the technique.
Daniel 4
1. King Nebuchadnasser wrote to all the
nations, motherlands and tongues that inhabit the entire earth: May you
have great tranquility. 2. The signs and wonders that the God in the Highest has performed, it pleases me to express to you. 3. How great are his signs, and how magnificent* his wonders; his kingdom is the Everlasting* Kingdom and his authority is over all the centuries. 4. I, Nebuchadnasser, was lying peacefully* at home and resting in my temple,* 5. When I saw a dream; I was mesmerized; the vision in my head stunned me. 6. And I commanded that they bring to me* all the wise men of Babylon, to reveal to me the meaning of the dream.* 7. And there came before me the magicians, the seers, the magi, the Chaldeans, and I told them the dream,* but they could not tell me what it was.* 8. Until there entered before me Daniel, whose name is Beltshazzar, after my God's name, who possesses the Spirit of the Holy Elohim,* and I related the dream before him. 9. "Beltshazzar, chief of the wise men, I know that the Holy Spirit of Elohim* is in you, there is no mystery* hidden from you; in my dream I saw a vision in my head;* you tell me its meaning.* 10. "I saw while in bed, a tree of great height in the middle* of the earth. 11. "The tree grew and proliferated* and its height reached the sky, and it could be seen to the ends* of the earth. 12. "Its leaves were beautiful and its fruit* was plentiful, and there was food in it for all flesh;* under it there lived all the creatures of the wilderness, and on its limbs all the birds* of the sky nestled, and from it all flesh was nourished.* 13. "I saw a waking vision, while in bed, a holy observer that came down from heaven, 14. "He called out in a powerful [voice] and proclaimed,* 'Cut down the tree, decimate its branches, drop its leaves and scatter its fruit* -- let the creatures depart* from under it and the birds* of the sky from its branches. 15. " 'Leave the rest of its stump,* however, in the earth, to fetter the creatures of the wilderness to it with iron and bronze, for it shall be protected* by the shade of the sky, and together with the creatures of the wilderness he* shall live on the vegetation of the earth. 16. " 'And his heart departs from humanity, and the heart of the creature he is given and seven periods of time come over him.* 17. " 'The declaration of the Observer represents an explanation and the command of the holy one raises a question, so as they may know that the authority of the Highest One who lives eternally is upon all the kingdoms of man, who gives onto whomever he pleases and he can raise over them the weakest men or women. 18. " 'This dream that I, King Nebuchadnasser saw, and that which Beltshazzar revealed its meaning* to me -- because all the wise men of my kingdom were not able to explain it to me,* that which, you, Daniel, were able to do, because the Spirit of the holy gods was in you. 19. " 'Then Daniel, whose name is Beltshazzar, stopped as one in shock, his own thoughts having scared him, whereupon the king replied and said to Beltshazzar: the dream and the meaning does not scare us. Then Daniel replied and said: My, Lord, may the dream befall your haters and its intent be for your enemies. 20. " 'The tree that you saw, that grew and became strong, its height reaching the heavens,* [the tree] that could be seen to the end of the earth, 21. " 'Its leaves so beautiful, its fruit so plentiful, providing food for all flesh,* below which lived all the creatures of the wilderness, in its branches nestled all the birds* of the sky, and from it was nourished all flesh -- 22. " 'It is you, O, king, who grew strong and great,* grew and reached the sky and your dominion [stretched] to the end of the universe. 23. " '[You are] the king who saw the holy Observer that came down from heaven, who called in a powerful [voice,] and said to cut down the tree and its extensions,* to leave the root of its stump in the earth, however, to tie it with iron and bronze to fetter the creatures of the wilderness, to let him be protected by the shade of the sky, to let him live together with the creatures of the wilderness on the vegetation of the earth, to let his heart depart from humanity, and to be given the heart of the creatures, until the seven periods of time have come over him. 24. " 'This is the meaning, O, king, majestic* and high, you have reached the [stature of the] angel, my lord; 25. " 'You have been cast out of humanity, and your abode will be with the creatures of the wilderness; they shall feed you vegetation like the oxen, and the shade of the sky shall be your protection, and seven periods [of time] shall come over you, until you realize that the Most High has authority over the kingdom of man, that to whomever he pleases he gives it. 26. " 'And that which he said regards leaving the stump of the tree with its roots, these are the kingdoms -- it is for you when you shall rise again, when you understand that all authority is from heaven.* 27. " 'That is why, my king, you are being praised,* and your sins are forgiven through righteousness and your abominations through mercy over the down-trodden -- until your foolishness has departed from you.'" 28. All these things happened to King Nebuchadnasser.* 29. And after twelve months, King Nebuchadnasser was walking on top of his kingdom's temple, 30. When he declared and said, "Was not this the Babylon that I built as the seat of my kingdom,* of my stronghold* and of my honor?" 