The Becoming God

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Write Your Own "Bible"

Write your own scriptures. I do not mean for you to make stuff up, but do write down your own testimony -- your own experiences, your own insights, your own "words," your own revelations. Moses had an experience. He wrote it down and kept writing, and now we have the Pentateuch. Your genuine experiences are as valid and inspired as his.

Neville preached his experiences; I preach mine. Have you been baptized in the Holy Spirit? What was that like? Have you heard the Voice? seen a vision? had a genuine revelation that made you gasp, or fear, or melt with love? have you watched your own healing? had a manifestation caused by your imagining? Write it down. Things that you "know that you know that you know."

Why write it down? To keep it alive. Two of the most powerful things in my life are (present tense) Lynn Travis's testimony and my arm growing out. I had just encountered a demon in my occult meditation and realized that I was going the wrong way. I went over to my mother's best friend's at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, and she said to me, "Dan, I was just walking back in the parking structure with Raphael and I had the worst migraine I've ever had from reading those "Jesus" books your mother keeps sending me, and I said to Raphael, 'Ralph, Jesus gave me this headache, and he can have it!' And the headache disappeared! I couldn't make my heard hurt. I was just being as flippant as I could be, and it disappeared, (snap) like that!"

Years later, when Lynn was dying from cancer, I reminded her of this experience. It was as fresh in my mind as this morning, but she had forgotten. "No, I don't remember that." How could anyone forget?!!!

At Melodyland Christian Center I watched my arm grow out just half an inch or so, maybe 5/8ths of an inch, and my mother was standing next to me supposedly watching also. Charles Hunter had just asked Jesus as simple as you can imagine to make all the limbs being held out to become the right length. I held as still as possible and watched my fingertips on the left grow out to match those on the right. No wonder my shirt sleeves always seemed to be shorter on the right than on the left. The arm was longer! Years later, when my mother was dying of cancer, I reminded her of this experience. Even if she was not watching at the time, I had told her how I watched my arm grow out right there, but she did not remember.


Hey, look at this: we are on and/or right now. You can compose your testimony right here and leave it open-ended for editing at any time. You simply start a blog, name it something like The Testimony of whatever your initials are, or use your real name or a pseudonym, and fill in whatever information you feel comfortable sharing. Warning, you are NOT anonymous on the internet. Every computer has a specific IP address traceable through the wires right to where it physically is. Anyway, then whenever you make a comment on blogspot, people can click back through the links to your testimony and be inspired by what you share.

Do you have a church, synagogue or mosque? Why don't you invite everyone to write down their own inspired testimony? Paul was just writing to friends, Mark was just trying to straighten out the Jews, Moses was just trying to share what he had learned. The scriptures are DEEMED to be scriptures by those who follow, who judge and recognize the degree of inspiration in them. But they have to be written first. You are as inspired in your own life as any prophet. And if you say anything amiss, you can go back and edit. Edit and publish, edit and re-publish. You can have one post or dozens -- hundreds even, in a blog. Just write the truth of your own life, the genuinely spiritual manifestations and insights, and . . . it is FREE!


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