The Becoming God

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Humility: An Alert to Neville Goddardesque Manifesters; The World Does Not Revolve Around Us

Well, actually, it does. But that is because we are the ones spinning it. We are living creatures, and our potter's wheels are inside the Potter's wheel. 'Potter' means imagination. Take this illustration of what is going on:

God is kind of like a large flat coin. There is a really gorgeous, perfect and beautiful top surface of the coin; and a really scummy, imperfect and scraggy bottom surface. We are face down on the bottom side looking down from the coin, and the coin (God) is right behind our eyes. Everything we see is imagined in the coin. We spin around, but we do not move. We blink, but our eyes do not close. The world spins as we move it imaginally. We get on the bus that takes me to you, our bodies do their things, we lie down to sleep . . . all without moving. There is not squat vibrating that is moving toward like vibration.

There isn't anything to move. We are eternal, invisible, incorporate spirit. We are not really looking down, unmoving, the coin right behind our eyes. The clay cart we are in is imagined in the coin; we are imagining everything. Yes, that rash, too. Birth, death, ah, a moment to look inside the coin. Whoops, looking back down at the scum again. Life here is all an illustration; it is the Gospel of salvation to be discovered in the scum world we imagine. The generation of the world is the generation of us.

You think the world is profoundly real until you have a spiritual experience. The blind man sees and says, "What the?" The coin thinks you can see, and voila, you can see.

Dan, Dan, Dan, what has this to do with anything? Why did the coin imagine the blind man could see, or that the leper was healed, or that the lost was found? Hellooo, humility. We are learning to imagine like the Ineffable. The revised imagining in the coin is an example, a demonstration: "Imagine like this." What did I do?

You let the coin imagine. You surrendered what you wanted to God. You were humble.

But I want fast cars and lots of money and a big house -- houses. In all the great cities. Multiple incomes, recognition, beauty, fame, honor and lots and lots of pleasure. I want everyone to be envious and to know how glorious I am. I am glorious, and that is why I am attracting everything glorious to myself. It is the Law of Attraction. It is just the nature of things. Of course I deserve the best: I AM the best.

Or, the Bible could be true and we are evolving into the likeness of God in the Highest. Sorry about the weirdness of what seems to be a contradiction: God is great and we are him, but it is wrong to think that we are great like him. The difference is that he does not self-assert; it is just his natural state. THAT is what we are supposed to submit to. We are supposed to become exactly like him whom we are. He who. God, I hate that stuff.

This all comes from a moment in my personal Bible. I was on my knees at Grace Bible Church in Honolulu, and I had discovered that I had become a mud-man and had taken the life given me in God's grace as my own. I did with it whatever I pleased, and I never acknowledged God nor thanked him for this life. I was living in the ignorant independence of my own self-lordship and pursuing whatever I wanted, which was rebellion as witchcraft. God's purpose for my existence, whatever he had created me for, had been waiting in abeyance for 25 years! How was I going to make that up to him? I couldn't go back. It was time lost, never to be found or made up. The ONLY thing I could do was to STOP my own control of my life and START living under God's control for his purpose exclusively, IF he would have me do so. In faith I cast my self-lordship out of myself and waited: "I am mud animated by your life. You are Glorious God. Whatever you want me to do, that I will do."

I waited listening. What was I supposed to do? I was completely submitted. I had found surrender. I was completely at God's disposal. And listening, I heard the faintest of words, soft and far-off, yet present in my imagination: "Remember this, and it is all right." It is all right? Then, I am accepted? !!! Then the rivers of living water flooded my bowels in the ecstasy of the baptism in the Holy Spirit with tongues, raised hands and all that stuff.

So people ask me: You know all this Neville Goddard stuff now. What are you manifesting?

Manifesting? Manifestation just happens because of the Law. The Law isn't a mine; it is our life -- the very nature of God. I do not have to make things become; I have to trust Him. I do see that what I imagine does become, but the trouble is that "I" am still in it. I do not imagine good. I do not imagine like God. I still need to undo "me." The rebellion as witchcraft is forgiven but hasn't gone away. Life without it is what I have to find, and I certainly am not going to find it by living as selfishly as I can, blasting the Law as though it were a mine of diamonds for me. I trust him for salvation, not Saks Fifth Avenue.

The shiny, glorious and perfect top of the coin is not arrogant. It simply is the Most High, whatever that is (we haven't a clue). That is all I want to be. All the scum? Good bye. The very best in this world is still scum. Except Him. Check your purposes, what do you want this scum for? Look over yonder at God. Wouldn't you rather be that? He says, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11: 28-30).


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