31. And while the manifestation was still in his mouth, the voice came from heaven, "I say to you, Nebuchadnasser the king, that your kingdom has been taken* from you. 32. "You shall be cast out of humanity, your abode shall be with the creatures of the wilderness, they shall feed you vegetation like an ox, you shall be protected by the shade of the sky, and seven periods of time shall come over you, until you realize that God in the Highest has authority over the kingdom of man; he gives it to whom he pleases, and that he raises the down-trodden over it." 33. In that very hour, that manifestation befell* King Nebuchadnasser; he was cast out of humanity, he ate the vegetation like an ox, he was protected only by the shade of the sky, until his hair was long as that of [the feathers] of an eagle and his nails were as long as the claws of a bird. 34. And as the Days came to an end,* I, King Nebuchadnasser, raised my eyes to heaven, came to myself again,* I blessed the Most High, I glorified the One who lives forever,* I made preparations -- for his authority is eternal and his kingdom is everlasting.* 35. And all the inhabitants of the earth are like nothing before him, and he does whatever he pleases to the powers of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth, and there is no one that can raise his hand and say, "What are you doing?" 36. In that very season, my cognition returned to me, my nobles and generals harkened to me, I regained my kingdom and greater majesty was added to me. 37. Thus, I, Nebuchanasser, glorify, exalt and serve* the King of Heaven, whose actions are genuine and whose ways are just, and those that walk in pomp he is able to humble. |
*4:3.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Overwhelmingly."
*4:3.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "To the end of the universe."
*4:4.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Quiet."
*4:4.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "In my bodily form."
*4:6.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Ordered to have entered before me."
*4:6.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "The meltdown of the dream to show me."
*4:7.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "And I told the dream before them."
*4:7.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Its meltdown they could not inform me."
*4:8 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "That the spirit of the Allahein the blesseds is in him."
*4:9.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Allahein."
*4:9.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Sermon."
*4:9.3 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Vision of my head."
*4:9.4 Lit. Ar. id.: "Meltdown."
*4:10 Lit. Ar. id.: "Balance."
*4:11.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Rose and thickened."
*4:11.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Lips."
*4:12.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "What's in it."
*4:12.2 Lit. Ar. idiom retained: "Everyone."
*4:12.3 Lit. Ar. id.: "Nestlers."
*4:12.4 Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "satiated."
*4:14.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Commanded thus."
*4:14.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "What's in it."
*4:14.3 Lit. Ar. id.: "End."
*4:14.4 Lit. Ar. id.: "Nesters."
*4:15.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Circumference."
*4:15.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Satiated."
*4:15.3 Lit. Aramaic: There is no neuter gender in Aramaic.
*4:16 Lit. Ar. id.: "Change over him."
*4:18.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Told its meltdown."
*4:18.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Make it known to me."
*4:20 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And its height reaches until the sky."
*4:21.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Food for every flesh in it."
*4:21.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Nestlers."
*4:22 Lit. Ar. id.: "Lordified."
*4:23 Lit. Ar. id.: "Its ropes."
*4:24 Lit. Ar. id.: "Circumcised."
*4:26 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "When you know that authority from heaven that."
*4:27 Lit. Ar. id.: "Make handsome."
*4:28 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "These all reached to Nebuchadnasser, the king."
*4:30 Lit. Ar. id.: "House."
*4:31 Lit. Ar. id.: "Passed."
*4:33 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Became delivered to."
*4:34.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "As the Days were completed."
*4:34.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "My awareness again over me."
*4:34.3 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And to His Lives to [the end of] the universes I praised."
*4:37 Lit. Ar. id.: [Stand] in preparedness.
Imagine you are free and at home . . . in humility before Him..
Neville teaches what's basically taught by Kevin, though. You have a goal.. you build up a desire for it, and assume the feeling of it.
You really don't know what happened to Kevin. He might have just ignored his instinct that something was going to happen from higher governmental forces if he continued his anti-gov podcast, and if he continued talking about how higher groups are trying to suppress people by various means that he talked about in YWIYC... and because he ignored those hunches for whatever reason.. a chain reaction of anger against him.. finally caused his imprisonment... but the basics of what he talks about, with respect to purposing feeling good now, and imagining that your desires are here now, are accurate. It's what Neville teaches
Anonymous, at 5:26 PM
Which is why I am against the Law of Attraction; it teaches the mechanics without the message.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 8:58 PM
I do wish that Neville would have taught more about listening to your intuition in the silence.
Anonymous, at 5:22 AM
I was going to let your comment end this, but it occurs to me that Kevin has a genius and talent for understanding personal gain which could have been used for understanding scripture.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 1:46 PM
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