The Becoming God

Sunday, August 09, 2015

MY IMAGINING CREATES THE WORLD: The Secret of Proverbs 30: 1-4

God said to Moses in Exodus 3: 14, "My imagining creates the world."

David (Jakeh) said to Solomon (Agur) in Proverbs 30: 1, "My imagining creates the world."

Moses says in Adam's (Life's) rib (desire) becoming Eve (manifesting power), "My imagining creates the world.

Ezekiel says in his first chapter's Living Creatures and potter's wheels, "My imagining creates the world."

Malachi 3: 10 actually says, "All the nation brings its tithes into my stores and there is food in my house, and they test me with this, . . . and I open a window for you in heaven and shower you with blessings until you say, 'this is more than enough'" (Victor Alexander translation). This means, "My imagining creates the world."

That is not the way you read it in the Bible, but that is what it is saying. You read, "I AM THAT I AM," in Exodus 3:14. It was changed. It says in Aramaic, from before the change, "Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh": something like "I become -- creative imagining -- his becoming." In a non-dual (oneness) existence, God was saying, "My imagining creates the world."

Much earlier than Solomon's proverbs of chapter 1-24, David realized that the Holy Spirit was in him and God was revealing himself through him; that he -- we(!) -- are one with God. Solomon (Agur) says in Proverbs 30: 1-4 that Jakeh-with-power (David in the spirit) "said to Ithiel, even to Ithiel and Ucal" some weird, arcane, self-contradicting nonsense that no one can understand. In truth, what Solomon said was more like, "The mighty man said, 'God is in me, God is in me . . . to be consumed.'" That is, "My imagining creates the world."

If you read the Bible as history, then the names you read are to you people who lived and died long ago. If you read the Bible as psychological, as explanation of the field of spiritual power, then the "names" are to you natures of eternal states we pass through in our ascension into the Form of the Ineffable. We move to these states; the world is a facilitating consequence manifested for our movement. We create the world by our imagining. Our imagining creates reality.

This perspective was wholly unacceptable to the scribes and the priests who were in charge of the scriptures. It not only says that we are on par with the priests; it says that we are on par with God -- ARE God! "Who has ascended up to heaven and descended?" Proverbs 30: 4 asks. "You?" ask the scribes. "YES!" shouts the text.

The scribes and priests formed the Bible to their dualistic (and self-serving) theology. They bent it. Please, form your theology to the non-dual theology of the Bible. Read it right and bend your theology to it. God is not an unconscious vibration, a neutral, non-judging force that accepts whatever your input is. He is a person who can speak and does judge. And he asks of those for whom "manifesting" works, "If it works and you have found Me, the Father; and I am your Father, then where is my honor?" The judgment of God in Daniel is that we should have -- must have -- humility before he who is our Source. We are his sons. In our lives, where is our honor to Him? It is a really good question, is it not?


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